









1. If (e is NB) and (ec is NB) then (u is PB) (1)

2. If (e is NB) and (ec is NM) then (u is PB) (1)

3. If (e is NB) and (ec is NS) then (u is PM) (1)

4. If (e is NB) and (ec is Z) then (u is PM) (1)

5. If (e is NB) and (ec is PS) then (u is PS) (1)

6. If (e is NB) and (ec is PM) then (u is PS) (1)

7. If (e is NB) and (ec is PB) then (u is Z) (1)

8. If (e is NM) and (ec is NB) then (u is PB) (1)

9. If (e is NM) and (ec is NM) then (u is PM) (1)

10. If (e is NM) and (ec is NS) then (u is PM) (1)

11. If (e is NM) and (ec is Z) then (u is PS) (1)

12. If (e is NM) and (ec is PS) then (u is PS) (1)

13. If (e is NM) and (ec is PM) then (u is Z) (1)

14. If (e is NM) and (ec is PB) then (u is NS) (1)

15. If (e is NS) and (ec is NB) then (u is PM) (1)

16. If (e is NS) and (ec is NM) then (u is PM) (1)

17. If (e is NS) and (ec is NS) then (u is PS) (1)

18. If (e is NS) and (ec is Z) then (u is PS) (1)

19. If (e is NS) and (ec is PS) then (u is Z) (1)

20. If (e is NS) and (ec is PM) then (u is NS) (1)

21. If (e is NS) and (ec is PB) then (u is NS) (1)

22. If (e is Z) and (ec is NB) then (u is PM) (1)

23. If (e is Z) and (ec is NM) then (u is PS) (1)

24. If (e is Z) and (ec is NS) then (u is PS) (1)

25. If (e is Z) and (ec is Z) then (u is Z) (1)

26. If (e is Z) and (ec is PS) then (u is NS) (1)

27. If (e is Z) and (ec is PM) then (u is NS) (1)

28. If (e is Z) and (ec is PB) then (u is NM) (1)

29. If (e is PS) and (ec is NB) then (u is PS) (1)

30. If (e is PS) and (ec is NM) then (u is PS) (1)

31. If (e is PS) and (ec is NS) then (u is Z) (1)

32. If (e is PS) and (ec is Z) then (u is NS) (1)

33. If (e is PS) and (ec is PS) then (u is NS) (1)

34. If (e is PS) and (ec is PM) then (u is NM) (1)

35. If (e is PS) and (ec is PB) then (u is NM) (1)

36. If (e is PM) and (ec is NB) then (u is PS) (1)

37. If (e is PM) and (ec is NM) then (u is PS) (1)

38. If (e is PM) and (ec is NS) then (u is Z) (1)

39. If (e is PM) and (ec is Z) then (u is NS) (1)

40. If (e is PM) and (ec is PS) then (u is NM) (1)

41. If (e is PM) and (ec is PM) then (u is NM) (1)

42. If (e is PM) and (ec is PB) then (u is NB) (1)

43. If (e is PB) and (ec is NB) then (u is Z) (1)

44. If (e is PB) and (ec is NM) then (u is NS) (1)

45. If (e is PB) and (ec is NS) then (u is NS) (1)

46. If (e is PB) and (ec is Z) then (u is NM) (1)

47. If (e is PB) and (ec is PS) then (u is NM) (1)

48. If (e is PB) and (ec is PM) then (u is NB) (1)

49. If (e is PB) and (ec is PB) then (u is NB) (1)





addpath 'func\'title_function%初始化
a1        = 1.2;
b1        = 1;
b2        = 0.8;
b3        = 0;ta        = 40;
sys       = tf(a1,[b1,b2,b3]);
dsys      = c2d(sys,0.1,'z');
[num,den] = tfdata(dsys,'v');
ts        = 0.1;%采样时间T=0.1%闭环控制器
for k=1:SIM_timesktime(k) = k*ts;%定义输入信号yd(k)   = 2;  %定义输出信号if k < tayn = 0; elseyn = -den(2)*y1 - den(3)*y2 + num(2)*u1 + num(3)*u2;end    y2   = y1;y1   = yn;y(k) = yn;u2   = u1;e2   = e1;e1   = yd(k)-yn;e(k) = e1;ec   =(e1-e2);x1   =(1-exp(-10*e1))/(1+exp(-10*e1));x2   =(1-exp(-ec))/(1+exp(-ec));%第1层输出for i=1:7o11(i) = x1;o12(i) = x2;endo1=[o11;o12];%第2层输出for i=1:2for j=1:7z1(i,j)  =-((o1(i,j)-a(i,j))^2)/(b(i,j));o2(i,j)  =  exp(z1(i,j));endend%第3层输出for j=1:7for l=1:7o3((j-1)*7+l)=o2(1,j)*o2(2,l);endend%第4层输出I=0;for i=1:49I = I + o3(i)*Weight(i)/4;endo4   = I/(sum(o3));u(k) = o4;u1   = o4;%梯度下降法调整权值for i=1:49dwp       =  e1*du*o3(i)/(sum(o3));%迭代Weight(i) =  Weight(i) + eta*dwp;end%中心值更新da11=zeros(1,7);for j=1:7for l=1:7da11(j) =  da11(j)+(o2(2,l)*((Weight((j-1)*7+l)*sum(o3))-I));endda12(1,j)   = -e1*du*(2*(o1(1,j)-a(1,j))*(o2(1,j)))/((b(1,j)^2)*(sum(o3))^2);da1(j)      = (da12(1,j))*(da11(j));endda21 = zeros(1,7);for j=1:7for l=1:7da21(j) = da21(j)+(o2(1,l)*((Weight((l-1)*7+j)*sum(o3))-I));endda22(2,j) = -e1*du*(2*(o1(2,j)-a(2,j))*(o2(2,j))/((b(2,j)^2)*(sum(o3))^2));da2(j)    = (da22(2,j))*(da21(j));end      da=[da1;da2];for i=1:2for j=1:7a(i,j)=a(i,j)-eta*da(i,j);endend             a_s(:,:,k) = a;if k == 1a_(:,:,k) = a_s(:,:,1);elsefor i = 1:2for j = 1:7dist_tmp(i,j) = (a_s(i,j,k) - a_(i,j))^2;endenddist = sqrt(sum(sum(dist_tmp))); if dist < 0.1tmps(:,:,1) = a_(:,:,k-1);tmps(:,:,2) = a_s(:,:,k);a_(:,:,k) = mean(tmps(:,:,1:2),3);elsea_(:,:,k) = a_(:,:,k-1);endenda = a_(:,:,k);%宽度更新db11=zeros(1,7);for j=1:7for l=1:7db11(j)=db11(j)+(o2(2,l)*((Weight((j-1)*7+l)*sum(o3))-I));enddb12(1,j)=-e1*du*(2*(o1(1,j)-a(1,j))^2)*(o2(1,j))/((b(1,j)^3)*(sum(o3))^2);db1(j)=(db12(1,j))*(db11(j));enddb21=zeros(1,7);for j=1:7for l=1:7db21(j)=db21(j)+(o2(1,l)*((Weight((l-1)*7+j)*sum(o3))-I));enddb22(2,j)=-e1*du*(2*(o1(2,j)-a(2,j))^2)*(o2(2,j))/((b(2,j)^3)*(sum(o3))^2);db2(j)=(db22(2,j))*(db21(j));end      db=[db1;db2];for i=1:2for j=1:7b(i,j)=b(i,j)-eta*db(i,j);endend      b_s(:,:,k) = b;if k == 1b_(:,:,k) = b_s(:,:,1);elsefor i = 1:2for j = 1:7dist_tmp(i,j) = (b_s(i,j,k) - b_(i,j))^2;endenddist = sqrt(sum(sum(dist_tmp))); if dist < 0.1tmps(:,:,1) = b_(:,:,k-1);tmps(:,:,2) = b_s(:,:,k);b_(:,:,k) = mean(tmps(:,:,1:2),3);elseb_(:,:,k) = b_(:,:,k-1);endend    b = b_(:,:,k);%算法s11 = y1;s12 = y2;s13 = u1;s14 = u2;s1  =[s11;s12;s13;s14];for i=1:5net2(i) = w2(i,:)*s1 + theta2(i);s2(i)   = (1-exp(-net2(i)))/(1+exp(-net2(i)));endnet3  = w3*s2+theta3;yg    = am*(1-exp(-net3))/(1+exp(-net3));for i=1:5delta2(i)=0.5*(1-s2(i))*(1+s2(i));enddelta3=0.5*am*(1-yg/am)*(1+yg/am);for i=1:5theta22(i) = theta2(i)-theta21(i);theta21(i) = theta2(i);theta2(i)  = theta2(i)+eta1*(yn-yg)*delta3*w3(i)*delta2(i)+beta1*theta22(i);endtheta32 = theta3-theta31;theta31 = theta3;theta3  = theta3+eta1*(yn-yg)*delta3+beta1*theta32;for i=1:5for j=1:4w22(i,j) = w2(i,j)-w21(i,j);w21(i,j) = w2(i,j);w2(i,j)  = w2(i,j)-eta1*(yn-yg)*delta3*w3(i)*delta2(i)*s1(j)+beta1*w22(i,j);endw32(i) = w3(i)-w31(i);w31(i) = w3(i);w3(i)  = w3(i)-eta1*(yn-yg)*delta3*s2(i)+beta1*w32(i);enda2   = am-a1;a1   = am;am   = am+eta1*(yn-yg)*yg/am+beta1*a2;sum1 = 0;for i=1:5sum1 = sum1 + w3(i)*delta2(i)*w2(i,3);enddu = delta3*sum1;end            figure;
plot(time,y,'r', time,yd,'b');
grid onfigure;
grid on
axis square
grid on
axis squaresave Simu_Results\fnn_result.mat time ysave Simu_Results\nfis.mat a b














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