
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory






  1. SpringBoot项目启动报错:Field userMapper in com.demo.controller.MemberController required a bean of type ‘c

    问题描述: SpringBoot项目启动报错,报错内容:'com.xxx.mapper.XxxxMapper' that could not be found ******************** ...

  2. SpringBoot项目启动 报错:Error executing Maven. end tag name </settings> must match start tag name

    SpringBoot项目启动 报错:Error executing Maven. end tag name must match start tag name from line xxx 第一次创建s ...

  3. idea软件 springboot项目启动报错:命令行太长解决

    idea软件 springboot项目启动报错:命令行太长解决 1.找到项目下得.idea文件夹,打开文件workspace.xml 2.搜索标签 <component name="P ...

  4. springboot项目启动报错-案例情景介绍

    文章目录 摘要 情况1:Nacos报错 情况2:IllegalStateException: Incompatible fallbackFactory instance 情况3:idea编译java文 ...

  5. 【图文详解】SpringBoot项目启动报错:The bean ‘xxxServiceImpl‘ could not be injected as a ‘xxxServiceImpl‘ ...

    问题描述: 项目启动报错:The bean 'xxxServiceImpl' could not be injected as a 'cn.xxxx.service.xxxServiceImpl' b ...

  6. SpringBoot项目启动报错[类文件具有错误的版本 61.0, 应为 55.0 请删除该文件或确保该文件位于正确的类路径子目录中。]

    Web server failed to start. Port 80 was already in use. Web server failed to start. Port 80 was alre ...

  7. SpringBoot项目启动报错,java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous mapping.访问路径模棱两可,无法映射的问题!!!

    问题描述: SpringBoot项目刚启动就报错 下面是报错信息: 我这里提取了一下关键信息 Ambiguous mapping.(模棱两可的mapping) Cannot map 'test' me ...

  8. 【踩坑日记】springboot项目启动报错error create bean with name

    前言 启动springboot项目报错error create bean with name xxx 以为是哪个bean没有装配上,排查了所有的bean,发现都装配了 原因分析 仔细看了报错日志,发现 ...

  9. springboot 项目启动报错 url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured

    报错信息: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application wi ...

  10. springboot项目启动报错:The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [xx] but has fai

    首先看看报错信息:只看到说可能是内存泄露,具体为啥报错也不知道 遇到这种报错,刚开始一般可能都不太会解决,而且可能之前遇到过,发现解决方法可能会不一样. 遇到这种启动失败,报内存泄漏的错误时不要看框里 ...


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