
question 1

which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.

1 float f=1.3;

2 char c='a';

3 byte b=257;

4 boolean b=null;

5 int i=10;

answer to question 1

question 2

what will happen if you try to compile and run the following code

public class myclass {

public static void mainstring arguments[] {



public void amethodstring[] arguments {





1 error can´t make static reference to void amethod.

2 error method main not correct

3 error array must include parameter

4 amethod must be declared with string

answer to question 2

question 3

which of the following will compile without error


import java.awt.*;

package mypackage;

class myclass {}


package mypackage;

import java.awt.*;

class myclass{}


/*this is a comment */

package mypackage;

import java.awt.*;

class myclass{}

answer to question 3

question 4

a byte can be of what size

1 -128 to 127

2 -2 power 8 -1 to 2 power 8

3 -255 to 256

4depends on the particular implementation of the java virtual machine

answer to question 4

question 5

what will be printed out if this code is run with the following command line?

java myprog good morning

public class myprog{

public static void mainstring argv[]





1 myprog

2 good

3 morning

4 exception raised: 'java.lang.arrayindexoutofboundsexception: 2'

answer to question 5

question 6

which of the following are keywords or reserved words in java?

1 if

2 then

3 goto

4 while

which of the following statements are true?

1 methods cannot be overriden to be more private

2 static methods cannot be overloaded

3 private methods cannot be overloaded

4 an overloaded method cannot throw exceptions not checked in the base class

answer to question 16

question 17

what will happen if you attempt to compile and run the following code?

class base {}

class sub extends base {}

class sub2 extends base {}

public class cex{

public static void mainstring argv[]{

base b=new base;

sub s=sub b;



1 compile and run without error

2 compile time exception

3 runtime exception

answer to question 17

question 18

which of the following statements are true?

1 system.out.println -1 >>> 2;will output a result larger than 10

2 system.out.println -1 >>> 2; will output a positive number

3 system.out.println 2 >> 1; will output the number 1

4 system.out.println 1 <<< 2; will output the number 4

answer to question 18

question 19

what will happend when you attempt to compile and run the following code?

public class tux extends thread{

static string sname = 'vandeleur';

public static void mainstring argv[]{

tux t = new tux;




public void piggystring sname{

sname = sname + ' wiggy';



public void run{

forint i=0;i < 4; i++{

sname = sname + ' ' + i;




1 compile time error

2 compilation and output of 'vandeleur wiggy'

3 compilation and output of 'vandeleur wiggy 0 1 2 3'

4 compilation and probably output of 'vandeleur' but possible output of 'vandeleur 0 1 2 3'

answer to question 19

question 20

what will be displayed when you attempt to compile and run the following code

//code start

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