



ISO 9660 File System
System Area (32,768 B) Unused by ISO 9660
Data Area
Volume Descriptor (2,048 B)
Volume Descriptor (2,048 B)
Volume Descriptor Set Terminator (2,048 B)
Optional space
Root directory
Directories and files



hexdump -C os.iso | less

00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00008000  01 43 44 30 30 31 01 00  4c 49 4e 55 58 20 20 20  |.CD001..LINUX   |
00008010  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00008020  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  43 44 52 4f 4d 20 20 20  |        CDROM   |
00008030  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  |                |
00008040  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |        ........|


向下看是Data Area,先看第一个部分Volume Descriptor

Volume Descriptor

Volume Descriptor ← 2,048 bytes →
Parts Type Identifier (always 'CD001') Version (always 0x01) Data (depends on type), can be subdivided into several fields
Sizes 1 byte 5 bytes 1 byte 2,041 bytes

这是一个Volume Descriptor的基本模板


Value Description
0 Boot Record
1 Primary Volume Descriptor
2 Supplementary Volume Descriptor
3 Volume Partition Descriptor
4-254 Reserved
255 Volume Descriptor Set Terminator

255(0xff)表示这是最后一个Volume Descriptor,4-254都是保留,剩下的我们只打算看Primary Volume Descriptor,其他的都无视掉



剩下的就是最重要的数据区了,对于不同的Type有不同的数据,Volume Descriptor Set Terminator只是一个标记,它没有数据

所以我们就很清楚了,我们只用看一下Primary Volume Descriptor的数据区就好了

Primary Volume Descriptor


Offset Length (bytes) Field name Datatype Description
156 34 Directory entry for the root directory - Note that this is not an LBA address, it is the actual Directory Record, which contains a zero-length Directory Identifier, hence the fixed 34 byte size.



Offset Size Description
0 1 Length of Directory Record.
1 1 Extended Attribute Record length.
2 8 Location of extent (LBA) in both-endian format.
10 8 Data length (size of extent) in both-endian format.
18 7 Recording date and time (see format below).
25 1 File flags (see below).
26 1 File unit size for files recorded in interleaved mode, zero otherwise.
27 1 Interleave gap size for files recorded in interleaved mode, zero otherwise.
28 4 Volume sequence number - the volume that this extent is recorded on, in 16 bit both-endian format.
32 1 Length of file identifier (file name). This terminates with a ';' character followed by the file ID number in ASCII coded decimal ('1').
33 (variable) File identifier.
(variable) 1 Padding field - zero if length of file identifier is odd, otherwise, this field is not present. This means that a directory entry will always start on an even byte number.
(variable) (variable)

System Use - The remaining bytes up to the maximum record size of 255 may be used for extensions of ISO 9660. The most common one is the System Use Share Protocol (SUSP) and its application, the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol (RRIP).


鉴于我们现在的这个结构来自Volume Descriptor中的,它代表ROOT目录,所以我们就不用判断Flags而直接认定就是文件加了


00008090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16  00 00 00 00 22 00 18 00  |............"...|
000080a0  00 00 00 00 00 18 00 08  00 00 00 00 08 00 71 0c  |..............q.|
000080b0  09 01 04 2f 20 02 00 00  01 00 00 01 01 00 20 20  |.../ .........  |


看一下"File identifier",就是这个文件的名称,这里是"/",前一个字节表示长度

然后再看一下"Location of extent (LBA) in both-endian format",有8个字节,前四个字节是小端的LBA号,后四个字节是大端的LBA号


这里是18 00 00 00 00 00 00 18,表明LBA号是18

计算一下偏移 24 * 2048 = 0x18 * 0x800 = 0xc000


0000c000  90 00 18 00 00 00 00 00  00 18 00 08 00 00 00 00  |................|
0000c010  08 00 71 0c 09 01 04 2f  20 02 00 00 01 00 00 01  |..q..../ .......|
0000c020  01 00 53 50 07 01 be ef  00 52 52 05 01 81 50 58  |..SP.....RR...PX|
0000c030  2c 01 ed 41 00 00 00 00  41 ed 02 00 00 00 00 00  |,..A....A.......|
0000c040  00 02 e8 03 00 00 00 00  03 e8 e8 03 00 00 00 00  |................|
0000c050  03 e8 18 00 00 00 00 00  00 18 54 46 1a 01 0e 71  |..........TF...q|
0000c060  0c 09 01 04 2f 20 71 0a  06 03 39 2e 20 71 0c 09  |..../ q...9. q..|
0000c070  01 04 2f 20 43 45 1c 01  19 00 00 00 00 00 00 19  |../ CE..........|



说了这是一个数组,所以直接找到偏移0x90 + 0x00处的地方,发现指向的LBA仍然是0x18,继续略过,几次之后找到了一个文件

0000c0f0  0a 06 03 39 2e 20 71 0c  09 01 04 2f 20 00 84 00  |...9. q..../ ...|
0000c100  1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 1b  00 02 00 00 00 00 02 00  |................|
0000c110  71 0c 09 01 04 2e 20 00  00 00 01 00 00 01 0a 42  |q..... ........B|
0000c120  4f 4f 54 2e 42 49 4e 3b  31 00 52 52 05 01 89 4e  |OOT.BIN;1.RR...N|

起始地址是第一行的84那里,然后往下找,找到"1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 1b",这就是刚刚的"回文"LBA号


"00 02 00 00 00 00 02 00"是"回文"的大小,表明这个文件大小是0x200,就是512个字节


往后的0a个字节都是这个文件名 "BOOT.BIN;1"



接下来我们就要把以上讨论的问题转化为代码了,先来看第一部分,寻找Primary Volume Descriptor

  1. static int parseISO9660FileSystem(IDEDevice *device)

  2. {

  3. /*See also http://wiki.osdev.org/ISO_9660.*/

  4. /*And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660.*/

  5. u8 *buf8 = (u8 *)ideIOBuffer;

  6. /*System Area (32,768 B) Unused by ISO 9660*/

  7. /*32786 = 0x8000.*/

  8. u64 lba = (0x8000 / 0x800); /*从0x8000的地方开始寻找.*/

  9. for(;;++lba)

  10. {

  11. if(ideRead(device,lba,ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE,buf8))

  12. return -1; /*It may not be inserted if error.*/

  13. /*Identifier is always "CD001".*/

  14. if(buf8[1] != 'C' ||

  15. buf8[2] != 'D' ||

  16. buf8[3] != '0' ||

  17. buf8[4] != '0' ||

  18. buf8[5] != '1' ) /*判断CD001 不符合直接返回.*/

  19. return -1;

  20. if(buf8[0] == 0xff) /*Volume Descriptor Set Terminator.*/

  21. return -1; /*如果这是最后一个 也返回.*/

  22. if(buf8[0] != 0x01 /*Primary Volume Descriptor.*/)

  23. continue; /*不是Primary Volume Descriptor就继续*/

  24. /*Directory entry for the root directory.*/

  25. if(buf8[156] != 0x22 /*Msut 34.*/)

  26. return -1; /*看前边,这里必须是34个字节.*/

  27. /*Location of extent (LBA) in both-endian format.*/

  28. lba = *(u32 *)(buf8 + 156 + 2);

  29. break; /*读LBA,跳出.*/

  30. }

  31. return parseISO9660FileSystemDir(device,lba,buf8,0); /*分析ROOT目录里的文件.*/

  32. }


  1. static int parseISO9660FileSystemDir(

  2. IDEDevice *device,u64 lba,u8 *buf8,int depth)

  3. {

  4. u64 offset = 0; /*要读的文件(夹)的信息结构的偏移.*/

  5. u8 isDir = 0; /*是否是文件夹.*/

  6. u8 needRead = 0; /*需不需要重新读.*/

  7. if(ideRead(device,lba,ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE,buf8))

  8. return -1; /*读取失败直接返回.*/

  9. for(;;offset += buf8[offset + 0x0] /*Length of Directory Record.*/)

  10. {

  11. while(offset >= ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE)

  12. {

  13. offset -= ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE;

  14. ++lba;

  15. needRead = 1;

  16. /*Read again.*/

  17. } /*偏移超出这个扇区的范围就修正一下.*/

  18. if(needRead)

  19. if(ideRead(device,lba,ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE,buf8))

  20. return -1; /*如果修正了就再读一次.*/

  21. needRead = 0;

  22. if(buf8[offset + 0x0] == 0x0) /*No more.*/

  23. break; /*大小是0说明结束了,退出.*/

  24. /*Location of extent (LBA) in both-endian format.*/

  25. u64 fileLBA = *(u32 *)(buf8 + offset + 0x2);

  26. if(fileLBA <= lba)

  27. continue; /*获取文件LBA,小于就继续吧.*/

  28. int __depth = depth;

  29. while(__depth--)

  30. printk("--"); /*形成一个视觉效果.*/

  31. isDir = buf8[offset + 25] & 0x2; /*Is it a dir?*/

  32. u64 filesize = *(u32 *)(buf8 + offset + 10);

  33. /*Length of file identifier (file name).

  34. * This terminates with a ';' character

  35. * followed by the file ID number in ASCII coded decimal ('1').*/

  36. u64 filenameLength = buf8[offset + 32];

  37. if(!isDir) /*如果是文件就要删掉最后的";1".*/

  38. filenameLength -= 2; /*Remove ';' and '1'.*/

  39. char filename[filenameLength + 1]; /*Add 1 for '\0'.*/

  40. memcpy((void *)filename,

  41. (const void *)(buf8 + offset + 33),

  42. filenameLength); /*把文件名复制过来.*/

  43. if((!isDir) && (filename[0] == '_'))

  44. filename[0] = '.';

  45. if((!isDir) && (filename[filenameLength - 1] == '.'))

  46. filename[filenameLength - 1] = '\0';

  47. else

  48. filename[filenameLength] = '\0'; /*做一些修正.*/

  49. /*To lower.*/

  50. for(u64 i = 0;i < filenameLength;++i)

  51. if((filename[i] <= 'Z') && (filename[i] >= 'A'))

  52. filename[i] -= 'A' - 'a'; /*全部转换成小写(好看一点).*/

  53. if(isDir)

  54. {

  55. printk("LBA:%d.",(int)fileLBA);

  56. printk("Dirname:%s\n",filename); /*打印出目录信息.*/

  57. parseISO9660FileSystemDir(device,fileLBA,buf8,depth + 1); /*递归.*/

  58. ideRead(device,lba,ATAPI_SECTOR_SIZE,buf8); /*上一个递归修改了buf8,重新读.*/

  59. /*We must read again.*/

  60. }

  61. else

  62. {

  63. if(filesize != 0)

  64. printk("LBA:%d.",(int)fileLBA);

  65. else

  66. printk("Null file,no LBA."); /*如果这个文件是空的,LBA地址无效.*/

  67. /*这也就是刚开始时为什么要用非空文件的原因,空文件看不到正确的LBA地址.*/

  68. /*LBA may not be right if this file is null!*/

  69. printk("Filename:%s\n",filename);

  70. }

  71. }

  72. return 0; /*返回......*/

  73. }


ISO9660 维基百科:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660

ISO9660 OSDEV百科:http://wiki.osdev.org/ISO_9660

转自 https://blog.csdn.net/goodqt/article/details/17202109


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