
  • 1. kotlin 捕获异常
  • 2. kotlin 先处理小异常,再处理大异常
  • 3. kotlin 使用 throw 抛出异常
  • 4. kotlin 自定义异常
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1. kotlin 捕获异常

  • 不论在 try 块、catch 块中执行怎样的代码(除非退出虚拟机 System.exit(1) ),finally 块的代码总会被执行

// 定义顶级常量
const val fileName = "src/com/william/testkt/exception_demo.txt"/*** 写入文件,使用 try-catch 捕获异常*/
fun writeFile(src: String): Int {var fos: FileOutputStream? = nulltry {val file = File(fileName)fos = FileOutputStream(file)fos.write(src.toByteArray())return 1 // 会被 finally 块中的代码覆盖} catch (e: Exception) {e.printStackTrace()return 2 // 会被 finally 块中的代码覆盖} finally {fos?.close()return 3}
}/*** 读取文件*/
fun readFile(): String {var fis: FileInputStream? = nulltry {val file = File(fileName)val size = file.length().toInt()fis = FileInputStream(file)val sb = StringBuilder()val buffer = ByteArray(size)fis.read(buffer)sb.append(String(buffer))return sb.toString()} catch (e: Exception) {e.printStackTrace() // 打印堆栈信息return "${e.message}"} finally {println("finally")fis?.close()}
}fun main() {val result = writeFile("this is a simple message")println(result) // 3val text = readFile()println(text)

2. kotlin 先处理小异常,再处理大异常

fun compute(obj: String?) {try {Integer.parseInt(obj)} catch (e: RuntimeException) {println("RuntimeException: ${e.message}")} catch (e: Exception) {println("Exception: ${e.message}")}

3. kotlin 使用 throw 抛出异常

fun throwExFun(param: String?) {if (param == null) {throw NullPointerException()}

4. kotlin 自定义异常

class CustomException : Exception {// 无参构造constructor() {}// 带参构造constructor(msg: String) : super(msg) {}
}fun throwCustomExFun(param: String?) {if (param == null) {// 使用 throw 抛出自定义异常throw CustomException("param is null")}

附 Github 源码:


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