










Construct network adjacent list ...
Construct network adjacent finished! It consumes 0.931 seconds.
Start to calculate 1th shortest path from 1129 to 167 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 17289.119, It consumes 0.048 seconds and selects 832 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 17289.119, It consumes 0.003 seconds and selects 48 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 17289.119, It consumes 0.016 seconds and selects 366 nodes
Start to calculate 2th shortest path from 769 to 3498 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 5522.333, It consumes 0.016 seconds and selects 301 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 5522.333, It consumes 0.005 seconds and selects 93 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 5522.333, It consumes 0.032 seconds and selects 447 nodes
Start to calculate 3th shortest path from 2801 to 2504 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 31011.622, It consumes 0.071 seconds and selects 1217 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 31011.622, It consumes 0.069 seconds and selects 832 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 31011.622, It consumes 0.080 seconds and selects 1394 nodes
Start to calculate 4th shortest path from 2100 to 161 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 29805.903, It consumes 0.080 seconds and selects 1285 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 29805.903, It consumes 0.008 seconds and selects 117 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 29805.903, It consumes 0.022 seconds and selects 459 nodes
Start to calculate 5th shortest path from 3473 to 3440 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 2693.313, It consumes 0.008 seconds and selects 156 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 2693.313, It consumes 0.002 seconds and selects 25 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 2693.313, It consumes 0.009 seconds and selects 170 nodes
...The mean consumption times is: Dijkstra: 0.042, Bi-Dijkstra: 0.034, A*: 0.019
The mean expanded nodes is: Dijkstra: 680.260, Bi-Dijkstra: 619.000, A*: 267.760


Construct network adjacent list ...
Construct network adjacent finished! It consumes 24.804 seconds.
Start to calculate 1th shortest path from 12443 to 12627 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 20328.300, It consumes 0.577 seconds and selects 5741 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 20328.300, It consumes 0.087 seconds and selects 966 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 20328.300, It consumes 0.683 seconds and selects 6779 nodes
Start to calculate 2th shortest path from 4144 to 10838 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 22007.953, It consumes 0.389 seconds and selects 3578 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 22007.953, It consumes 0.085 seconds and selects 787 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 22007.953, It consumes 0.475 seconds and selects 4833 nodes
Start to calculate 3th shortest path from 8114 to 11581 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 19407.315, It consumes 0.771 seconds and selects 6845 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 19407.315, It consumes 0.035 seconds and selects 356 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 19407.315, It consumes 0.592 seconds and selects 6615 nodes
Start to calculate 4th shortest path from 6406 to 10489 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 20019.205, It consumes 1.020 seconds and selects 7920 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 20019.205, It consumes 0.134 seconds and selects 1184 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 20019.205, It consumes 0.612 seconds and selects 6426 nodes
Start to calculate 5th shortest path from 6822 to 8476 ...Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 25945.571, It consumes 0.424 seconds and selects 3912 nodesAStar Algo: The shortest path cost is 25945.571, It consumes 0.085 seconds and selects 762 nodes
Bi-Dijkstra Algo: The shortest path cost is 25945.571, It consumes 0.674 seconds and selects 6890 nodes
...The mean consumption times is: Dijkstra: 0.624, Bi-Dijkstra: 0.560, A*: 0.126
The mean expanded nodes is: Dijkstra: 5437.020, Bi-Dijkstra: 5419.480, A*: 1018.031





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