如何处理scoop安装时总是出现 “iex : 使用“1”个参数调用“DownloadString”时发生异常:“基础连接已经关闭: 连接被意外关闭。””


iex : 使用“1”个参数调用“DownloadString”时发生异常:“基础连接已经关闭: 连接被意外关闭。”




  1. install.ps1
# install.ps1
#Requires -Version 5# remote install:
#   Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\bin\install.ps1')
$old_erroractionpreference = $erroractionpreference
$erroractionpreference = 'stop' # quit if anything goes wrongif (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) -lt 5) {Write-Output "PowerShell 5 or later is required to run Scoop."Write-Output "Upgrade PowerShell: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-windows-powershell"break
}# show notification to change execution policy:
$allowedExecutionPolicy = @('Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', 'ByPass')
if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy).ToString() -notin $allowedExecutionPolicy) {Write-Output "PowerShell requires an execution policy in [$($allowedExecutionPolicy -join ", ")] to run Scoop."Write-Output "For example, to set the execution policy to 'RemoteSigned' please run :"Write-Output "'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser'"break
}if ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -notcontains 'Tls12') {Write-Output "Scoop requires at least .NET Framework 4.5"Write-Output "Please download and install it first:"Write-Output "https://www.microsoft.com/net/download"break
}# get core functions
$core_url = '!!!'
Write-Output 'Initializing...'
Invoke-Expression (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring($core_url)# prep
if (installed 'scoop') {write-host "Scoop is already installed. Run 'scoop update' to get the latest version." -f red# don't abort if invoked with iex that would close the PS sessionif ($myinvocation.mycommand.commandtype -eq 'Script') { return } else { exit 1 }
$dir = ensure (versiondir 'scoop' 'current')# download scoop zip
$zipurl = 'https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop/archive/master.zip'
$zipfile = "$dir\scoop.zip"
Write-Output 'Downloading scoop...'
dl $zipurl $zipfileWrite-Output 'Extracting...'
Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, "$dir\_tmp")
Copy-Item "$dir\_tmp\*master\*" $dir -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item "$dir\_tmp", $zipfile -Recurse -ForceWrite-Output 'Creating shim...'
shim "$dir\bin\scoop.ps1" $false# download main bucket
$dir = "$scoopdir\buckets\main"
$zipurl = 'https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/archive/master.zip'
$zipfile = "$dir\main-bucket.zip"
Write-Output 'Downloading main bucket...'
New-Item $dir -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
dl $zipurl $zipfileWrite-Output 'Extracting...'
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, "$dir\_tmp")
Copy-Item "$dir\_tmp\*-master\*" $dir -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item "$dir\_tmp", $zipfile -Recurse -Forceensure_robocopy_in_path
ensure_scoop_in_pathscoop config lastupdate ([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString('o'))
success 'Scoop was installed successfully!'Write-Output "Type 'scoop help' for instructions."$erroractionpreference = $old_erroractionpreference # Reset $erroractionpreference to original value
  1. core.ps1
function Optimize-SecurityProtocol {# .NET Framework 4.7+ has a default security protocol called 'SystemDefault',# which allows the operating system to choose the best protocol to use.# If SecurityProtocolType contains 'SystemDefault' (means .NET4.7+ detected)# and the value of SecurityProtocol is 'SystemDefault', just do nothing on SecurityProtocol,# 'SystemDefault' will use TLS 1.2 if the webrequest requires.$isNewerNetFramework = ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -contains 'SystemDefault')$isSystemDefault = ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol.Equals([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault))# If not, change it to support TLS 1.2if (!($isNewerNetFramework -and $isSystemDefault)) {# Set to TLS 1.2 (3072), then TLS 1.1 (768), and TLS 1.0 (192). Ssl3 has been superseded,# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.securityprotocoltype?view=netframework-4.5[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072 -bor 768 -bor 192}
}function Get-UserAgent() {return "Scoop/1.0 (+http://scoop.sh/) PowerShell/$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor) (Windows NT $([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major).$([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor); $(if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq 'AMD64'){'Win64; x64; '})$(if($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq 'AMD64'){'WOW64; '})$PSEdition)"
}function Show-DeprecatedWarning {<#.SYNOPSISPrint deprecated warning for functions, which will be deleted in near future..PARAMETER InvocationInvocation to identify location of line.Just pass $MyInvocation..PARAMETER NewNew command name.#>param($Invocation, [String] $New)warn ('"{0}" will be deprecated. Please change your code/manifest to use "{1}"' -f $Invocation.MyCommand.Name, $New)Write-Host "      -> $($Invocation.PSCommandPath):$($Invocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($Invocation.OffsetInLine)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
}function load_cfg($file) {if(!(Test-Path $file)) {return $null}try {return (Get-Content $file -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop)} catch {Write-Host "ERROR loading $file`: $($_.exception.message)"}
}function get_config($name, $default) {if($null -eq $scoopConfig.$name -and $null -ne $default) {return $default}return $scoopConfig.$name
}function set_config($name, $value) {if($null -eq $scoopConfig -or $scoopConfig.Count -eq 0) {ensure (Split-Path -Path $configFile) | Out-Null$scoopConfig = New-Object PSObject$scoopConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value} else {if($value -eq [bool]::TrueString -or $value -eq [bool]::FalseString) {$value = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($value)}if($null -eq $scoopConfig.$name) {$scoopConfig | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value} else {$scoopConfig.$name = $value}}if($null -eq $value) {$scoopConfig.PSObject.Properties.Remove($name)}ConvertTo-Json $scoopConfig | Set-Content $configFile -Encoding ASCIIreturn $scoopConfig
}function setup_proxy() {# note: '@' and ':' in password must be escaped, e.g. 'p@ssword' -> p\@ssword'$proxy = get_config 'proxy'if(!$proxy) {return}try {$credentials, $address = $proxy -split '(?<!\\)@'if(!$address) {$address, $credentials = $credentials, $null # no credentials supplied}if($address -eq 'none') {[net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy = $null} elseif($address -ne 'default') {[net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy = new-object net.webproxy "http://$address"}if($credentials -eq 'currentuser') {[net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = [net.credentialcache]::defaultcredentials} elseif($credentials) {$username, $password = $credentials -split '(?<!\\):' | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '\\([@:])','$1' }[net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy.credentials = new-object net.networkcredential($username, $password)}} catch {warn "Failed to use proxy '$proxy': $($_.exception.message)"}
}# helper functions
function coalesce($a, $b) { if($a) { return $a } $b }function format($str, $hash) {$hash.keys | ForEach-Object { set-variable $_ $hash[$_] }$executionContext.invokeCommand.expandString($str)
function is_admin {$admin = [security.principal.windowsbuiltinrole]::administrator$id = [security.principal.windowsidentity]::getcurrent()([security.principal.windowsprincipal]($id)).isinrole($admin)
}# messages
function abort($msg, [int] $exit_code=1) { write-host $msg -f red; exit $exit_code }
function error($msg) { write-host "ERROR $msg" -f darkred }
function warn($msg) {  write-host "WARN  $msg" -f darkyellow }
function info($msg) {  write-host "INFO  $msg" -f darkgray }
function debug($obj) {if((get_config 'debug' $false) -ine 'true' -and $env:SCOOP_DEBUG -ine 'true') {return}$prefix = "DEBUG[$(Get-Date -UFormat %s)]"$param = $MyInvocation.Line.Replace($MyInvocation.InvocationName, '').Trim()$msg = $obj | Out-String -Streamif($null -eq $obj -or $null -eq $msg) {Write-Host "$prefix $param = " -f DarkCyan -NoNewlineWrite-Host '$null' -f DarkYellow -NoNewlineWrite-Host " -> $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGrayreturn}if($msg.GetType() -eq [System.Object[]]) {Write-Host "$prefix $param ($($obj.GetType()))" -f DarkCyan -NoNewlineWrite-Host " -> $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGray$msg | Where-Object { ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } |Select-Object -Skip 2 | # Skip headersForEach-Object {Write-Host "$prefix $param.$($_)" -f DarkCyan}} else {Write-Host "$prefix $param = $($msg.Trim())" -f DarkCyan -NoNewlineWrite-Host " -> $($MyInvocation.PSCommandPath):$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber):$($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine)" -f DarkGray}
function success($msg) { write-host $msg -f darkgreen }function filesize($length) {$gb = [math]::pow(2, 30)$mb = [math]::pow(2, 20)$kb = [math]::pow(2, 10)if($length -gt $gb) {"{0:n1} GB" -f ($length / $gb)} elseif($length -gt $mb) {"{0:n1} MB" -f ($length / $mb)} elseif($length -gt $kb) {"{0:n1} KB" -f ($length / $kb)} else {"$($length) B"}
}# dirs
function basedir($global) { if($global) { return $globaldir } $scoopdir }
function appsdir($global) { "$(basedir $global)\apps" }
function shimdir($global) { "$(basedir $global)\shims" }
function appdir($app, $global) { "$(appsdir $global)\$app" }
function versiondir($app, $version, $global) { "$(appdir $app $global)\$version" }
function persistdir($app, $global) { "$(basedir $global)\persist\$app" }
function usermanifestsdir { "$(basedir)\workspace" }
function usermanifest($app) { "$(usermanifestsdir)\$app.json" }
function cache_path($app, $version, $url) { "$cachedir\$app#$version#$($url -replace '[^\w\.\-]+', '_')" }# apps
function sanitary_path($path) { return [regex]::replace($path, "[/\\?:*<>|]", "") }
function installed($app, $global=$null) {if($null -eq $global) { return (installed $app $true) -or (installed $app $false) }# Dependencies of the format "bucket/dependency" install in a directory of form# "dependency". So we need to extract the bucket from the name and only give the app# name to is_directory$app = $app.split("/")[-1]return is_directory (appdir $app $global)
function installed_apps($global) {$dir = appsdir $globalif(test-path $dir) {Get-ChildItem $dir | Where-Object { $_.psiscontainer -and $_.name -ne 'scoop' } | ForEach-Object { $_.name }}
}function file_path($app, $file) {Show-DeprecatedWarning $MyInvocation 'Get-AppFilePath'Get-AppFilePath -App $app -File $file
}function Get-AppFilePath {[CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)][String]$App,[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)][String]$File)# normal path to file$Path = "$(versiondir $App 'current' $false)\$File"if(Test-Path $Path) {return $Path}# global path to file$Path = "$(versiondir $App 'current' $true)\$File"if(Test-Path $Path) {return $Path}# not foundreturn $null
}Function Test-CommandAvailable {param ([String]$Name)Return [Boolean](Get-Command $Name -ErrorAction Ignore)
}function Get-HelperPath {[CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][ValidateSet('7zip', 'Lessmsi', 'Innounp', 'Dark', 'Aria2')][String]$Helper)$HelperPath = $nullswitch ($Helper) {'7zip' {$HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath '7zip' '7z.exe'if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HelperPath)) {$HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath '7zip-zstd' '7z.exe'}}'Lessmsi' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'lessmsi' 'lessmsi.exe' }'Innounp' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'innounp' 'innounp.exe' }'Dark' {$HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'dark' 'dark.exe'if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HelperPath)) {$HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'wixtoolset' 'dark.exe'}}'Aria2' { $HelperPath = Get-AppFilePath 'aria2' 'aria2c.exe' }}return $HelperPath
}function Test-HelperInstalled {[CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][ValidateSet('7zip', 'Lessmsi', 'Innounp', 'Dark', 'Aria2')][String]$Helper)return ![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Get-HelperPath -Helper $Helper))
}function Test-Aria2Enabled {return (Test-HelperInstalled -Helper Aria2) -and (get_config 'aria2-enabled' $true)
}function app_status($app, $global) {$status = @{}$status.installed = (installed $app $global)$status.version = current_version $app $global$status.latest_version = $status.version$install_info = install_info $app $status.version $global$status.failed = (!$install_info -or !$status.version)$status.hold = ($install_info.hold -eq $true)$manifest = manifest $app $install_info.bucket $install_info.url$status.removed = (!$manifest)if($manifest.version) {$status.latest_version = $manifest.version}$status.outdated = $falseif($status.version -and $status.latest_version) {$status.outdated = ((compare_versions $status.latest_version $status.version) -gt 0)}$status.missing_deps = @()$deps = @(runtime_deps $manifest) | Where-Object {$app, $bucket, $null = parse_app $_return !(installed $app)}if($deps) {$status.missing_deps += ,$deps}return $status
}function appname_from_url($url) {(split-path $url -leaf) -replace '.json$', ''
}# paths
function fname($path) { split-path $path -leaf }
function strip_ext($fname) { $fname -replace '\.[^\.]*$', '' }
function strip_filename($path) { $path -replace [regex]::escape((fname $path)) }
function strip_fragment($url) { $url -replace (new-object uri $url).fragment }function url_filename($url) {(split-path $url -leaf).split('?') | Select-Object -First 1
# Unlike url_filename which can be tricked by appending a
# URL fragment (e.g. #/dl.7z, useful for coercing a local filename),
# this function extracts the original filename from the URL.
function url_remote_filename($url) {$uri = (New-Object URI $url)$basename = Split-Path $uri.PathAndQuery -LeafIf ($basename -match ".*[?=]+([\w._-]+)") {$basename = $matches[1]}If (($basename -notlike "*.*") -or ($basename -match "^[v.\d]+$")) {$basename = Split-Path $uri.AbsolutePath -Leaf}If (($basename -notlike "*.*") -and ($uri.Fragment -ne "")) {$basename = $uri.Fragment.Trim('/', '#')}return $basename
}function ensure($dir) { if(!(test-path $dir)) { mkdir $dir > $null }; resolve-path $dir }
function fullpath($path) { # should be ~ rooted$executionContext.sessionState.path.getUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($path)
function relpath($path) { "$($myinvocation.psscriptroot)\$path" } # relative to calling script
function friendly_path($path) {$h = (Get-PsProvider 'FileSystem').home; if(!$h.endswith('\')) { $h += '\' }if($h -eq '\') { return $path }return "$path" -replace ([regex]::escape($h)), "~\"
function is_local($path) {($path -notmatch '^https?://') -and (test-path $path)
}# operationsfunction run($exe, $arg, $msg, $continue_exit_codes) {Show-DeprecatedWarning $MyInvocation 'Invoke-ExternalCommand'Invoke-ExternalCommand -FilePath $exe -ArgumentList $arg -Activity $msg -ContinueExitCodes $continue_exit_codes
}function Invoke-ExternalCommand {[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")][OutputType([Boolean])]param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0)][Alias("Path")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$FilePath,[Parameter(Position = 1)][Alias("Args")][String[]]$ArgumentList,[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "UseShellExecute")][Switch]$RunAs,[Alias("Msg")][String]$Activity,[Alias("cec")][Hashtable]$ContinueExitCodes,[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default")][Alias("Log")][String]$LogPath)if ($Activity) {Write-Host "$Activity " -NoNewline}$Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process$Process.StartInfo.FileName = $FilePath$Process.StartInfo.Arguments = ($ArgumentList | Select-Object -Unique) -join ' '$Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $falseif ($LogPath) {if ($FilePath -match '(^|\W)msiexec($|\W)') {$Process.StartInfo.Arguments += " /lwe `"$LogPath`""} else {$Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true$Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true}}if ($RunAs) {$Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $true$Process.StartInfo.Verb = 'RunAs'}try {$Process.Start() | Out-Null} catch {if ($Activity) {Write-Host "error." -ForegroundColor DarkRed}error $_.Exception.Messagereturn $false}if ($LogPath -and ($FilePath -notmatch '(^|\W)msiexec($|\W)')) {Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Encoding ASCII -Append -InputObject $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()}$Process.WaitForExit()if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) {if ($ContinueExitCodes -and ($ContinueExitCodes.ContainsKey($Process.ExitCode))) {if ($Activity) {Write-Host "done." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow}warn $ContinueExitCodes[$Process.ExitCode]return $true} else {if ($Activity) {Write-Host "error." -ForegroundColor DarkRed}error "Exit code was $($Process.ExitCode)!"return $false}}if ($Activity) {Write-Host "done." -ForegroundColor Green}return $true
}function dl($url,$to) {$wc = New-Object Net.Webclient$wc.headers.add('Referer', (strip_filename $url))$wc.Headers.Add('User-Agent', (Get-UserAgent))$wc.downloadFile($url,$to)
}function env($name,$global,$val='__get') {$target = 'User'; if($global) {$target = 'Machine'}if($val -eq '__get') { [environment]::getEnvironmentVariable($name,$target) }else { [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable($name,$val,$target) }
}function isFileLocked([string]$path) {$file = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $pathif ((Test-Path -Path $path) -eq $false) {return $false}try {$stream = $file.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None)if ($stream) {$stream.Close()}return $false}catch {# file is locked by a process.return $true}
}function is_directory([String] $path) {return (Test-Path $path) -and (Get-Item $path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]
}function movedir($from, $to) {$from = $from.trimend('\')$to = $to.trimend('\')$proc = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process$proc.StartInfo.FileName = 'robocopy.exe'$proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "`"$from`" `"$to`" /e /move"$proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true$proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true$proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false$proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Hidden$proc.Start()$out = $proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()$proc.WaitForExit()if($proc.ExitCode -ge 8) {debug $outthrow "Could not find '$(fname $from)'! (error $($proc.ExitCode))"}# wait for robocopy to terminate its threads1..10 | ForEach-Object {if (Test-Path $from) {Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100}}
}function get_app_name($path) {if ($path -match '([^/\\]+)[/\\]current[/\\]') {return $matches[1].tolower()}return ''
}function get_app_name_from_ps1_shim($shim_ps1) {if (!(Test-Path($shim_ps1))) {return ''}$content = (Get-Content $shim_ps1 -Encoding utf8) -join ' 'return get_app_name $content
}function warn_on_overwrite($shim_ps1, $path) {if (!(Test-Path($shim_ps1))) {return}$shim_app = get_app_name_from_ps1_shim $shim_ps1$path_app = get_app_name $pathif ($shim_app -eq $path_app) {return}$filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($path)warn "Overwriting shim to $filename installed from $shim_app"
}function shim($path, $global, $name, $arg) {if(!(test-path $path)) { abort "Can't shim '$(fname $path)': couldn't find '$path'." }$abs_shimdir = ensure (shimdir $global)if(!$name) { $name = strip_ext (fname $path) }$shim = "$abs_shimdir\$($name.tolower())"warn_on_overwrite "$shim.ps1" $path# convert to relative pathPush-Location $abs_shimdir$relative_path = resolve-path -relative $pathPop-Location$resolved_path = resolve-path $path# if $path points to another drive resolve-path prepends .\ which could break shimsif($relative_path -match "^(.\\[\w]:).*$") {write-output "`$path = `"$path`"" | out-file "$shim.ps1" -encoding utf8} else {# Setting PSScriptRoot in Shim if it is not defined, so the shim doesn't break in PowerShell 2.0Write-Output "if (!(Test-Path Variable:PSScriptRoot)) { `$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path `$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent }" | Out-File "$shim.ps1" -Encoding utf8write-output "`$path = join-path `"`$psscriptroot`" `"$relative_path`"" | out-file "$shim.ps1" -Encoding utf8 -Append}if($path -match '\.jar$') {"if(`$myinvocation.expectingInput) { `$input | & java -jar `$path $arg @args } else { & java -jar `$path $arg @args }" | out-file "$shim.ps1" -encoding utf8 -append} else {"if(`$myinvocation.expectingInput) { `$input | & `$path $arg @args } else { & `$path $arg @args }" | out-file "$shim.ps1" -encoding utf8 -append}if($path -match '\.(exe|com)$') {# for programs with no awareness of any shellCopy-Item "$(versiondir 'scoop' 'current')\supporting\shimexe\bin\shim.exe" "$shim.exe" -forcewrite-output "path = $resolved_path" | out-file "$shim.shim" -encoding utf8if($arg) {write-output "args = $arg" | out-file "$shim.shim" -encoding utf8 -append}} elseif($path -match '\.(bat|cmd)$') {# shim .bat, .cmd so they can be used by programs with no awareness of PSH"@`"$resolved_path`" $arg %*" | out-file "$shim.cmd" -encoding ascii"#!/bin/sh`nMSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL=/C cmd.exe /C `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" | out-file $shim -encoding ascii} elseif($path -match '\.ps1$') {# make ps1 accessible from cmd.exe"@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set args=%*
:: replace problem characters in arguments
set args=%args:`"='%
set args=%args:(=``(%
set args=%args:)=``)%
set invalid=`"='
if !args! == !invalid! ( set args= )
powershell -noprofile -ex unrestricted `"& '$resolved_path' $arg %args%;exit `$lastexitcode`"" | out-file "$shim.cmd" -encoding ascii"#!/bin/sh`npowershell.exe -noprofile -ex unrestricted `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" | out-file $shim -encoding ascii} elseif($path -match '\.jar$') {"@java -jar `"$resolved_path`" $arg %*" | out-file "$shim.cmd" -encoding ascii"#!/bin/sh`njava -jar `"$resolved_path`" $arg `"$@`"" | out-file $shim -encoding ascii}
}function search_in_path($target) {$path = (env 'PATH' $false) + ";" + (env 'PATH' $true)foreach($dir in $path.split(';')) {if(test-path "$dir\$target" -pathType leaf) {return "$dir\$target"}}
}function ensure_in_path($dir, $global) {$path = env 'PATH' $global$dir = fullpath $dirif($path -notmatch [regex]::escape($dir)) {write-output "Adding $(friendly_path $dir) to $(if($global){'global'}else{'your'}) path."env 'PATH' $global "$dir;$path" # for future sessions...$env:PATH = "$dir;$env:PATH" # for this session}
}function ensure_architecture($architecture_opt) {if(!$architecture_opt) {return default_architecture}$architecture_opt = $architecture_opt.ToString().ToLower()switch($architecture_opt) {{ @('64bit', '64', 'x64', 'amd64', 'x86_64', 'x86-64')  -contains $_ } { return '64bit' }{ @('32bit', '32', 'x86', 'i386', '386', 'i686')  -contains $_ } { return '32bit' }default { throw [System.ArgumentException] "Invalid architecture: '$architecture_opt'"}}
}function Confirm-InstallationStatus {[CmdletBinding()]param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String[]]$Apps,[Switch]$Global)$Installed = @()$Apps | Select-Object -Unique | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne 'scoop' } | ForEach-Object {$App, $null, $null = parse_app $_if ($Global) {if (installed $App $true) {$Installed += ,@($App, $true)} elseif (installed $App $false) {error "'$App' isn't installed globally, but it is installed for your account."warn "Try again without the --global (or -g) flag instead."} else {error "'$App' isn't installed."}} else {if(installed $App $false) {$Installed += ,@($App, $false)} elseif (installed $App $true) {error "'$App' isn't installed for your account, but it is installed globally."warn "Try again with the --global (or -g) flag instead."} else {error "'$App' isn't installed."}}}return ,$Installed
}function strip_path($orig_path, $dir) {if($null -eq $orig_path) { $orig_path = '' }$stripped = [string]::join(';', @( $orig_path.split(';') | Where-Object { $_ -and $_ -ne $dir } ))return ($stripped -ne $orig_path), $stripped
}function add_first_in_path($dir, $global) {$dir = fullpath $dir# future sessions$null, $currpath = strip_path (env 'path' $global) $direnv 'path' $global "$dir;$currpath"# this session$null, $env:PATH = strip_path $env:PATH $dir$env:PATH = "$dir;$env:PATH"
}function remove_from_path($dir, $global) {$dir = fullpath $dir# future sessions$was_in_path, $newpath = strip_path (env 'path' $global) $dirif($was_in_path) {Write-Output "Removing $(friendly_path $dir) from your path."env 'path' $global $newpath}# current session$was_in_path, $newpath = strip_path $env:PATH $dirif($was_in_path) { $env:PATH = $newpath }
}function ensure_scoop_in_path($global) {$abs_shimdir = ensure (shimdir $global)# be aggressive (b-e-aggressive) and install scoop first in the pathensure_in_path $abs_shimdir $global
}function ensure_robocopy_in_path {if(!(Test-CommandAvailable robocopy)) {shim "C:\Windows\System32\Robocopy.exe" $false}
}function wraptext($text, $width) {if(!$width) { $width = $host.ui.rawui.buffersize.width };$width -= 1 # be conservative: doesn't seem to print the last char$text -split '\r?\n' | ForEach-Object {$line = ''$_ -split ' ' | ForEach-Object {if($line.length -eq 0) { $line = $_ }elseif($line.length + $_.length + 1 -le $width) { $line += " $_" }else { $lines += ,$line; $line = $_ }}$lines += ,$line}$lines -join "`n"
}function pluralize($count, $singular, $plural) {if($count -eq 1) { $singular } else { $plural }
}function reset_alias($name, $value) {if($existing = get-alias $name -ea ignore | Where-Object { $_.options -match 'readonly' }) {if($existing.definition -ne $value) {write-host "Alias $name is read-only; can't reset it." -f darkyellow}return # already set}if($value -is [scriptblock]) {if(!(test-path -path "function:script:$name")) {new-item -path function: -name "script:$name" -value $value | out-null}return}set-alias $name $value -scope script -option allscope
}function reset_aliases() {# for aliases where there's a local function, re-alias so the function takes precedence$aliases = get-alias | Where-Object { $_.options -notmatch 'readonly|allscope' } | ForEach-Object { $_.name }get-childitem function: | ForEach-Object {$fn = $_.nameif($aliases -contains $fn) {set-alias $fn local:$fn -scope script}}# for dealing with user aliases$default_aliases = @{'cp' = 'copy-item''echo' = 'write-output''gc' = 'get-content''gci' = 'get-childitem''gcm' = 'get-command''gm' = 'get-member''iex' = 'invoke-expression''ls' = 'get-childitem''mkdir' = { new-item -type directory @args }'mv' = 'move-item''rm' = 'remove-item''sc' = 'set-content''select' = 'select-object''sls' = 'select-string'}# set default aliases$default_aliases.keys | ForEach-Object { reset_alias $_ $default_aliases[$_] }
}# convert list of apps to list of ($app, $global) tuples
function applist($apps, $global) {if(!$apps) { return @() }return ,@($apps | ForEach-Object { ,@($_, $global) })
}function parse_app([string] $app) {if($app -match '(?:(?<bucket>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\/)?(?<app>.*.json$|[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)(?:@(?<version>.*))?') {return $matches['app'], $matches['bucket'], $matches['version']}return $app, $null, $null
}function show_app($app, $bucket, $version) {if($bucket) {$app = "$bucket/$app"}if($version) {$app = "$app@$version"}return $app
}function last_scoop_update() {# PowerShell 6 returns an DateTime Object$last_update = (scoop config lastupdate)if ($null -ne $last_update -and $last_update.GetType() -eq [System.String]) {try {$last_update = [System.DateTime]::Parse($last_update)} catch {$last_update = $null}}return $last_update
}function is_scoop_outdated() {$last_update = $(last_scoop_update)$now = [System.DateTime]::Nowif($null -eq $last_update) {scoop config lastupdate $now.ToString('o')# enforce an update for the first timereturn $true}return $last_update.AddHours(3) -lt $now.ToLocalTime()
}function substitute($entity, [Hashtable] $params, [Bool]$regexEscape = $false) {if ($entity -is [Array]) {return $entity | ForEach-Object { substitute $_ $params $regexEscape}} elseif ($entity -is [String]) {$params.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {if($regexEscape -eq $false -or $null -eq $_.Value) {$entity = $entity.Replace($_.Name, $_.Value)} else {$entity = $entity.Replace($_.Name, [Regex]::Escape($_.Value))}}return $entity}
}function format_hash([String] $hash) {$hash = $hash.toLower()switch ($hash.Length){32 { $hash = "md5:$hash" } # md540 { $hash = "sha1:$hash" } # sha164 { $hash = $hash } # sha256128 { $hash = "sha512:$hash" } # sha512default { $hash = $null }}return $hash
}function format_hash_aria2([String] $hash) {$hash = $hash -split ':' | Select-Object -Last 1switch ($hash.Length){32 { $hash = "md5=$hash" } # md540 { $hash = "sha-1=$hash" } # sha164 { $hash = "sha-256=$hash" } # sha256128 { $hash = "sha-512=$hash" } # sha512default { $hash = $null }}return $hash
}function get_hash([String] $multihash) {$type, $hash = $multihash -split ':'if(!$hash) {# no type specified, assume sha256$type, $hash = 'sha256', $multihash}if(@('md5','sha1','sha256', 'sha512') -notcontains $type) {return $null, "Hash type '$type' isn't supported."}return $type, $hash.ToLower()
}function handle_special_urls($url)
{# FossHub.comif ($url -match "^(?:.*fosshub.com\/)(?<name>.*)(?:\/|\?dwl=)(?<filename>.*)$") {$Body = @{projectUri      = $Matches.name;fileName        = $Matches.filename;isLatestVersion = $true}if ((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url) -match '"p":"(?<pid>[a-f0-9]{24}).*?"r":"(?<rid>[a-f0-9]{24})') {$Body.Add("projectId", $Matches.pid)$Body.Add("releaseId", $Matches.rid)}$url = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "https://api.fosshub.com/download/" -ContentType "application/json" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Body -Compress)if ($null -eq $url.error) {$url = $url.data.url}}# Sourceforge.netif ($url -match "(?:downloads\.)?sourceforge.net\/projects?\/(?<project>[^\/]+)\/(?:files\/)?(?<file>.*?)(?:$|\/download|\?)") {# Reshapes the URL to avoid redirections$url = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/$($matches['project'])/$($matches['file'])"}return $url
}function get_magic_bytes($file) {if(!(Test-Path $file)) {return ''}if((Get-Command Get-Content).parameters.ContainsKey('AsByteStream')) {# PowerShell Core (6.0+) '-Encoding byte' is replaced by '-AsByteStream'return Get-Content $file -AsByteStream -TotalCount 8}else {return Get-Content $file -Encoding byte -TotalCount 8}
}function get_magic_bytes_pretty($file, $glue = ' ') {if(!(Test-Path $file)) {return ''}return (get_magic_bytes $file | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString('x2') }) -join $glue
# Core Bootstrap #
################### Note: Github disabled TLS 1.0 support on 2018-02-23. Need to enable TLS 1.2
#       for all communication with api.github.com
Optimize-SecurityProtocol# Scoop root directory
$scoopdir = $env:SCOOP, (get_config 'rootPath'), "$env:USERPROFILE\scoop" | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } | Select-Object -First 1# Scoop global apps directory
$globaldir = $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL, (get_config 'globalPath'), "$env:ProgramData\scoop" | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } | Select-Object -first 1# Scoop cache directory
# Note: Setting the SCOOP_CACHE environment variable to use a shared directory
#       is experimental and untested. There may be concurrency issues when
#       multiple users write and access cached files at the same time.
#       Use at your own risk.
$cachedir = $env:SCOOP_CACHE, (get_config 'cachePath'), "$scoopdir\cache" | Where-Object { -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } | Select-Object -first 1# Scoop config file migration
$configHome = $env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME, "$env:USERPROFILE\.config" | Select-Object -First 1
$configFile = "$configHome\scoop\config.json"
if ((Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.scoop") -and !(Test-Path $configFile)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory (Split-Path -Path $configFile) -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-NullMove-Item "$env:USERPROFILE\.scoop" $configFilewrite-host "WARN  Scoop configuration has been migrated from '~/.scoop'" -f darkyellowwrite-host "WARN  to '$configFile'" -f darkyellow
}# Load Scoop config
$scoopConfig = load_cfg $configFile# Setup proxy globally


  1. 进入powershell带管理员模式,然后cd install.ps1的文件所在位置
  2. ./install.ps1
  3. 没有了调用“DownloadString”时发生异常

如何处理scoop安装时总是出现 “iex : 使用“1”个参数调用“DownloadString”时发生异常:“基础连接已经关闭: 连接被意外关闭。”“相关推荐

  1. 安装scoop报错:iex : 使用“2”个参数调用“DownloadFile”时发生异常:“在 WebClient 请求期间发生异常。”

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  5. python 函数的调用的时候参数的传递_python定义函数时的参数调用函数时的传参...

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  7. DownloadString”时发生异常:“无法解析此远程名称: ‘raw.gith ubusercontent.com

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