1. In order to convey exclusivity, Infiniti dealerships will not be incorporated with Nissan outlets.


2. I think this is the Infiniti.


3. Infiniti

3. However, in order to be a true Infiniti it will also have to have either rear or four-wheel drive.


4. Infiniti的解释

4. In Europe, Infiniti currently operates in Ukraine and Russia.


5. I am looking forward to receiving your support for the next Infiniti Sales Tournament.


6. danci.911cha.com

6. Coming to your Infiniti dealer in late June, the convertible model brings a host of new features and technology with it.


7. I am writing this letter to thank you for your strong support in Infiniti Sales Tournament.


8. The Infiniti four-door GT-R would have been targeted at high-performance saloons like the BMW M5 and Porsche Panamera.

的英菲尼迪四门燃气轮机- R的将是针对高性能的轿车,如宝马M5和保时捷Panamera 。

9. It will be offered first in Japan on the new Elgrand, scheduled for introduction at the end of October, and then in the U. S. on the all-new Infiniti EX35, to be launched this December.


10. The new luxury brand will initially be launched in the Chinese market but depending on how successful it is, officials may eventually expand the label into more established markets where it could potentially upset current second-tier luxury brands such as Infiniti and Acura.


11. Infiniti的翻译

11. However, from September onwards, in vehicles, including public passers-by Huan, Infiniti EX35, and so enter the Chinese market, such as realization of China-made Chevrolet Kepa Qi, Royal Raymond Sonata, which listed such as Ouge RL, In the second half of 2008 will have 40 new vehicles have the balance listed in online games, will be concentrated in the fourth quarter of a number of new games introduced, including a perfect world will launch two new games, The9 will offer FIFA Online2, Audition2; network services, the network will be recruited in December to enter the peak season so as to promote increased investment in network marketing, network and make friends, community services such as marketing promotion will also maintain relatively stable growth in IT, clothing, fast Consumers in terms of their investment in online advertising will also be in the second half of 2008 continued to rise.

但是,从9月份开始,在汽车方面,包括有大众途欢、英菲尼迪EX35等进入中国市场,雪佛兰科帕奇等实现国产,索纳塔御翔、讴歌RL等该款上市,在2008年下半年将有四十余款新车陆续上市;在网络游戏方面,将集中在第4季度有多款新游戏推出,包括完美世界将推出两款新游戏,九城将推出FIFA Online2、Audition2等;在网络服务方面,网络招聘将在12月份进入推广旺季从而加大网络营销的投入、而网络交友、社区等服务的营销推广也将维持较为稳定的增长;在IT、服装、快消等方面,他们在网络广告的投入也将在2008年下半年持续上升。

12. In a way, however, Infiniti`s push for expansion is more a result of growing its geographical presence than jacking up sales.


13. Its major competitors include the Mercedes Benz G Class, the Mercedes Benz M Class, the BMW X5, the Lexus LX series, the Infiniti QX56, and the previously mentioned Lincoln Navigator.

其主要竞争对手包括奔驰克级,奔驰米级,宝马x5 ,雷克萨斯中心LX系列,英菲尼迪qx56 ,和前面提到的林肯领航员。

14. Brian Carolin, Nissan's senior VP of sales and marketing, said, It's fair to say that there's nothing in the product plan for an Infiniti flagship right now.

布赖恩Carolin ,日产的高级副总裁,销售和市场营销,说:这是公平地说这没有什么产品计划,英菲尼迪的旗舰现在。

15. In 1986, three years before Nissan and Toyota followed suit with their Infiniti and Lexus brands, the Acura Integra and Legend gave faithful Honda customers an opportunity to spend more money while remaining true to the fold.


16. Infiniti的近义词

16. Without your contribution, I can`t make Infiniti Sales Tournament a real one.


17. Called the Infiniti M45, it was long and had sides as flat as a rack of ribs.

所谓的英菲尼迪M45 ,这是长期和双方为单位作为一个机架的肋骨。

18. Well, it seems Infiniti is intent on making itself a major player in the premium segment with the development of several new models.


19. At one time, Infiniti built a slab-sided hot rod based on the Japanese-market Nissan Gloria.


20. The engines project will also provide a cost-cutting fillip to Infiniti, which makes the bulk of its cars in Tochigi, Japan, but has its biggest sales in the US.



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