1. std::sync::mpsc::channel


pub fn channel<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>)

会创建新的async channel,返回的是sender/receiver对。
所有经由Sender发送的数据顺序,与 在Receiver端收到的数据顺序是一致的。
没有任何send操作可阻塞线程,该channel可认为是具有“无限buffer”的,而recv操作将阻塞直到有消息过来。(而对于sync_channel,当其达到buffer limit时会阻塞)。




use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;let (sender, receiver) = channel();// Spawn off an expensive computation
thread::spawn(move|| {sender.send(expensive_computation()).unwrap();
});// Do some useful work for awhile// Let's see what that answer was
println!("{:?}", receiver.recv().unwrap());

2. crossbeam_channel


  • bounded:通道具有容量上限,即通道内同时容纳的消息数有限制。
use crossbeam_channel::bounded;// Create a channel that can hold at most 5 messages at a time.
let (s, r) = bounded(5);// Can send only 5 messages without blocking.
for i in 0..5 {s.send(i).unwrap();
}// Another call to `send` would block because the channel is full.
// s.send(5).unwrap();
  • unbounded:通道的容量无上限,即通道内可同时容纳任意多的消息。
use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;// Create an unbounded channel.
let (s, r) = unbounded();// Can send any number of messages into the channel without blocking.
for i in 0..1000 {s.send(i).unwrap();


use std::thread;
use crossbeam_channel::bounded;// Create a zero-capacity channel.
let (s, r) = bounded(0);// Sending blocks until a receive operation appears on the other side.
thread::spawn(move || s.send("Hi!").unwrap());// Receiving blocks until a send operation appears on the other side.
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Ok("Hi!"));


use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;let (s1, r1) = unbounded();
let (s2, r2) = (s1.clone(), r1.clone());
let (s3, r3) = (s2.clone(), r2.clone());s1.send(10).unwrap();
s3.send(30).unwrap();assert_eq!(r3.recv(), Ok(10));
assert_eq!(r1.recv(), Ok(20));
assert_eq!(r2.recv(), Ok(30));

当所有的Senders或Receivers 与通道连接断开,则通道处于disconnected状态,消息不再可发送成功,但是通道内剩余的消息仍然可被接收。对处于disconnected状态的通道进行发送或接收操作都不会阻塞:

use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, RecvError};let (s, r) = unbounded();
s.send(3).unwrap();// The only sender is dropped, disconnecting the channel.
drop(s);// The remaining messages can be received.
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Ok(1));
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Ok(2));
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Ok(3));// There are no more messages in the channel.
assert!(r.is_empty());// Note that calling `r.recv()` does not block.
// Instead, `Err(RecvError)` is returned immediately.
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Err(RecvError));


  • 非阻塞(立即返回成功或失败)
  • 阻塞(等待操作成功或通道disconnected)
  • 超时阻塞(仅阻塞一段时间)
use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, RecvError, TryRecvError};let (s, r) = bounded(1);// Send a message into the channel.
s.send("foo").unwrap();// This call would block because the channel is full.
// s.send("bar").unwrap();// Receive the message.
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Ok("foo"));// This call would block because the channel is empty.
// r.recv();// Try receiving a message without blocking.
assert_eq!(r.try_recv(), Err(TryRecvError::Empty));// Disconnect the channel.
drop(s);// This call doesn't block because the channel is now disconnected.
assert_eq!(r.recv(), Err(RecvError));


use crossbeam_channel::unbounded;let (s, r) = unbounded();
// No need to drop the sender.// Receive all messages currently in the channel.
let v: Vec<_> = r.try_iter().collect();assert_eq!(v, [1, 2, 3]);


[1] https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/mpsc/fn.channel.html
[2] https://docs.rs/crossbeam-channel/0.5.1/crossbeam_channel/


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