
--Get the picture? *这里的picture不是“照片”,而是“状态”、“情况”、“事态”。这句是Do you get the picture的缩略形式。

--Did you grasp the overall situation??


--Are you listening to me? *这句是用于确认对方是否在注意听自己讲话。注意在这儿不能用动词hear。

--Are you paying attention??

Can you hear me? (你听得见吗?)

Did you hear me? 你听见我说的了吗??

I know that too well.? 我太清楚那种事了。?

I see your point. 我明白你的意思。?


Makes sense. *认为所听到的事情“有道理”、“可以理解”时。

Makes sense. (说得有道理。)

That makes sense.

Makes sense to me.

You're making sense.

That doesn't make sense. (这也太奇怪了。)

I know that much! *表示“这点事儿我知道,别把我当傻瓜”。

That solves it. *在对方指点下,问题、疑问得以完全解决。原来是这样啊!?

Do you know that man? (你认识那个人吗?)

No, but I know him by sight. (不认识,但我见过他。)?

Jeff got married. (杰夫结婚了。)

--Yeah, I heard about it. (啊,我听说了。)

--Yeah, someone told me.

I don't know what's what. 我根本不知道这是怎么回事。?*what's what 是what is what的缩略形式,直译为“什么是什么”。

It's over my head. 太难了,我弄不懂。?*直译是“它超过了我的头脑”。用于所听到的信息或事情,难于理解、弄不懂时。

It's beyond me.

so, that's the way to use computers. (总之,电脑是这样使用的。)

The more I think about it, the less I understand it. 越想越糊涂。?



--I don't know what he is driving at. *drive at... “打算做……”。

--I don't know what he intends.

--I don't know what he is getting at.

--I don't know what he is trying to do.

Do you know the way to my house? (你认识去我家的路吗?)

I don't know for sure. (我不太清楚。)

Is he married? (他结婚了吗?)

How should I know? (我怎么会知道?)?

What is the meaning of life? (什么是人生?)

--Who knows? (谁能知道?)

--Nobody knows.

--No way of knowing.

--There's no way of knowing.

--It's impossible to find out.

I bought this beautiful pen. (我买了一支漂亮的钢笔。)

-What for? (那又为何?)?

How about now?? 现在怎么样??

Did you say anything? *用于没听见对方说什么、或别人说话时,自己走神或不知对方是否说了什么的场合。?

I'm sorry, what did you say? 对不起,你说什么来着??*确实听到对方说了什么,希望对方能够重复一遍。?

So what? 那又怎么样呢??*含有不感兴趣和轻蔑的语气。口语中常用。

What of it?? 什么意思??

What does it mean? *没弄明白对方所说事情时,可以这样积极主动地问。

Please explain what you mean. (请您解释一下您的意思。)

What are you trying to say? (您想说什么?)

What do you mean by that? (您这是什么意思?)?

Are you saying that...? 你是说……吗??*确认对方讲话内容时。

Do you mean...?

Are you trying to say that...?

Are you saying that it's a bad idea? (你是说这个主意不好?)

--That's right. (是的。)


--Then what?

--And then?

--What happened then??

John is very smart. (约翰真聪明。)

-Yeah, just like me! (嗯,就像我一样。)*夫妻谈论自己的儿子约翰。?

How'd things turn out? (结果怎么样?)

How was it?

How did it go?

How did it turn out?

How did it end up??

--They turned out to be miserable. (结果很惨。)

To make a long story short,...? 长话短说……?

Just tell me the story in a nutshell. 你就简明扼要地说吧。?

*nutshell “坚果的壳”,in a nutshell是惯用语,“简明扼要地说,总结性地说”。

Give it to me in a nutshell.?


--Let me know the circumstances.

--Let me know the situation.?

How was the test? (你考试考得怎么样?)

--A piece of cake. (简直轻而易举。)

--It was a piece of cake.

--It was very easy.

--It was a snap.

--It was no problem (at all).

--It was as easy as 1,2,3.

--It was as easy as A,B,C.?

Wow! How'd you do that? (哇!你怎么做出来的?)

--It was nothing. (这没什么。)

--It was no big deal.?

That's about it.? (事情)就是这样。

How's married life? (婚后生活怎么样?)

--Going from bad to worse. (越来越糟。)

--Getting increasingly worse.

--Getting worse and worse (all the time).?


He made it big. *make it big “在社会上取得了成功”。

He became very successful.

He is a big success.?

We're set. (问题解决了。)

Our problem's solved.

We're set. (我们准备好了。)

We're ready.

We're okay.

--Let's get going. (那我们走吧。)


You have? *

①I've been to Chicago. (我去过芝加哥。)

→You have?

②He's from Chicago.(他是芝加哥人。)

→He is?

③He went to Chicago. (他去芝加哥了。)

→He did?

④He is tall. (他的个子很高。)

→He is?

⑤He's cooking now. (他正在做饭。)

→He is


What a shame!?

What a pity you can't go to China with us. 你不能和我们一起去中国真是太遗憾了。

What a pity! I couldn't go. (我没去成。)

I hope not.? 我真希望不是这样。?

I hope so.? 要是那样就好了!?

See? My dog can sing. (你知道吗?我的狗会唱歌。)

--Unbelievable! (难以置信!)


--No kidding! -开玩笑吧!?

--You're kidding!

--You're joking!

--That can't be!?

May I borrow your pen? (可以借用你的钢笔吗?)

--You bet. (当然行。)

--No problem.



May I take your order? (您点什么菜?)

--Well, let me see...(点什么呢?……)

--Let's see.

--Let me check. (让我查查。)

--I'll find out for you. (我找找。)

It's on the tip of my tongue.? 话就在嘴边上。

What should I say... 说什么好呢??


How should I put this...

How should I put it...?


I don't know quite how to put this.

You said you wanted to talk to me...?(听说你有话要对我说……)

Well, I don't know quite how to put this... (嗯,我真不知道该说什么好……)

I don't know how to say this.

I'm not sure how to put this.?

Beats me. *回答不了别人的提问时,“哎呀!这可糟了”、 “怎么说呢”、 “不知道呀”的语气。

What's the population of Narita? (成田市有多少人口呀?)

--Beats me. (这可让你问着了。)

--I can't answer that. (我可答不上来。)?


What do you call it? *一时想不出要说的东西的名字的时候。口语中常发音为

What would you call it? *把“do”换成“would”则用于另外一种场合。意思是“你管它叫什么?”?


--You've got me. *回答不上来问话时。

Who's the prime minister of Canada? (加拿大的总理是谁?)

You've got me. (让你问住了。)

Say something. (你说点什么吧!)

I'm speechless. (我连话都说不出来了。)

A penny for your thoughts. *这是惯用表达方式,用于当对方在考虑什么的时候。直译是“给你一便士也好,请告诉我你在想什么。”?

I'm all ears. 我在认真地听呢。*“聚精会神地听”。?

I'm listening. *在对方停止谈话时,向对方表示“请继续说下去,我在呢”或“我听着呢”。

How was your trip? (你的旅行怎么样?)

--It was terrible. (太糟糕了。)?

How was the meeting? (会开得怎么样?)

--We didn't accomplish much. (没什么结果。)

How was the movie? (电影怎么样?)

--I really enjoyed it. (我觉得很有意思。)?

How was your day? (今天过得怎么样?)

--Exhausting. (我已经精疲力尽了。)

Did you hear about my trip? (你听说我旅行的事了吗?)

--Not yet. I'd like to hear the story. (没呢。我很想知道。)

--I'd like to know the story.

--I'd like to hear about it.?

Did you enjoy the play? (那部戏有意思吗?)

--No, it was dull. (真没劲。)?

I need to tell you something. (我有事要告诉你。)

--Shoot! (说吧,说吧。)Go ahead.


--Let's talk in English.

--Let's speak in English.?


--Let's have a chat.?


--To the point, please

--Get to the point, please.?


--Stop beating around the bush. *常用短语。

Let's change the subject. (那,我们换个话题吧。)

Let's talk about something else.

Let's talk about something different.

I'd rather talk about something else. (能不能换个别的话题。)?


Let's get back to the subject.

Let's get back to the subject. (言归正传。)

Let's get back to the point.

Let's get back on track.

--Yes, let's. (对。)

Ha, ha, that's a good one! (哈,哈,这个玩笑真有趣。)

--Well, all joking aside, let's get to work. (好了好了,玩笑归玩笑,快去干活儿吧。)

--Well, seriously,...?

You were saying? 你刚才说什么来着??*说话过程中话题改变时。


--Carry on.

--Please go on.?

The party gonna be great! (那个舞会一定会很棒。)

---Oh, that reminds me. I can't go. (啊,我想起来了,我去不了。)?


--Let's drop the subject. *drop 除了“落下”之外,还表示“(问题、事件、话题等)完了、结束、停止”。

--Let's drop it.

--I don't want to talk about it anymore. (我再也不想说那件事了。)?

Don't say it so loud. (别那么大声说。)

--I thought you were hard of hearing. (我以为你没听见呢。)

Don't say that kind of thing so loudly. (那种事别那么大声嚷嚷。)

(Please) lower you voice. (小点儿声。)


This is the important point.

This is the main point.

This is crucial. *语气稍重。?

Let me help you. (我来帮助你吧。)

--This is my personal problem. (这是我个人的问题。)

--This is my private affair.?


It's a matter of life and death. *事情非常重大时用。

It's extremely important. (这是一件极其重要的事。)?


You're free to go or stay.

You're free to leave anytime.

Are you going to patch things up? (你们打算和好吗?)

--No, there's no turning back. (已经不能挽回了。)

--We can't turn back now.

Let's play it by ear. 走一步看一步吧!(到时候再说吧!)?


Should we go to the party tonight? (我们今天晚上是不是该去参加聚会?)

--I don't know. Let's play it by ear. (我不知道,到时候再说吧。)

--Let's leave everything to chance.

--Let's just see what happens. (看情况吧。)?


Let's all get together and act as one.

Let's work together as a team.?


I have to do it anyhow. *anyhow表示“反正”、“无论如何”。

I must do it anyway.?


It's now or never. *直译“现在不做,将来永远没机会了。”

Should I go to college? (我应该去上大学吗?)

--Yeah, it's now or never. (当然,机不可失,时不再来。)

--No time like the present. *直译是“没有像现在这样的时间了”。

--Seize the day. *直译“把握今天”。多在军队中用。

---Carpe diem. (不必担忧未来,及时行乐。) *出自拉丁语,英语中也常使用。

Can you jump over the river? (你能跳过那条河吗?)

--I'll take a chance. (碰碰运气看。)

--I'll take a gamble.

--I'll go for it. (我大胆试一试。)

--I'll give it a try. (试试看。)?


Have more guts!?

Let's finish it somehow. *somehow “想方设法”、“不管怎样”。

It's getting late. (已经这么晚了。)

--Let's finish it somehow. (我们总得想办法完成。)

--Let's try our best to finish it. (竭尽全力完成。)

--Let's get it over with. (赶快把它做完吧。)


We must function as one mind and one body.

We have to work together.

We must be a team.

We have to cooperate with each other. (我们必须相互协助。)?


You just wait.?


It's all or nothing. *这是一句短语,最好能记住。

We're betting all of our money. (我们把所有的钱都赌上吧。)

Yeah, it's all or nothing. (好吧,孤注一掷。)


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