
by LJ Kenward

由LJ Kenward

freeCodeCamp如何使我成为最新的训练营毕业生 (How freeCodeCamp keeps me grounded as a recent bootcamp grad)

The past year was insane. Yeah, I transitioned from truck driving into a full time junior developer role. But this isn’t that story.

过去的一年太疯狂了。 是的,我从卡车驾驶转为专职初级开发人员。 但这不是那个故事。

This is about the year I’ve had with a bunch of amazing coders from the Free Code Camp #Melbourne Meetup.


We had 13 meetups. 334 campers joined our our group.

我们举行了13次聚会。 334名露营者加入了我们的metup.com小组 。

Our lowest attendance: 3 people (including me). Our highest attendance: 33 people (including me).

我们的出席人数最低:3人(包括我)。 我们的出席人数最高:33人(包括我)。

Our Slack group had 2,400 messages from 66 people.


We had 12 lightning Talks:


  • Intro to D3 by Matthew Mack

    Matthew Mack的 D3简介

  • Intro to ES6 by Harry哈里(Harry)的ES6简介
  • Passwordless Authentication by Jackson Bates

    Jackson Bates的无密码身份验证

  • Introduction to Atom by Marc Porciuncula

    Marc Porciuncula对Atom的介绍

  • Introduction to Reveal.JS by LJ Kenward

    LJ Kenward的Reveal.JS简介

  • Trello x Pomello Project Organisation & Time Tracking by Jackson Bates

    Trello x Pomello项目组织和时间跟踪,作者: Jackson Bates

  • How to overcome your fear of Regex by Jackson Bates


  • Algorithmic Complexity and Big O by Matthew Mack算法复杂性和大O作者:Matthew Mack
  • Contributing to Open Source by Jackson Bates

    杰克逊·贝茨 ( Jackson Bates)为开源做贡献

  • An Intro into Stencyl by AnikoAniko简介Stencyl
  • The Five Point Pitch In Five Minutes by Ben Dalley五分钟的五分音高本·达利(Ben Dalley)
  • Getting Started with OBS Studio for Recording Videos by Matthew Mack

    Matthew Mack的 OBS Studio录制视频入门

… and one epic Xmas show & tell.


In short, the freeCodeCamp Melbourne Meetup started off small and average , now is growing and great. I am personally kept motivated and driven by those I surround myself with, and the freeCodeCamp members are the most passionate people I know.

简而言之,免费CodeCamp墨尔本聚会已经开始了,而且规模很小,现在却在不断发展壮大。 我个人一直受到周围的人的激励和驱动,而freeCodeCamp成员是我认识的最热情的人。

开始的故事 (The story of the start)

On April 19th, 2016 we kicked off the first freeCodeCamp #Melbourne meetup at a bar in Melbourne, Australia called 1000£ Bend. I arrived early so I could secure a big table, since the bar didn’t let you book tables in advance Call me naive, but I had no idea that people liked to drink at bars in the city after work on a Tuesday!

2016年4月19日,我们在澳大利亚墨尔本一家名为1000£Bend的酒吧举行了第一次免费CodeCamp #Melbourne聚会。 我来得很早,所以我可以保好一张大桌子,因为酒吧不允许您提前预订桌子。请叫我天真,但是我不知道人们喜欢在星期二下班后在城市的酒吧喝酒!

I found a two person table, and started panicking. We had 9 RSVPs! I ended up plucking up some courage and offered to buy a nice couple some drinks if we could swap tables. Luckily they were ace, and a few tequila shots later I had secured a table for at least eight squished coders!

我找到一张两人桌,开始惊慌失措。 我们有9个RSVP! 最后,我鼓起勇气,主动提出要买一对好酒,如果我们可以交换桌子的话。 幸运的是,他们是王牌,几枪龙舌兰酒后,我为至少八个压缩的编码器赢得了一张桌子!

A few brave people ventured their way in, and sussed out which one I was! I stared at everyone I thought could be a coder, it was weird, I was weird.

几个勇敢的人冒险闯入,怀疑我是哪一个! 我凝视着所有我认为可能是编码员的人,这很奇怪,我很奇怪。

I quickly realized that bars suck for coding.


I hang out on my laptop in bars and cafes often enough, but solo, with headphones in. The noise and lack of space is horrid. We got to know each other, did some Github Pages stuff. It was cool.

我经常在酒吧和咖啡馆的笔记本电脑上闲逛,但经常独自一人戴着耳机。噪音和空间不足令人恐惧。 我们彼此认识,做了一些Github Pages的工作。 这很酷。

The second meetup was at the State Library of Victoria in the central business district. It had huge spaces and big tables. But I had never actually studied in a library. I quickly found out that you can’t reserve tables and finding empty chairs is about as likely as stumbling upon a unicorns in a meadow.

第二次聚会是在中央商务区的维多利亚州立图书馆举行的。 它有巨大的空间和大桌子。 但是我从未真正在图书馆学习过。 我很快发现,您不能保留桌子,找到空椅子的可能性几乎就像绊倒在草地上的独角兽一样。

So I had to hoard chairs, and felt like a A-grade a-hole when telling people I needed them. I had people coming. I swear.

因此,我不得不chairs积椅子,当告诉人们我需要它们时,感觉就像是A级A洞。 我有人来。 我发誓。

In the end, out of the 6 RSVPs, 3 people showed up. So I let the chairs go.

最后,在6个RSVP中,有3个人出现了。 所以我放开椅子。

At this point, I was actually attending a coding bootcamp, so I asked if they could host us. Running the meetup every two weeks was really important to me. I needed the accountability of other people, I needed the help, the contact, so all this felt purely selfish!

此时,我实际上正在参加编码训练营,所以我问他们是否可以接待我们。 每两周举行一次聚会对我来说真的很重要。 我需要其他人的问责制,我需要帮助和联系,所以这一切纯属自私!

As soon as we started hosting the event on the campus of the bootcamp, we were getting 13–16 RSVPs — and most of them actually attending!


We kicked off meetups with lightning talks as we had a private space and a projector. Matthew wowed us with D3. One of my bootcamp classmates, Harry, delivered an intro to ES6. And I even stumbled through Git and GitHub basics.

我们有一个私人空间和一台投影仪,通过闪电般的对话开始了聚会。 马修用D3令我们赞叹。 我的一个训练营同学之一哈里(Harry)向ES6作了介绍。 我甚至偶然发现了Git和GitHub基础知识。

暂时休息一下 (Having a little life break)

In June I graduated from my 3 month Bootcamp. Yay! I only knew week-by-week whether there would be space available on campus for our meetup, and by now I was thrust into the job hunt frenzy that follows these courses. I had to let our meetup slide. *Sad face*

六月,我从三个月的Bootcamp毕业。 好极了! 我只每个星期都知道校园里是否有足够的空间来举行聚会,而现在我被紧紧追随这些课程的求职狂潮。 我不得不让我们的见面会滑下来。 *悲伤的脸*

Campers were still coding however. The Slack group still had peeps chatting. The Facebook group and Meetup group still had people joining.

营员仍在编码。 Slack组仍在偷看。 Facebook小组和Meetup小组仍有人加入。

I got an internship at an awesome company, Xero accounting app. They later offered me a full-time junior developer position, which I gladly accepted!

我在一家很棒的公司Xero Accounting app实习。 后来他们给了我一个专职的初级开发人员职位,我很高兴接受了!

In September, I finally got to a point where I could put time back into the freeCodeCamp Meetup. The learning doesn’t stop when you get a job. In fact, it feels like this is the point where it really begins!

9月,我终于到了可以将时间花在freeCodeCamp聚会上的地步。 找到工作后,学习就不会停止。 实际上,感觉到这才是真正开始的地方!

备份和编码 (Back Up and Coding)

Getting a permanent venue was the most important thing for me as an organizer to make the meetup work. Without a venue, I personally found it too stressful, and frankly, too much work. That’s just my reality.

作为组织者,让永久性的场地成为聚会工作最重要的事情。 没有场地,我个人觉得压力太大,坦率地说,工作量太大。 那只是我的现实。

I reached out to a Co-Working space called Collective Campus that I found through Google. It turns out they’ve branched out to also doing part time coding classes as Code Collective, so they were super keen to get onboard! Collective Campus are our first official sponsor, and happily continue to host us every two weeks!

我接触了一个通过Google找到的名为“ 集体校园”的合作空间。 事实证明,他们已经扩展出兼做Code Collective的兼职编码课程,因此他们非常热衷于加入! 集体校园是我们的第一个官方赞助商,并且很高兴每两周继续接待我们!

We kicked things off strong with a lightning talk from Jackson Bates on Passwordless Authentication.

我们通过杰克逊·贝茨 ( Jackson Bates)关于无密码身份验证的闪电演讲拉开了序幕。

Jackson is further along in the freeCodeCamp curriculum than most of us. He’s generous with his time and knowledge. Him and OG member Matthew Mack have become staples for lightning talks and code assists. You can listen to Jackson on the #Open2017, FCC New Years Eve live stream, or find him helping out coders world wide in the freeCodeCamp forums.

杰克逊在freeCodeCamp课程中比我们大多数人走得更远。 他的时间和知识都很慷慨。 他和OG成员Matthew Mack已成为闪电演讲和代码辅助的主要工具。 您可以在#Open2017 FCC除夕夜现场直播中收听Jackson,也可以在freeCodeCamp论坛中找到他在全球范围内帮助编码人员。

Nathan Gell also shared a success story of getting his first developer job — our first local success! For the lightning, Nathan inspired us by printing out the original job advertisement for his current job, circled the skills that he actually had (versus the skills the company had said they required) and handed it around. There weren’t many circles. It was a great lesson for all of us about going for opportunities no matter what!

内森·盖尔(Nathan Gell)还分享了获得他的第一个开发人员工作的成功案例-我们的第一个本地成功! 为了闪电起见,内森(Nathan)通过打印出他当前工作的原始工作广告来启发我们,圈出了他实际拥有的技能(与公司所说的要求相对应的技能)并分发了。 圈子不多。 无论如何,这对我们所有人来说都是一个很好的教训!

Marc P, who this year graduated high school, got up and did an introduction to the Atom editor. Marc was a regular attendee, and was apologetic that he’d missed a recently meetup because of final high school exams! Exams, Marc, they’re probably more important!

今年毕业于高中的Marc P站起来向Atom编辑器作了介绍。 马克是一名固定的参加者,并为自己因为参加高中毕业考试而错过了最近的聚会深表歉意! 考试,马克,他们可能更重要!

Watch out for Marc. His Cards Against Humanity project is dope. In three odd years when he graduates from University, he’ll be streets ahead!

提防马克。 他的“ 反人类行为卡”项目令人兴奋。 在大学毕业的三年里,他将走在前面!

I recently got an amazing opportunity to visit San Francisco and meet with people at Facebook, Google, Airbnb, Twitter, and a whole bunch of other startups, through a very cool Australian program called StartUp Catalyst. Jackson and Nathan stepped up to run the meetup that night.

最近,我通过一个非常酷的澳大利亚计划Startup Catalyst ,访问了旧金山,并与Facebook,Google,Airbnb,Twitter和其他许多初创公司的人们见面,这是一个了不起的机会。 杰克逊(Jackson)和内森(Nathan)那天晚上加紧组织聚会。

It was a little weird coming back to the next meetup and having people who came for the first time while I was away. I felt like someone had been in my home while I wasn’t there, but I realized that they had made the place a little better while I was away!

回到下一次聚会时有点怪异,有很多人是我不在时第一次来的。 我感觉好像有人在我不在的时候曾在我家中,但是我意识到当我不在时,他们使这个地方变得更好了!

我如何举办聚会 (How I run the meetups)

My style of running a study group might be a little different to others. I’m pretty hands on. I think of myself as a dinner party hostess (with the mostess!) I try to make everyone feel welcome, I work a lot to connect other people together. I also repeat myself, a lot, when it comes to encouraging people to ask questions, and I might be standing on the line between “encouragement” and “bullying” for people to do lighting talks! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

我管理学习小组的方式可能与其他人有些不同。 我很动手。 我认为自己是一个宴会上的主持人(最热情!),我尽力使每个人都感到宾至如归,我为使其他人联系在一起而付出了很多努力。 在鼓励人们提出问题时,我也重复了很多次,也许我站在“鼓励”与“欺凌”之间,让人们进行灯光演讲! ¯\ _(ツ)_ /¯

所有的奖励 (All the rewardz)

I am constantly inspired and grounded by my fellow coding campers. My path into tech isn’t your traditional FCC story. I did the paid bootcamp (“traitor” they yell in the streets! haha), but it’s the campers that keep me grounded.

我不断受到编码露营者的启发和扎根。 我的技术之路不是您传统的FCC故事。 我参加了有偿训练营(他们在街上大喊大叫“ 叛徒 ”! 哈哈 ),但是露营者让我保持了扎根。

It could be easy for me to rest on my laurels. I got “the job.” I am officially a junior dev. My work facilitate me learning on the job. They promote work/life balance, and they don’t want me to run myself into the ground.

我可能会很容易地桂冠休息。 我得到了这份工作。” 我正式是初级开发人员。 我的工作促进了我在工作中的学习。 他们促进工作/生活的平衡,并且他们不希望我陷入困境。

That’s great! I’m still at this point of needing to be surrounded by people learning though, and people outside of my work, where failing feels a little easier. I find myself needing to be around those with the drive and determination that is unique to freeCodeCampers.

那很棒! 目前,我仍然需要被学习的人和工作之外的人所包围,在这里,失败的感觉会变得容易一些。 我发现自己需要与freeCodeCampers所特有的动力和决心相处。

It’s the Campers that keep me in check.freeCodeCampers are dedicated, inspired, hungry, and they’re learning to code while managing families, jobs, and life. They help people. They collaborate. They code with passion, and a slightly surprising precision. They’re also funny, cool, friendly people, that I am pretty privileged to catch up with every two weeks!

是Campers使我无法控制。freeCodeCampers专注,富有灵感,饥饿,他们在管理家庭,工作和生活的同时学习编码。 他们帮助人们。 他们合作。 他们热情洋溢地进行编码,并且精度令人惊讶。 他们也很有趣,很酷,很友好,我很荣幸每两周赶上一次!

Thank you to everyone that has attended so far, and to all those worldwide who contribute to the freeCodeCamp community! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in #Melbourne in 2017 and continuing to “code and collaborate.”

感谢您迄今为止参加的每个人,以及全世界为freeCodeCamp社区做出贡献的所有人! 我期待在2017年与#Melbourne的每一个人见面,并继续“编码与协作”。




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