

set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
" Multi-encoding setting, MUST BE IN THE BEGINNING OF .vimrc!
if has("multi_byte")
    " When 'fileencodings' starts with 'ucs-bom', don't do this manually
    "set bomb
    set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,chinese,taiwan,japan,korea,latin1
    " CJK environment detection and corresponding setting
    if v:lang =~ "^zh_CN"
        " Simplified Chinese, on Unix euc-cn, on MS-Windows cp936
        set encoding=chinese
        set termencoding=chinese
        if &fileencoding == ''
            set fileencoding=chinese
    elseif v:lang =~ "^zh_TW"
        " Traditional Chinese, on Unix euc-tw, on MS-Windows cp950
        set encoding=taiwan
        set termencoding=taiwan
        if &fileencoding == ''
            set fileencoding=taiwan
    elseif v:lang =~ "^ja_JP"
        " Japanese, on Unix euc-jp, on MS-Windows cp932
        set encoding=japan
        set termencoding=japan
        if &fileencoding == ''
            set fileencoding=japan
    elseif v:lang =~ "^ko"
        " Korean on Unix euc-kr, on MS-Windows cp949
        set encoding=korea
        set termencoding=korea
        if &fileencoding == ''
            set fileencoding=korea
    " Detect UTF-8 locale, and override CJK setting if needed
    if v:lang =~ "utf8$" || v:lang =~ "UTF-8$"
        set encoding=utf-8
    echoerr 'Sorry, this version of (g)Vim was not compiled with "multi_byte"'
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb18030,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1
set langmenu=zh_CN.utf-8
set imcmdline
source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
language messages zh_CN.utf-8
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
set autoindent
"设置 Backspace 和 Delete 的灵活程度,backspace=2 则没有任何限制
"设置在哪些模式下使用鼠标功能,mouse=a 表示所有模式
set mouse=a
set backspace=2
set nowrap
"set textwidth=100
"au BufWinEnter * let w:m2=matchadd('Underlined', '\%>100v.\+', -1)
"syn match out80 /\%80v./ containedin=ALL
"hi out80 guifg=white guibg=red
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set ai!
set cindent shiftwidth=4
"set autoindent shiftwidth=2
set foldcolumn=4
"set foldopen=all
"set foldclose=all
"zf zo zc zd zr zm zR zM zn zi zN
"   manual  手工定义折叠
"   indent  更多的缩进表示更高级别的折叠
"   expr    用表达式来定义折叠
"   syntax  用语法高亮来定义折叠
"   diff    对没有更改的文本进行折叠
"   marker  对文中的标志折叠
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldlevel=100
set foldmethod=marker
set number
set ruler
set ambiwidth=double
set cursorline
set cursorcolumn
set cmdheight=2
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
set history=100
"set shortmess=atI
"set novisualbell
set list
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-
":highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=grey guifg=white
":match OverLength '\%101v.*'
set laststatus=2 "显示状态栏(默认值为1, 无法显示状态栏)
set statusline=
set statusline+=%2*%-3.3n%0*\ " buffer number
set statusline+=%f\ " file name
set statusline+=%h%1*%m%r%w%0* " flag
set statusline+=[
if v:version >= 600
    set statusline+=%{strlen(&ft)?&ft:'none'}, " filetype
    set statusline+=%{&fileencoding}, " encoding
set statusline+=%{&fileformat}] " file format
set statusline+=%= " right align
"set statusline+=%2*0x%-8B\ " current char
set statusline+=0x%-8B\ " current char
set statusline+=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %<%P " offset
if filereadable(expand("$VIM/vimfiles/plugin/vimbuddy.vim"))
    set statusline+=\ %{VimBuddy()} " vim buddy
"highlight StatusLine guifg=SlateBlue guibg=Yellow
"highlight StatusLineNC guifg=Gray guibg=White
set path=.,"E:/Web/htdocs",,
set nocp
set wildmenu
"执行 Vim 缺省提供的 .vimrc 文件的示例,包含了打开语法加亮显示等最常用的功能
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
set nobackup
set showmatch
set formatoptions+=mM
set bsdir=buffer
set autochdir
"set autoread
hi link phpheredoc string
set hidden
vmap <silent> ,/ y/<C-R>=escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')<CR><CR>
vmap <silent> ,? y?<C-R>=escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')<CR><CR>
autocmd BufEnter * exec "cd %:p:h"
set fileformats=dos,unix
"colorscheme peacock_light
colorscheme peacock_desert
if has("gui")
    if has("win32")
        "set guifont=*
        "set guifont=Fixedsys
        "set guifont=Monospace:h9
        "set guifont=Consolas:h9
        "set guifont=Lucida\ Console:h9
        set guifont=Monaco:h9
        "set guifont=Andale\ Mono:h10
        "set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h9
        "set guifont=YaHei\ Consolas\ Hybrid:h9
        set guifontwide=YaHei\ Consolas\ Hybrid:h9
        set guifont=SimSun:h10
    "set columns=128 lines=36
au GUIEnter * simalt ~x
"set paste
set helplang=cn
"set sessionoptions-=curdir
"au VimLeave * mksession! $VIMRUNTIME/Session.vim
"au VimLeave * wviminfo! $VIMRUNTIME/_viminfo
"source $VIMRUNTIME/Session.vim
"rviminfo $VIMRUNTIME/_viminfo
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n$VIMRUNTIME/_viminfo
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif
"设置按下<Tab>后默认的补全方式, 默认是<C-P>,
"现在改为<C-X><C-O>. 关于<C-P>的补全方式,
"还有其他的补全方式, 可以看看下面的一些帮助:
":help ins-completion
":help compl-omni
let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType=2
"0 - 不记录上次的补全方式
"1 - 记住上次的补全方式,直到用其他的补全命令改变它
"2 - 记住上次的补全方式,直到按ESC退出插入模式为止
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType="<C-X><C-O>"
set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function! MyDiff()
    let opt = '-a --binary '
    if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
    if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
    let arg1 = v:fname_in
    if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
    let arg2 = v:fname_new
    if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
    let arg3 = v:fname_out
    if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
    let eq = ''
    if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
        if &sh =~ '\<cmd'
            let cmd = '""' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"'
            let eq = '"'
            let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
        let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff'
    silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3 . eq
"this includes the script and maps the combination <ctrl> + p
"to the doc functions.
source $VIM\vimfiles\plugin\php-doc.vim
imap <A-/> <ESC>:call PhpDocSingle()<CR>i
nmap <A-/> :call PhpDocSingle()<CR>
vmap <A-/> :call PhpDocRange()<CR>
"You can obtain the completion dictionary file from:
set dictionary+=$VIM\vimfiles\syntax\function.txt
"Use the dictionary completion
set complete-=k complete+=k
"Alt + -> 打开下一个文件
map <M-right> <ESC>:bn<RETURN>
"Alt + <- 打开上一个文件
map <M-left> <ESC>:bp<RETURN>
"This function determines, wether we are on
"the start of the line text(then tab indents)
"or if we want to try auto completion
function! InsertTabWrapper()
    let col=col('.')-1
    if !col || getline('.')[col-1] !~ '\k'
        return "\<TAB>"
        return "\<C-N>"
"inoremap <TAB> <C-R>=InsertTabWrapper()<CR>
function! GetSystem()
    if (has("win32") || has("win95") || has("win64") || has("win16"))
        return "windows"
    elseif has("unix")
        return "linux"
    elseif has("mac")
        return "mac"
function! GetPatternAtCursor(pat)
    let col = col('.') - 1
    let line = getline('.')
    let ebeg = -1
    let cont = match(line, a:pat, 0)
    while (ebeg >= 0 || (0 <= cont) && (cont <= col))
        let contn = matchend(line, a:pat, cont)
        if (cont <= col) && (col < contn)
            let ebeg = match(line, a:pat, cont)
            let elen = contn - ebeg
            let cont = match(line, a:pat, contn)
    if ebeg >= 0
        return strpart(line, ebeg, elen)
        return ""
function! OpenUrl()
    let s:url = GetPatternAtCursor('\v(https?://|ftp://|file:/{3}|www\.)((\w|-)+\.)+(\w|-)+(:\d+)?(/(\w|[~@#$%^&+=/.?-])+)?')
    "echo s:url
    if s:url == ""
        echohl WarningMsg
        echomsg '在光标处未发现URL!'
        echohl None
        if GetSystem() == "windows"
            call system("explorer " . s:url)
            call system("firefox " . s:url . " &")
    unlet s:url
nmap <C-LeftMouse> :call OpenUrl()<CR>
function <SID>FontSize_Enlarge()
    if GetSystem() == "linux"
        let pattern = '\<\d\+$'
    elseif GetSystem() == "windows"
        let pattern = ':h\zs\d\+\ze:'
    let fontsize = matchstr(&gfn, pattern)
    let cmd = substitute(&gfn, pattern, string(fontsize + 1), 'g')
    let &gfn=cmd
    let fontsize = matchstr(&gfw, pattern)
    let cmd = substitute(&gfw, pattern, string(fontsize + 1), 'g')
    let &gfw=cmd
nnoremap <A-+> :call <SID>FontSize_Enlarge()<CR>
function <SID>FontSize_Reduce()
    if GetSystem() == "linux"
        let pattern = '\<\d\+$'
    elseif GetSystem() == "windows"
        let pattern = ':h\zs\d\+\ze:'
    let fontsize = matchstr(&gfn, pattern)
    let cmd = substitute(&gfn, pattern, string(fontsize - 1), 'g')
    let &gfn=cmd
    let fontsize = matchstr(&gfw, pattern)
    let cmd = substitute(&gfw, pattern, string(fontsize - 1), 'g')
    let &gfw=cmd
nnoremap <A--> :call <SID>FontSize_Reduce()<CR>
au FileType xhtml,xml so ~/.vim/ftplugin/html_autoclosetag.vim
function! SetFileEncodings(encodings)
    let b:myfileencodingsbak=&fileencodings
    let &fileencodings=a:encodings
function! RestoreFileEncodings()
    let &fileencodings=b:myfileencodingsbak
    unlet b:myfileencodingsbak
au BufReadPre *.nfo call SetFileEncodings('cp437')|set ambiwidth=single
au BufReadPost *.nfo call RestoreFileEncodings()
" 设置lookupfile插件
let g:LookupFile_MinPatLength = 2               "最少输入2个字符才开始查找
let g:LookupFile_PreserveLastPattern = 0        "不保存上次查找的字符串
let g:LookupFile_PreservePatternHistory = 1     "保存查找历史
let g:LookupFile_AlwaysAcceptFirst = 1          "回车打开第一个匹配项目
let g:LookupFile_AllowNewFiles = 0              "不允许创建不存在的文件
if filereadable("./filenametags")               "设置tag文件的名字
    let g:LookupFile_TagExpr = '"./filenametags"'
nmap <silent> ,lf <Plug>LookupFile<CR>
nmap <silent> ,lb :LUBufs<CR>
nmap <silent> ,lw :LUWalk<CR>
nmap <silent> ,lp :LUPath<CR>
"Automatically remove trailing spaces when saving a file.
autocmd BufRead,BufWrite * if ! &bin | silent! %s/\s\+$//ge | endif
"Remove indenting on empty line
map <F2> :w<CR>:call CleanupBuffer(1)<CR>:noh<CR>
function! CleanupBuffer(keep)
    " Skip binary files
    if (&bin > 0)
    " Remove spaces and tabs from end of every line, if possible
    silent! %s/\s\+$//ge
    " Save current line number
    let lnum = line(".")
    " number of last line
    let lastline = line("$")
    let n        = lastline
    " while loop
    while (1)
        " content of last line
        let line = getline(n)
        " remove spaces and tab
        if (!empty(line))
        let n = n - 1
    " Delete all empty lines at the end of file
    let start = n+1+a:keep
    if (start < lastline)
        execute n+1+a:keep . "," . lastline . "d"
    " after clean spaces and tabs, jump back
    exec "normal " . lnum . "G"
"nnoremap <silent> <F3> :Grep<CR>
nmap <F3> n
nmap <S-F3> N
"map <F4> :!E:/Web/Server/PHP/php.exe -l %<CR>
function! CheckPHPSyntax()
    setlocal makeprg=E:/Web/Server/PHP/php.exe\ -l\ -n\ -d\ html_errors=off
    setlocal shellpipe=>
    " Use error format for parsing PHP error output
    setlocal errorformat=%m\ in\ %f\ on\ line\ %l
    make %
" Perform :PHP_CheckSyntax()
map <F4> :call CheckPHPSyntax()<CR>
"map <C-A-F4> :!ZendCodeAnalyzer.exe %<CR>
function! ZendEncodePHP()
    let currentfile=fnamemodify(bufname("%"), ":p")
    let newfile=fnamemodify(bufname("%"), ":p:h") . "\\" . fnamemodify(bufname("%"), ":t:r") . ".zend." . fnamemodify(bufname("%"), ":e")
    execute "!\"E:\\Web\\Tools\\ZendGuard\\bin\\zendenc.exe\"" . ' ' . currentfile . ' ' . newfile
map <C-F4> :call ZendEncodePHP()<CR>
function! BrowseWebPage()
    let filepath=substitute(getcwd()."\\".bufname("%"), 'E:\\Web\\htdocs\\', "http://localhost/", "g")
    let filepath=substitute(filepath,"\\","\/","g")
    silent execute "!\"explorer\""." ".filepath
map <S-F4> :call BrowseWebPage()<CR>
nmap <F6>  :TrinityToggleTagListAndNERDTree<CR>
let g:NERDChristmasTree = 1              "色彩显示
let g:NERDTreeShowHidden = 1             "显示隐藏文件
let g:NERDTreeWinPos = 'left'            "窗口显示位置
let g:NERDTreeHighlightCursorline = 0    "高亮当前行
nmap <F7>  :TrinityToggleNERDTree<CR>
let g:netrw_winsize=30
let g:netrw_liststyle=1
let g:netrw_timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
nmap <silent> <C-F7> :Sexplore!<cr>
"Ctrl + F7打开project插件
nmap <silent> <A-F7>  :Project<CR>
if GetSystem() == "windows"                    "设定Windows系统中ctags程序的位置
    let g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = $VIMRUNTIME.'\ctags'
    let g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags'
"let g:Tlist_Sort_Type = 'name'          "以名称顺序排序,默认以位置顺序(order)
let g:Tlist_Show_One_File = 1           "不同时显示多个文件的tag,只显示当前文件的
let g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1         "如果taglist窗口是最后一个窗口,则退出vim
lef g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 1    "当光标不在编辑文件里面的时候全部折叠
let g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1        "在右侧窗口中显示taglist窗口
let g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 1      "显示折叠边栏
nmap <F8>  :TrinityToggleTagList<CR>
let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp = 1
let g:bufExplorerDetailedHelp = 0
nmap <F11> :BufExplorer <CR>
set tags=tags;
set autochdir
function! UpdateTagsFile()
    silent !ctags -R --fields=+ianS --extra=+q
nmap <F12> :call UpdateTagsFile()<CR>
"Ctrl + F12删除tags文件
function! DeleteTagsFile()
    "silent !rm tags
    silent !del /F /Q tags
nmap <C-F12> :call DeleteTagsFile()<CR>

"au VimLeavePre * call DeleteTagsFile()

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