
ConfigParser 是用来读取配置文件的包。配置文件的格式如下:中括号“[ ]”内包含的为section。section 下面为类似于key-value 的配置内容。

1: [db] 2: db_host = 3: db_port = 22 4: db_user = root 5: db_pass = rootroot 6:  7: [concurrent] 8: thread = 10 9: processor = 20

中括号“[ ]”内包含的为section。紧接着section 为类似于key-value 的options 的配置内容。

二、ConfigParser 初始工作

使用ConfigParser 首选需要初始化实例,并读取配置文件:

1: cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() 2: cf.read( "配置文件名")

三、ConfigParser 常用方法

1. 获取所有sections。也就是将配置文件中所有“[ ]”读取到列表中:

1: s = cf.sections() 2: print 'section:', s


1: section: ['db', 'concurrent']

2. 获取指定section 的options。即将配置文件某个section 内key 读取到列表中:

1: o = cf.options( "db") 2: print 'options:', o


1: options: ['db_host', 'db_port', 'db_user', 'db_pass']

3. 获取指定section 的配置信息

1: v = cf.items( "db") 2: print 'db:', v


1: db: [('db_host', ''), ('db_port', '22'), ('db_user', 'root'), ('db_pass', 'rootroot')]

4. 按照类型读取指定section 的option 信息


1: #可以按照类型读取出来 2: db_host = cf.get( "db", "db_host") 3: db_port = cf.getint( "db", "db_port") 4: db_user = cf.get( "db", "db_user") 5: db_pass = cf.get( "db", "db_pass") 6:  7: # 返回的是整型的 8: threads = cf.getint( "concurrent", "thread") 9: processors = cf.getint( "concurrent", "processor") 10:  11: print "db_host:", db_host 12: print "db_port:", db_port 13: print "db_user:", db_user 14: print "db_pass:", db_pass 15: print "thread:", threads 16: print "processor:", processors


1: db_host: 2: db_port: 22 3: db_user: root 4: db_pass: rootroot 5: thread: 10 6: processor: 20

5. 设置某个option 的值。(记得最后要写回)

1: cf.set( "db", "db_pass", "zhaowei") 2: cf.write(open( "test.conf", "w"))


1: cf.add_section('liuqing') 2: cf.set('liuqing', 'int', '15') 3: cf.set('liuqing', 'bool', ' true') 4: cf.set('liuqing', 'float', '3.1415') 5: cf.set('liuqing', 'baz', 'fun') 6: cf.set('liuqing', 'bar', 'Python') 7: cf.set('liuqing', 'foo', '%(bar)s is %(baz)s!') 8: cf.write(open( "test.conf", "w"))

7. 移除section 或者option 。(只要进行了修改就要写回的哦)

1: cf.remove_option('liuqing','int') 2: cf.remove_section('liuqing') 3: cf.write(open( "test.conf", "w"))


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
  3. CONFIGFILE="f.txt"
  4. config=ConfigParser()
  5. config.read(CONFIGFILE)
  6. print config.get('messages','greeting')
  7. radius=input(config.get('messages','questions')+' ')
  8. print config.get('messages','result')
  9. print config.getfloat('numbers','pi')*radius**2
  10. s=config.sections()
  11. print'section: ',s
  12. o=config.options('messages')
  13. print'messages option: ',o
  14. v=config.items("messages")
  15. print'message de xinxi: ',v
  16. config.add_section('liuyang1')
  17. config.set('liuyang1','int','15')
  18. config.set('liuyang'1,'hhhh','hello world')
  19. config.write(open("f.txt","w"))
  20. print config.get('liuyang1','int')
  21. print config.get('liuyang1','hhhh')
  22. #!/usr/bin/env python
  23. import ConfigParser
  24. import sys
  25. config=ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
  26. config.add_section("book1")
  27. config.set("book1","title","hello world")
  28. config.set("book1","aut","log")
  29. config.write(open("f.txt","w"))

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