4.2.3   Supported argument and return value types

Because the XML-RPC protocol does not support all possible object types, the values transferred between the Remote library and remote servers must be converted to compatible types. This applies to the keyword arguments the Remote library passes to remote servers and to the return values servers give back to the Remote library.

Both the Remote library and the Python remote server handle Python values according to the following rules. Other remote servers should behave similarly.

Strings, numbers and Boolean values are passed without modifications.
Python None is converted to an empty string.
All lists, tuples, and other iterable objects (except strings and dictionaries) are passed as lists so that their contents are converted recursively.
Dictionaries and other mappings are passed as dicts so that their keys are converted to strings and values converted to supported types recursively.
Strings containing bytes in the ASCII range that cannot be represented in XML (e.g. the null byte) are sent as Binary objects that internally use XML-RPC base64 data type. Received Binary objects are automatically converted to byte strings.
Other types are converted to strings.

Prior to Robot Framework 2.8.3, only lists, tuples, and dictionaries were handled according to the above rules. General iterables and mappings were not supported.

Binary support is new in Robot Framework 2.8.4.

概括起来java能传递的是: 数字类型 boolean String List Array Map。



package keywords.leading.testcases;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;import org.robotframework.javalib.annotation.ArgumentNames;
import org.robotframework.javalib.annotation.RobotKeyword;
import org.robotframework.javalib.annotation.RobotKeywords;@RobotKeywords
public class FjTest {@RobotKeyword("Example:\n" + "|test Map | key | value | \n")@ArgumentNames({ "key", "val" })public Map<String, String> testMap(String key, String val) throws Exception {System.out.println("key=" + key + ";val=" + val);Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();map.put("邓肯微笑遭驱逐!NBA史上10大怪异技犯吹罚",“http://baidu.com.cn");map.put(key, val);return map;}

2.robot framework用例书写举例:



*** Settings ***
Library           Remote    WITH NAME    MyRemoteLibrary
Library           Collections*** Test Cases ***
ReturnMap${dct}    Test Map    hello    world@{keys}=    Get Dictionary Keys    ${dct}: FOR    ${key}    IN    @{keys}\    log    key=${key}\    ${v}=    Get From Dictionary    ${dct}    ${key}\    log    value=${v}


Starting test: Fjtest.RemoteLib.ReturnMap
20160120 17:09:04.534 :  INFO : key=hello;val=world
20160120 17:09:04.534 :  INFO : ${dct} = {'hello': 'world', u'\u9093\u80af\u5fae\u7b11\u906d\u9a71\u9010\uff01NBA\u53f2\u4e0a10\u5927\u602a\u5f02\u6280\u72af\u5439\u7f5a': 'http://baid.com...
20160120 17:09:04.536 :  INFO : @{keys} = [ hello | 邓肯微笑遭驱逐!NBA史上10大怪异技犯吹罚 ]
20160120 17:09:04.538 :  INFO : key=hello
20160120 17:09:04.539 :  INFO : ${v} = world
20160120 17:09:04.540 :  INFO : value=world
20160120 17:09:04.541 :  INFO : key=邓肯微笑遭驱逐!NBA史上10大怪异技犯吹罚
20160120 17:09:04.542 :  INFO : ${v} = http://baidu.com.cn
20160120 17:09:04.543 :  INFO : value=http://baidu.com.cn

Ending test:   Fjtest.RemoteLib.ReturnMap




@RobotKeyword("Example:\n" + "|test Map | 123 | 456 | \n")@ArgumentNames({ "key", "val" })public Map<String, PlayResource> testMap(String key, String val)throws Exception {System.out.println("key=" + key + ";val=" + val);Map<String, PlayResource> map = new HashMap<String, PlayResource>();PlayResource res = new PlayResource("电视剧","排行","赵又廷,姚晨,凤小岳,李晨,唐嫣,冯瓅,李光洁,王庆祥,吴军,王德顺 da lian huan!!!~","http://baidu.com""1234", null, false);map.put("p1", res);return map;}
class PlayResource {private String channelName;// 所属频道名称private String navName;// 所属标签名称private String name;// 资源名称private String playGetUrl;// 获取播放资源urlprivate String pid;private String vid;private boolean ok;// 是否能播public PlayResource() {super();// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub}public PlayResource(String channelName, String navName, String name,String playGetUrl, String pid, String vid, boolean ok) {super();this.channelName = channelName;this.navName = navName;this.name = name;this.playGetUrl = playGetUrl;this.pid = pid;this.vid = vid;this.ok = ok;}public String getPid() {return pid;}public void setPid(String pid) {this.pid = pid;}public String getVid() {return vid;}public void setVid(String vid) {this.vid = vid;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public boolean isOk() {return ok;}public void setOk(boolean ok) {this.ok = ok;}public String getChannelName() {return channelName;}public void setChannelName(String channelName) {this.channelName = channelName;}public String getNavName() {return navName;}public void setNavName(String navName) {this.navName = navName;}public String getPlayGetUrl() {return playGetUrl;}public void setPlayGetUrl(String playGetUrl) {this.playGetUrl = playGetUrl;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "PlayResource [channelName=" + channelName + ", navName="+ navName + ", name=" + name + ", playGetUrl=" + playGetUrl+ ", pid=" + pid + ", vid=" + vid + ", ok=" + ok + "]";}



Starting test: Fjtest.RemoteLib.ReturnMap
20160120 19:26:57.324 :  INFO : ${dct} = {'p1': u'PlayResource [channelName=\u7535\u89c6\u5267, navName=\u6392\u884c, name=\u8d75\u53c8\u5ef7,\u59da\u6668,\u51e4\u5c0f\u5cb3,\u674e\u6668,\u5510\u5ae3,\u51af\u74c5,\u674e\u5149\u6d01,\u738b\...
20160120 19:26:57.325 :  INFO : @{keys} = [ p1 ]
20160120 19:26:57.326 :  INFO : key=p1
20160120 19:26:57.329 :  INFO : ${v} = PlayResource [channelName=电视剧, navName=排行, name=赵又廷,姚晨,凤小岳,李晨,唐嫣,冯瓅,李光洁,王庆祥,吴军,王德顺 da lian huan!!!~, playGetUrl=http://baidu...
20160120 19:26:57.335 :  INFO : value=PlayResource [channelName=电视剧, navName=排行, name=赵又廷,姚晨,凤小岳,李晨,唐嫣,冯瓅,李光洁,王庆祥,吴军,王德顺 da lian huan!!!~, playGetUrl=http://baidu.com, pid=1234, vid=null, ok=false]
Ending test:   Fjtest.RemoteLib.ReturnMap


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