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SystemC 介绍


TLM2 介绍

如果都是SV code的话,结构上类型TLM1

TLM2 提供了下面2中传输接口

Blocking (b_transport) completes the entire transaction within a single method call
Non-blocking (nb_transport) describes the progress of a transaction using multiple nb_transport() method calls going back-and-forth between initiator and target


passthrough: 可以直接initiator connect到passthrough

uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket#(uvm_tlm_generic_payload) init_skt; uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket#(uvm_tlm_generic_payload) pt_init_skt;init_skt.connect(pt_init_skt);


initiator implement

class initiator extends uvm_component;`uvm_component_utils (initiator)// Declare a blocking transport socket (using initiator socket class)uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket #(simple_packet) initSocket;uvm_tlm_time   delay;simple_packet  pkt;function new (string name = "initiator", uvm_component parent= null); (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase (phase);// Create an instance of the socketinitSocket = new ("initSocket", this);delay = new ();endfunctionvirtual task run_phase (uvm_phase phase);pkt = simple_packet::type_id::create ("pkt");//...initSocket.b_transport (pkt, delay);endtask

target implement

class target extends uvm_component;`uvm_component_utils (target)// Declare a blocking target socketuvm_tlm_b_target_socket #(target, simple_packet) targetSocket;function new (string name = "target", uvm_component parent = null); (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase (phase);// Create an instance of the target sockettargetSocket = new ("targetSocket", this);endfunction// Provide the implementation method of b_transport in the target classtask b_transport (simple_packet pkt, uvm_tlm_time delay);pkt.print (uvm_default_line_printer);endtask

initiator and target connection

class my_env extends uvm_env;`uvm_component_utils (my_env)initiator   init;target      tgt;function new (string name = "my_env", uvm_component parent = null); (name, parent);endfunctionvirtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);super.build_phase (phase);// Create an object of both componentsinit = initiator::type_id::create ("init", this);tgt = target::type_id::create ("tgt", this);endfunction// Connect both sockets in the connect_phasevirtual function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);init.initSocket.connect (tgt.targetSocket);endfunction

SC 与 SV 信息传递


UVM TLM2: SystemC和SV 通信相关推荐

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