
Facebook’s Watch Party feature has been around for awhile, but it wasn’t available for all pages and people until today. That’s a big deal for content creators and media giants, as it may offer a profitable alternative to traditional broadcasting.

Facebook的Watch Party功能已经存在了一段时间,但直到今天才在所有页面和所有人中使用。 对于内容创作者和媒体巨头来说,这是一笔大买卖,因为它可能会提供传统广播的替代方案。

等等,什么是观察党? (Hold On, What is a Watch Party?)

Facebook has gone through a lot of changes in the past year. The company has started to focus on community-building features, like Groups and Group Chats, because they generate more traffic and user engagement than typical posts and content pages. Earlier this year, Facebook quietly rolled out the Watch Party feature, which essentially allows Groups to stream a playlist of videos and talk about them in a chatbox. Until today, the feature could only be used by Groups, not by people or pages.

过去一年,Facebook经历了许多变化。 该公司已开始专注于社区建设功能,例如组和群聊,因为它们比典型的帖子和内容页面产生更多的流量和用户参与度。 今年早些时候,Facebook悄悄推出了“ 观看派对”功能,该功能实质上使网上论坛可以流式播放视频播放列表并在聊天框中讨论它们。 直到今天,该功能只能由组使用,不能由人员或页面使用。

So Watch Party lets people watch TV together? Well, not really. See, the Watch Party service is similar to Youtube Live or Rabbit, but it’s limited to videos that are already on Facebook. That restricts users from watching popular TV shows and movies together because most media corporations and content creators aren’t willing to post their content on Facebook for other people to distribute for free. Facebook is trying to change that by allowing people and pages to host their own public Watch Parties. They think that content creators and media giants are more likely to post engaging content on Facebook if they can control when and how users see it.

那么“观看派对”可以让人们一起看电视吗? 好吧,不是真的。 可以看到,Watch Party服务类似于Youtube Live或Rabbit,但仅限于Facebook上已有的视频。 这限制了用户不能一起观看流行的电视节目和电影,因为大多数媒体公司和内容创建者都不愿意将其内容发布在Facebook上,以供其他人免费分发。 Facebook试图通过允许人们和页面主持自己的公共观察方来改变这种状况。 他们认为,如果内容创建者和媒体巨头可以控制用户何时以及如何查看内容,则他们更有可能在Facebook上发布引人入胜的内容。

人们和专页将主持值得您关注的观看派对 (People and Pages Will Host Watch Parties that are Worth Your Time)

Facebook has been quietly testing Watch Parties for Pages. You may have binge-watched Buzzfeed’s Worth It on a Facebook Watch Party, or tuned into Benedetta Rossi’s Watch Party cooking show series. Those campaigns have gone quite well, and they’ve generated a lot more engagement than non-live videos. It’s proof that niche content and influencer videos can benefit from Facebook’s Watch Parties feature.

Facebook一直在悄悄地测试Pages的Watch Party。 您可能已经在Facebook观看晚会上狂饮观看了Buzzfeed的“值得一看”,或者收听了Benedetta Rossi的观看晚会烹饪节目系列。 这些广告系列进展顺利,与非直播视频相比,它们产生了更多的参与度。 证明利基内容和影响者视频可以从Facebook的“观看派对”功能中受益。

But the WWE’s Watch Party campaign has got to be the most exciting, as it shows how TV shows and sports may find their way onto Watch Parties in the future. The WWE livestreams wrestling matches on Facebook every Tuesday, but international wrestling fans can rarely catch the livestream. That’s why the WWE has been re-airing their matches in Watch Parties that target different time zones, and they’ve seen a lot of success doing so. If other sporting events and TV shows aired Watch Parties, they could reach an international online audience without compromising their control over the content or their advertising revenue. In fact, they could potentially generate more revenue than they make on traditional broadcasting.

但是WWE的“观看派对”活动必须是最令人兴奋的,因为它显示了电视节目和体育节目将来可能如何进入“观看派对”。 WWE直播摔跤比赛每个星期二在Facebook上进行,但国际摔跤迷很少能观看直播。 这就是WWE一直在针对不同时区的Watch Party中重新播放其比赛的原因,并且他们在此方面取得了很多成功。 如果其他体育赛事和电视节目开播了观看晚会,则可以在不影响内容或广告收入控制的情况下吸引国际在线观众。 实际上,与传统广播相比,它们可能产生更多的收入。

Of course, Watch Parties are still great for people and Groups. There may not be a lot of TV on Facebook (yet), but there’s still a lot of interesting and niche content that you can enjoy with your friends. If you’re feeling the Watch Party itch, you can start your own Watch Party from the “Write a post” box at the top of your feed. Facebook will prompt you to queue up some videos, and your friends and followers will be notified that you’ve started a watch party.

当然,观看派对对于个人和团体仍然非常有用。 Facebook上可能还没有很多电视,但是您仍然可以和朋友一起享受很多有趣而又小众的内容。 如果您感到“观看派对”不愉快,可以从Feed顶部的“写帖子”框中开始自己的观看派对 。 Facebook将提示您将一些视频排队,并且您的朋友和关注者将收到通知,告知您已开始观看派对。

Source: Facebook

资料来源: Facebook

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebook-watch-party-is-available-for-everyone-this-is-huge/



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