
Today we are going to cover the topic difference between Verification and Validation.


These terms can be very prominent and are widely used with respect to the software development. These two words are independent to each other and are the mechanisms to check if the product or service that is meant to be delivered to the end client satisfies the user requirements and whether able to fulfill its intended purpose or not.

这些术语可能非常突出,并在软件开发方面得到广泛使用。 这两个词彼此独立,并且是检查要交付给最终客户的产品或服务是否满足用户要求以及是否能够满足其预期目的的机制。

So without wasting much of our time let’s quickly get started by giving a brief introduction about what does these two terms Verification and Validation mean literally.


Also Read: Difference between Testing and Debugging

另请阅读: 测试和调试之间的区别

验证 (Verification)

Tagline: Have we built the software right?

口号: 我们是否正确构建了软件?

Verification is basically the mechanism to verify the software, that the output of any of the development phase must comply with the requirements specified at the time of initiation of that phase.


Verification, talking in terms of software engineering is regarded as the static means of verifying the specification, documents, design and code. Not only these but verification is responsible for verifying all the steps involved in the development process of the software like inspection, specification analysis, design analysis etc.

就软件工程而言,验证被视为验证规范,文档,设计和代码的静态方法。 不仅这些,而且验证还负责验证软件开发过程中涉及的所有步骤,例如检查,规范分析,设计分析等。

Moreover, verification is aimed at finding out whether the software is of high quality or not, on the other hand it can’t evaluate the usefulness of the software.


Following methods are followed to carry out verification process:


  • Walkthrough演练
  • Inspection检查
  • Code Review代码审查

验证方式 (Validation)

Tagline: Have we built the right software?

口号: 我们是否构建了正确的软件?

This mechanism is the process of inspecting the software in between or at the end of the development phase and making sure that the software must comply with the specified requirements.


Validation process deals with the evaluation of end product (software) to ensure whether the produced software meets the end users expectation or not. This process is termed as the dynamic mechanism of evaluating the software product.

验证过程涉及对最终产品(软件)的评估,以确保所生产的软件是否符合最终用户的期望。 此过程称为评估软件产品的动态机制。

Following methods are adopted to accomplish the objective of validation process:


  • Testing and测试和
  • End Users终端用户

验证与确认之间的区别 (Difference between Verification and Validation)

We’ve seen what two terms Verification and Validation mean in the world of software testing. Now let’s quickly do a comparative study of these two to figure out the differences and find out what common features do they share.

我们已经了解了软件测试领域中的“验证”和“验证”这两个术语的含义。 现在,让我们快速对这两者进行比较研究,以找出差异并找出它们共有的共同特征。

Verification Validation
It is regarded as the static method of verifying the code, design and documents. It is termed as the dynamic practice to validate the end product.
This process is usually carried out by humans. This is primarily accomplished by computers.
It is to ensure that software complies with the specifications. It is to ensure that the end client’s expectation is met or not.
Execution of the program code is not required in this step. Execution of code is the basic need.
Errors that cannot be tracked during validation are caught here. Errors that cannot be tracked during verification are caught here.
It is done by the QA team to conform the software’s compliance with the SRS. It is carried out with collaboration of developers and testing team.
It is executed before validation process. It is done usually after the verification process.
It explains if the outputs are according to the inputs or not. It explains whether a customer is going to accept the product or not.
Errors caught at this stage are usually less costly to remove. Errors cost more to be removed at this stage.
Accomplished via Walkthrough, Inspection and Code Review. Accomplished through Testing and surveys with the End Users.
验证 验证方式
它被视为验证代码,设计和文档的静态方法。 这被称为验证最终产品的动态实践。
此过程通常由人类执行。 这主要是由计算机完成的。
这是为了确保软件符合规范。 这是为了确保满足或不满足最终客户的期望。
在此步骤中不需要执行程序代码。 执行代码是基本需求。
验证期间无法跟踪的错误在此处捕获。 验证期间无法跟踪的错误在此处捕获。
由质量检查团队完成,以使软件符合SRS。 它是在开发人员和测试团队的协作下进行的。
它在验证过程之前执行。 通常在验证过程之后完成。
它说明了输出是否与输入一致。 它说明了客户是否要接受该产品。
在此阶段捕获的错误通常以较低的代价消除。 在此阶段,消除错误的成本更高。
通过演练,检查和代码审查完成。 通过与最终用户的测试和调查来完成。

At last we come to conclude that both these processes are necessary to the software development process in one way or the other. Both the mechanisms have got different potentials and advantages to encounter the defect and vulnerabilities at different stages of the software development cycle.

最后,我们得出的结论是,这两个过程对于软件开发过程而言都是必不可少的。 两种机制在软件开发周期的不同阶段遇到缺陷和漏洞时,都有不同的潜力和优势。

That is all for today. If you’ve got any doubts or queries related to verification vs validation then, please feel free to ask in the comment section. We will be happy to help. Suggestions are equally welcomed from the readers end.

今天就这些。 如果您对验证与验证有任何疑问或疑问,请随时在评论部分提问。 我们将很乐意提供帮助。 读者的建议也同样受欢迎。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/04/difference-between-verification-and-validation.html



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