POJ-2001-Shortest Prefixes




using namespace std;
char list[1005][25];
struct node
{int count;node *childs[26];node(){count=0;int i;for(i=0;i<26;i++)childs[i]=NULL;}
node *root=new node;
node *current,*newnode;
void insert(char *str)
{int i,m;current=root;for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++){m=str[i]-'a';if(current->childs[m]!=NULL){current=current->childs[m];++(current->count);}else{newnode=new node;++(newnode->count);current->childs[m]=newnode;current=newnode;}}
void search(char *str)
{int i,m;char ans[25];current=root;for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++){m=str[i]-'a';current=current->childs[m];ans[i]=str[i];ans[i+1]='\0';if(current->count==1)    //可以唯一标示该字符串的前缀{printf("%s %s\n",str,ans);return;}}printf("%s %s\n",str,ans);  // 否则输出该字符串
int main()
{int i,t=0;while(scanf("%s",list[t])!=EOF){insert(list[t]);t++;}for(i=0;i<t;i++)search(list[i]);return 0;

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