

  • 第八章
    • 1.Which of the following would alleviate the problem of excessive collisions in a LAN?(Choose two.)
    • 2.A network administrator has a multi-floor LAN to monitor and maintain.Through careful monitoring the administrator has noticed a age amourt ofbroadcast traffic slowing the network. Which device would you use to best solve this problem?
    • 3. Which of the following describes the concept of full-duplex mode?
    • 4.Which of the following are not to be exceeded when implementing the 5-4-3-2-1 Rule? (Choose three.)
    • 5.Which items are contributors to latency in a switched network?(Choose two.)
    • 6.Which of the following are considered Layer 1 devices?(Choose two.)
    • 7.A switch reads the first 64 bytes of a data field and forwards data, before the entire data field has been read.Which switching method allows this?
    • 8.Which of the following is a term associated with replacing hubs with switches to increase the number of collision domains?
    • 9.What does a switch build as it reads MAC addresses that pass through it?
    • 10.What impact does a bridge have on a network? (Choose two.)
    • 11.While working on her computer,Mary noticed longer than normal network data transfers. Mary investigates the problem and notices that her co-workerJohn has been hosting an online video conference. What is the network probably experiencing?
    • 12.What will a bridge do if it receives a frame with a MAC address that is not within the table?
    • 13.Which LAN devices make frame forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses? (Choose two.)
    • 14.Which of the following does a router use to make a forwarding decision?
    • 15.Which switching mode describes a switch that transfers a frame as soon as the destination MAC address is read?
  • 总结


1.Which of the following would alleviate the problem of excessive collisions in a LAN?(Choose two.)

A. reduce the size of collision domains 减少碰撞域的大小
B. reduce number of broadcast domains减少广播域的数量
C. add extra hubs增加额外的集线器
D. add extra managed switches增加额外的交换机
E. add additional transceivers增加其他收发器
F. increase the length of UTP cable runs增加UTP电缆的运行长度

2.A network administrator has a multi-floor LAN to monitor and maintain.Through careful monitoring the administrator has noticed a age amourt ofbroadcast traffic slowing the network. Which device would you use to best solve this problem?

A. bridge网桥
B. hub集线器
C. router路由器
D. transceiver收发器

3. Which of the following describes the concept of full-duplex mode?

A. traffic passing in one direction at a time with no collisions交通一次向一个方向通过,不发生碰撞
B. traffic passing faster downstream than upstream下游的交通比上游的快
C. traffic passing equally in both directions with no collisions不发生碰撞,双向平均通过的通信量
D. traffic passing faster upstream than downstream上游的交通比下游的快


4.Which of the following are not to be exceeded when implementing the 5-4-3-2-1 Rule? (Choose three.)

A. five broadcast domains五个广播域
B. four hubs四个集线器
C.three routers3个路由器
D. three host segments三个主机段
E. one collision domain碰撞域

补充一下其他的,2个连接段 5个网络段

5.Which items are contributors to latency in a switched network?(Choose two.)

A. circuit delays电路延迟
B. software delays软件延迟
C. incorrect MAC addressing错误的MAC地址
D. too many collision domains太多的冲突域

6.Which of the following are considered Layer 1 devices?(Choose two.)

A. router路由器
B. switch转换器
C. repeater中继器
D. bridge网桥
E. hub集线器


7.A switch reads the first 64 bytes of a data field and forwards data, before the entire data field has been read.Which switching method allows this?

A. store and forward存储和转发
C. fragment-free无碎片
D. asymmetric不对称的
E. symmetric对称的


8.Which of the following is a term associated with replacing hubs with switches to increase the number of collision domains?

A. encapsulation
C. segmentation分割
D. layered model分层模型
E. broadcast domain广播域
F. extended扩展

9.What does a switch build as it reads MAC addresses that pass through it?

A. Routing Topology table路由拓扑表
B. Content Addressable Memory table可寻址内存表
C. Store and Forward list存储和转发列表
D. Cut-through domain直通域
E.MAC Route Address tableMAC路由地址表


10.What impact does a bridge have on a network? (Choose two.)

A. reduces the number collision domains 减少碰撞域的数目
B. increases number of collision domains增加碰撞域的数目
C. adds additional broadcast domains增加额外的广播域,
D. has no impact on broadcast domains对广播域没有影响。
E. reduces the length of the shared media减少共享媒体的长度

11.While working on her computer,Mary noticed longer than normal network data transfers. Mary investigates the problem and notices that her co-workerJohn has been hosting an online video conference. What is the network probably experiencing?

A. collision storm碰撞风暴
B. broadcast storm广播风暴
C. lP stormlP风暴
D. data rain storm数据暴雨

12.What will a bridge do if it receives a frame with a MAC address that is not within the table?

A. discard frame丢弃架
B. ignore frame忽略帧
C. send frame to appropriate port发送帧到适当的端口
D. send frame to all ports except source port将帧发送到除源端口以外的所有端口

13.Which LAN devices make frame forwarding decisions based on MAC addresses? (Choose two.)

A. hub集线器
B. router路由器
C. bridge网桥
D. switch转换器
E. transceiver收发器

14.Which of the following does a router use to make a forwarding decision?

A. destination lP address目的地LP地址
B. MAC addressMAC地址
C. source lP address源LP地址
D. encapsulation address封装地址
E. default gateway默认网关

15.Which switching mode describes a switch that transfers a frame as soon as the destination MAC address is read?

A. fragment-free无碎片的
B. cut-through直通的
C. store-and-forward存储和转发
D. latency forwarding延迟转发




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