
vertical: Boolean
fixUpper: String
fixLower: String
natural: Boolean
leftBottom: Boolean
includeZero: Boolean
fixed: Boolean
majorLabels: Boolean
minorTicks: Boolean
minorLabels: Boolean
microTicks: Boolean
htmlLabels: Boolean
min: Number
max: Number
from: Number
to: Number
majorTickStep: Number?
The amount to skip before a major tick is drawn. When not set the major ticks step is computed from the data range.

minorTickStep: Number
The amount to skip before a minor tick is drawn. When not set the minor ticks step is computed from the data range.

microTickStep: Number?
The amount to skip before a micro tick is drawn. When not set the micro ticks step is computed from
labels: Object[]?
labelFunc: Function?
An optional function to use to compute label text. It takes precedence over the default text when available. The function must be of the following form:

function labelFunc(text, value, precision) {}

`text` is the already pre-formatted text. Pre-formatting is done using `dojo/number`

is available, `Date.toFixed` otherwise.

`value`  is the raw axis value.
`precision` is the requested precision to be applied.
maxLabelSize: Number?

stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
An optional stroke to be used for drawing an axis.
majorTick: Object?
An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a major tick.
minorTick: Object?
An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a minor tick.
microTick: Object?
An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a micro tick.
tick: Object?
An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a tick.
font: String
fontColor: String|dojo.Color
titleGap: Number
titleFont: String?
titleFontColor: String
titleOrientation: String
enableCache: Boolean
Whether the ticks and labels are cached from one rendering to another. This improves the rendering performance of successive rendering but penalize the first rendering. For labels it is only working with gfx labels not html ones.  Default false.
dropLabels: Boolean?
Whether the axis automatically drops labels at regular interval or not to avoid labels overlapping. This gives better results but require more computations.  You can disable it to save computation time when you know your labels won't overlap. Default is true.
labelSizeChange: Boolean?
Indicates to the axis whether the axis labels are changing their size on zoom. If false this allows to optimize the axis by avoiding recomputing labels maximum size on zoom actions. Default is false.
position: String?
The position of the axis. Values: "leftOrBottom", "center" or "rightOrTop". Default is "leftOrBottom".

this.chart = new Chart(this.chartDivNode,{title:"",
    titleFont:"normal normal bold 15pt Microsoft YaHei" //暂未知 暂未知 加粗 字号 字体

this.chart.setTheme(PrimaryColors).addPlot("default", {type: Pie,      //统计图类型:饼图(Columns:柱状图,Bars:水平方向的柱状图)
        font: "Microsoft YaHei",   //图内字体
        fontColor: "black",        //图内字体颜色
        labelOffset: 30,
        labels:false,              //是否显示标注,饼图中的扇形内文字或柱图立柱内文字
        //labelStyle:"columns",        //标注的样式,默认为在圆形之内,columns牵引线
        radius: 90                   //饼图直径
//      gap:5                      //柱图立柱间距
    }).addSeries("Series Pie", data);

.addAxis("x", {//title: "",                    坐标轴标题
    titleFontColor: "black",
    titleOrientation:"away",        //标题正对或反对于轴,axis/away
    max:6,                          //轴刻度最大值
    includeZero: true,
    natural: true,
    //fixLower: "major",
    fixUpper: "micro",
    dropLabels:false,              //是否在空间不够时选择性的显示坐标值
    rotation:30,                   //坐标值旋转角度
    labels: [{value: 0, text: ""},{value: 1, text: "易开发"},{value: 2, text: "较易开发"},{value: 3, text: "较难开发"},
        {value: 4, text: "难开发"},{value: 5, text: "不可开发"},{value: 6, text: "其他面积"}]


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