本文翻译自:IEnumerable and Recursion using yield return

I have an IEnumerable<T> method that I'm using to find controls in a WebForms page. 我有一个IEnumerable<T>方法,用于在WebForms页面中查找控件。

The method is recursive and I'm having some problems returning the type I want when the yield return is returnig the value of the recursive call. 该方法是递归的,当yield return为returnig递归调用的值时, yield return想要的类型时遇到一些问题。

My code looks as follows: 我的代码如下所示:

    public static IEnumerable<Control> GetDeepControlsByType<T>(this Control control){foreach(Control c in control.Controls){if (c is T){yield return c;}if(c.Controls.Count > 0){yield return c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>();}}}

This currently throws a "Cannot convert expression type" error. 当前,这将引发“无法转换表达式类型”错误。 If however this method returns type IEnumerable<Object> , the code builds, but the wrong type is returned in the output. 但是,如果此方法返回类型IEnumerable<Object> ,则将构建代码,但是在输出中返回了错误的类型。

Is there a way of using yield return whilst also using recursion? 有没有办法在使用yield return同时也使用递归?




Others provided you with the correct answer, but I don't think your case benefits from yielding. 其他人为您提供了正确的答案,但我认为您的案子不会因屈服而受益。

Here's a snippet which achieves the same without yielding. 这是一个无需屈服即可实现相同功能的代码段。

public static IEnumerable<Control> GetDeepControlsByType<T>(this Control control)
{return control.Controls.Where(c => c is T).Concat(control.Controls.SelectMany(c =>c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>()));


Inside a method that returns IEnumerable<T> , yield return has to return T , not an IEnumerable<T> . 在返回IEnumerable<T>的方法内部, yield return必须返回T ,而不是IEnumerable<T>

Replace 更换

yield return c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>();

with: 与:

foreach (var x in c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>())
{yield return x;


You need to yield each of the items yielded by the recursive call: 您需要产生递归调用产生的每个项目

public static IEnumerable<Control> GetDeepControlsByType<T>(this Control control)
{foreach(Control c in control.Controls){if (c is T){yield return c;}if(c.Controls.Count > 0){foreach (Control control in c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>()){yield return control;}}}

Note that there's a cost to recursing in this way - you'll end up creating a lot of iterators, which can create a performance issue if you have a really deep control tree. 请注意,以这种方式进行递归会产生成本-您最终将创建大量的迭代器,如果您的控制树非常深,则可能会导致性能问题。 If you want to avoid that, you basically need to do the recursion yourself within the method, to make sure there's only one iterator (state machine) created. 如果要避免这种情况,则基本上需要在方法中自己进行递归,以确保仅创建一个迭代器(状态机)。 See this question for more details and a sample implementation - but this obviously adds a certain amount of complexity too. 有关更多详细信息和示例实现,请参见此问题 -但这显然也增加了一定数量的复杂性。


You need to return the items from the enumerator, not the enumerator itself, in your second yield return 你需要从枚举,而不是枚举本身,返回你的第二个项目 yield return

public static IEnumerable<Control> GetDeepControlsByType<T>(this Control control)
{foreach (Control c in control.Controls){if (c is T){yield return c;}if (c.Controls.Count > 0){foreach (Control ctrl in c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>()){yield return ctrl;}}}


I think you have to yield return each of the controls in the enumerables. 我认为您必须让值返回枚举中的每个控件。

    public static IEnumerable<Control> GetDeepControlsByType<T>(this Control control){foreach (Control c in control.Controls){if (c is T){yield return c;}if (c.Controls.Count > 0){foreach (Control childControl in c.GetDeepControlsByType<T>()){yield return childControl;}}}}


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