Today we will look into jQuery Hello World program. In the earlier post, we discussed what is jQuery?. Here we will learn how to download and install it and then run a simple “jQuery Hello World” program.

今天,我们将研究jQuery Hello World程序。 在之前的文章中,我们讨论了jQuery是什么? 。 在这里,我们将学习如何下载和安装它,然后运行一个简单的“ jQuery Hello World”程序。

下载jQuery (Download jQuery)

jQuery is a javascript library and comes in a single JS file, you can download it from jQuery Official Website. There are development and production versions, you can download any one of these to learn jQuery but in a production environment, you should use jQuery minified production version.

jQuery是一个javascript库,位于一个JS文件中,您可以从jQuery Official Website下载。 有开发和生产版本,您可以下载其中的任何一个以学习jQuery,但是在生产环境中,您应该使用jQuery精简生产版本。

安装jQuery (Installing jQuery)

Once you have jQuery JS downloaded, you can use it in any HTML, JSP, PHP files by including it in the head section.

一旦下载了jQuery JS,您就可以在其头部将其包含在任何HTML,JSP,PHP文件中。

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>

Note that the src path is relative here, in above case HTML and jQuery JS file should be in the same directory.

请注意,src路径是相对的,在上述情况下,HTML和jQuery JS文件应位于同一目录中。

jQuery Hello世界 (jQuery Hello World)

Here is our first HTML with jQuery hello world functionality.

这是我们第一个具有jQuery hello world功能HTML。

<title>My First jQuery Example</title><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$("#msg").html("<h2>jQuery Hello World</h2>");
});$(document).ready(function() {$("#newdiv").click(function() {alert("Hello world!");});
</head><body><p>This is Hello World by HTML</p><div id="msg">
</div><br/><div id="newdiv">
Click on this to see a dialogue box.

When I open above HTML in a browser, here is what I get after clicking on the last line.


jQuery函数说明 (jQuery Functions Explanation)

$(document).ready(function(){$("#msg").html("<strong>Hello World by JQuery</strong>");

$() is the syntax for jQuery function, here when DOM elements are ready or fully loaded, an element with id “msg” HTML is set by this function. Here we are using jQuery for manipulating the HTML data.

$()是jQuery函数的语法,在此情况下,当DOM元素准备就绪或完全加载时,此函数将设置ID为“ msg” HTML的元素。 在这里,我们使用jQuery来处理HTML数据。

$(document).ready(function() {$("#newdiv").click(function() {alert("Hello world!");});

Here we are using the mouse click event to show the alert for all the elements with id “newdiv”. That’s all for getting started with jQuery and jQuery hello world program.

在这里,我们使用鼠标单击事件来显示ID为“ newdiv”的所有元素的警报。 这就是开始使用jQuery和jQuery hello world程序的全部。


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