We use malloc() and calloc() to dynamically allocate memory on the heap.


For a program, static memory allocation is done on its stack, where a predefined amount of memory is reserved for a particular variable.


In case the size of variable changes dynamically, we need to ensure that we can dynamically manage its memory. This is where malloc() and calloc() can be used, along with the realloc() and free() functions.

如果变量的大小动态变化,我们需要确保可以动态管理其内存。 在这里可以使用malloc()calloc()以及realloc()free()函数。

Let’s understand how we can use these functions to manage the heap.


malloc()和calloc()的语法 (Syntax for malloc() and calloc())

malloc() is used to allocate a user-defined number of bytes on the heap.


Since we associate memory locations with pointers, this also returns a pointer to that memory location.


void* malloc(size_t size);

After we return the pointer, this will have allocated size bytes on the heap.


calloc() is similar, but it not only allocates memory but sets them to zero.


void* calloc(int num_blocks, size_t block_size);

This allocates num_blocks for the pointer, having a block size each, and sets the blocks to zero.

这为指针分配num_blocks ,每个都有一个block size ,并将块设置为零。

If the memory allocation fails for some reason, both malloc() and calloc() will return a NULL pointer.


We can typecast the void* pointer to a pointer of our choice, like int, float, etc.


NOTE: This is a part of the C standard library. So we must include the header file <stdlib.h>.

注意 :这是C标准库的一部分。 因此,我们必须包含头文件<stdlib.h>

Now that we’ve seen the syntax, let’s understand them a bit more clearly using some examples.


malloc()的示例 (Example for malloc())

Let’s look at an example for the malloc() function first.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main() {// Allocating memory dynamically on the heap// for an integer, which returns an int* pointerint* a = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int));if (a != NULL)printf("Allocated memory for an integer\n");elseprintf("malloc() failed");int x = 100;// We can update the value to this location, since// we have allocated memory for the pointer*a = x;printf("a points to %d\n", *a);int* b;// Will give a segmentation fault, since// *b is not allocated any memory*b = x;printf("b points to %d\n", *b);// Free memory from the heapfree(a);return 0;

This example uses malloc() to allocate memory for an integer location pointed by a. Since we have allocated memory, we can update the value. But another pointer b, which is not allocated memory anywhere, cannot update its value, and we get a segmentation fault since we try to access a NULL location.

本示例使用malloc()a指向的整数位置分配内存。 由于已经分配了内存,因此可以更新该值。 但是另一个未在任何地方分配内存的指针b无法更新其值,并且由于尝试访问NULL位置而出现分段错误。



Allocated memory for an integer
a points to 100
[1]    14671 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./a.out

calloc()的示例 (Example for calloc())

The calloc() function has a similar usage, but since it allocates blocks of memory, we can use it to allocate memory for arrays.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>int main() {// Allocating memory dynamically on the heap// for a character array of 50 characters and// sets each element to zero.char* a = (char*) calloc (50, sizeof(char));if (a != NULL)printf("Allocated memory for a character array\n");elseprintf("calloc() failed");// We can use strcpy to copy to this array, since// we have allocated memorystrcpy(a, "Hello from JournalDev");printf("The character array is:%s\n", a);// Free the allocated memoryfree(a);return 0;



Allocated memory for a character array
The character array is:Hello from JournalDev
Freed memory from the heap

参考资料 (References)

  • Linux manual page for malloc()Linux手册页中的malloc()
  • Linux manual page for calloc()Linux手册页 calloc()
  • Related article: realloc() in C相关文章: C语言中的realloc()

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/35650/malloc-and-calloc-in-c


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