



\usepackage{algorithmic}\begin{document}\begin{algorithm}\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}}\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}}\caption{Bayesian Personalized Ranking Based Latent Feature Embedding Model}\label{alg:1}\begin{algorithmic}[1]\REQUIRE latent dimension $K$, $G$, target predicate $p$\ENSURE $U^{p}$, $V^{p}$, $b^{p}$\STATE Given target predicate $p$ and entire knowledge graph $G$, construct its bipartite subgraph, $G_{p}$ \STATE $m$ = number of subject entities in $G_{p}$\STATE $n$ = number of object entities in $G_{p}$ \STATE Generate a set of training samples $D_{p} = \{(s_p, o^{+}_{p}, o^{-}_{p})\}$ using uniform sampling technique\STATE Initialize $U^{p}$ as size $m \times K$ matrix with $0$ mean and standard deviation $0.1$\STATE Initialize $V^{p}$ as size $n \times K$ matrix with $0$ mean and stardard deviation $0.1$\STATE Initialize $b^{p}$ as size $n \times 1$ column vector with $0$ mean and stardard deviation $0.1$\FORALL{$(s_p, o^{+}_{p}, o^{-}_{p}) \in D_{p}$}\STATE Update $U_{s}^{p}$ based on Equation~\ref{eq:sgd1}\STATE Update $V_{o^{+}}^{p}$ based on Equation~\ref{eq:sgd2}\STATE Update $V_{o^{-}}^{p}$ based on Equation~\ref{eq:sgd3}\STATE Update $b_{o^{+}}^{p}$ based on Equation~\ref{eq:sgd4}\STATE Update $b_{o^{-}}^{p}$ based on Equation~\ref{eq:sgd5}\ENDFOR\STATE \textbf{return} $U^{p}$, $V^{p}$, $b^{p}$\end{algorithmic}





\usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e}\begin{document}\begin{algorithm}[h]\caption{The process of location change of fish}  \label{alg:1}\KwIn{$\rho(x,y,0),\beta,v_{max},u_{min},u_{max}$}\KwOut{$\rho(x,y,50)$}  \For{t=1 to 50}{The random distractor $\epsilon_t$ can be get in the process of identification of variance \newlineThe dispersed $u(x, y, t)$ can be predicted based on the model ARIMA(1,1,0) and the $u(x, y, t 1)$ \newlineThe continuous $u(x, y, t)$ can be get based on the linear interposition of value of the dispersed $u(x, y, t)$\newlineThe continuous $\nabla u$ can be identified based on the equation (11) \newlineThe continuous $v(x, y, t)$ can be calculated based on the equation (12) \newlineThe location change of each fish can be calculated based on equation (7) \newlineThe $\rho_t(x, y)$ of each fish can be refreshed based on the equation (8) \newline}
\end{algorithm}  \end{document}


关于 algorithm2e的补充

  • ruled 让标题显示在上方,否则将显示在下方
  • linesnumbered 在算法流程图内显示行号
  • 可添加 boxed,让算法排版时插入在一个盒子里



代码 含义
\; 在行末添加分号,并自动换行
\caption{} 插入标题
\KwIn{输入消息} 效果为:“input:输入消息”
KwOut{输出消息} 效果为:“Out:输出消息”
KwData{输入消息} 效果为:“Data:输入消息”
KwResult{输出消息} 效果为:“Result:输出消息”
\For{条件}{循环语句} for 条件 do 循环语句 end
\If{条件}{肯定语句} if 条件 then 肯定语句 end
While{条件}{循环语句} while 条件 then 循环语句 end
\tcc{注释} /*注释*/
\tcp{注释} //注释
\elf{条件}{肯定语句}{否定语句} if 条件 then 肯定语句 else 否定语句 end



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