


class CC_DLL LayerColor : public Layer, public BlendProtocol
public:/** Creates a fullscreen black layer.** @return An autoreleased LayerColor object.*/static LayerColor* create();/** Creates a Layer with color, width and height in Points.** @param color The color of layer.* @param width The width of layer.* @param height The height of layer.* @return An autoreleased LayerColor object.*/static LayerColor * create(const Color4B& color, GLfloat width, GLfloat height);/** Creates a Layer with color. Width and height are the window size.** @param color The color of layer.* @return An autoreleased LayerColor object.*/static LayerColor * create(const Color4B& color);/** Change width in Points.* * @param w The width of layer.*/void changeWidth(GLfloat w);/** Change height in Points.** @param h The height of layer.*/void changeHeight(GLfloat h);/** Change width and height in Points.* * @param w The width of layer.* @param h The Height of layer.@since v0.8*/void changeWidthAndHeight(GLfloat w ,GLfloat h);//// Overrides//virtual void draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4 &transform, uint32_t flags) override;virtual void setContentSize(const Size & var) override;/** BlendFunction. Conforms to BlendProtocol protocol *//*** @lua NA*/virtual const BlendFunc& getBlendFunc() const override;/***@code*When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed*In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)*In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst)*@endcode*/virtual void setBlendFunc(const BlendFunc& blendFunc) override;virtual std::string getDescription() const override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:LayerColor();virtual ~LayerColor();bool init() override;bool initWithColor(const Color4B& color, GLfloat width, GLfloat height);bool initWithColor(const Color4B& color);protected:void onDraw(const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags);virtual void updateColor() override;BlendFunc _blendFunc;Vec2 _squareVertices[4];Color4F  _squareColors[4];CustomCommand _customCommand;Vec3 _noMVPVertices[4];


 auto colorBack = LayerColor::create( Color4B(170,170,170,255),64*4+4*5, 64*4+4*5);colorBack->ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(false);colorBack->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5,0.5));colorBack->setPosition(Point(visiblesize.width/2, visiblesize.height/2));this->addChild(colorBack);





class CC_DLL LayerGradient : public LayerColor
public:/** Creates a fullscreen black layer.** @return An autoreleased LayerGradient object.*/static LayerGradient* create();/** Creates a full-screen Layer with a gradient between start and end.** @param start The start color.* @param end The end color.* @return An autoreleased LayerGradient object.*/static LayerGradient* create(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end);/** Creates a full-screen Layer with a gradient between start and end in the direction of v.** @param start The start color.* @param end The end color.* @param v The direction of gradient color.* @return An autoreleased LayerGradient object.*/static LayerGradient* create(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end, const Vec2& v);Vec2(1,0)从左往右渐变Vec2(-1,0)从右往左渐变Vec2(0,1) 从下往上渐变Vec2(0,-1)从上往下渐变Vec2(1,1)从左下往右上渐变Vec2(-1,1)从右下往左上渐变Vec2(1,-1) 从左上往右下渐变Vec2(-1,-1)从右上往左下渐变/** Whether or not the interpolation will be compressed in order to display all the colors of the gradient both in canonical and non canonical vectors.Default: true.** @param compressedInterpolation The interpolation will be compressed if true.*/void setCompressedInterpolation(bool compressedInterpolation);/** Get the compressedInterpolation** @return The interpolation will be compressed if true.*/bool isCompressedInterpolation() const;/** Sets the start color of the gradient.* * @param startColor The start color.*/void setStartColor( const Color3B& startColor );/** Returns the start color of the gradient.** @return The start color.*/const Color3B& getStartColor() const;/** Sets the end color of the gradient.** @param endColor The end color.*/void setEndColor( const Color3B& endColor );/** Returns the end color of the gradient.** @return The end color.*/const Color3B& getEndColor() const;/** Returns the start opacity of the gradient.** @param startOpacity The start opacity, from 0 to 255.*/void setStartOpacity( GLubyte startOpacity );/** Returns the start opacity of the gradient.** @return The start opacity.*/GLubyte getStartOpacity() const;/** Returns the end opacity of the gradient.** @param endOpacity The end opacity, from 0 to 255.*/void setEndOpacity( GLubyte endOpacity );/** Returns the end opacity of the gradient.** @return The end opacity.*/GLubyte getEndOpacity() const;/** Sets the directional vector that will be used for the gradient.The default value is vertical direction (0,-1). ** @param alongVector The direction of gradient.*/void setVector(const Vec2& alongVector);/** Returns the directional vector used for the gradient.** @return The direction of gradient.*/const Vec2& getVector() const;virtual std::string getDescription() const override;CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS:LayerGradient();virtual ~LayerGradient();virtual bool init() override;/** Initializes the Layer with a gradient between start and end.* @js init* @lua init*/bool initWithColor(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end);/** Initializes the Layer with a gradient between start and end in the direction of v.* @js init* @lua init*/bool initWithColor(const Color4B& start, const Color4B& end, const Vec2& v);protected:virtual void updateColor() override;Color3B _startColor;Color3B _endColor;GLubyte _startOpacity;GLubyte _endOpacity;Vec2   _alongVector;bool    _compressedInterpolation;


LayerGradient* layergradient = LayerGradient::create(Color4B(0,255,0,0),Color4B(0,0,255,255));addChild(layergradient);


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