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Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!

嗨,我是 Carrie Anne \N 欢迎收看计算机科学速成课!

Over the past five episodes,


we've worked up from text-based teletype interfaces to pixelated bitmapped graphics.

我们从基于电传打字机的命令行界面 \N 讲到图形怎么显示到屏幕上

Then, last episode,we covered Graphical User Interfaces and all

再到上集的 图形用户界面(GUI)

their "Ooey Gooey" richness.


All of these examples have been 2D. But of course "we are living in a 3D world

之前的例子都是2D, 但我们生活的世界是3D的

and I'm a 3 dimensional girl!

我也是个三维 girl~

So today, we're going to talk about some fundamental methods in 3D computer graphics


and how you render them onto a 2D screen.

以及如何渲染 3D 图形到 2D 屏幕上

As we discussed in episode 24 we can write functions that draw a line between any two points like A and B.

24集中说过 \N 可以写一个函数,从A到B画一条线

By manipulating the X and Y coordinates of points A and B, we can manipulate the line.

通过控制 A 和 B 的(X,Y)坐标,可以控制一条线

In 3D graphics, points have not just two coordinates, but three -- X, Y and Z.

在3D图像中, 点的坐标不再是两点, 而是三点, X,Y,Z

Or "zee" but I'm going to say "zed".


Of course, we don't have X/Y/Z coordinates on a 2D computer screen

当然,2D的电脑屏幕上\N不可能有 XYZ 立体坐标轴

so graphics algorithms are responsible for "flattening" 3D coordinates onto a 2D plane.

所以有图形算法 \N 负责把3D坐标"拍平"显示到2D屏幕上

This process is known as 3D Projection.


Once all of the points have been converted from 3D to 2D


we can use the regular 2D line drawing function to connect the dots… literally.

就可以用画2D线段的函数 来连接这些点

This is called Wireframe Rendering.

这叫 "线框渲染"

Imagine building a cube out of chopsticks, and shining a flashlight on it.


The shadow it casts onto your wall - its projection - is flat.


If you rotate the cube around


you can see it's a 3D object, even though it's a flat projection.

投影看起来会像 3D 物体,尽管是投影面是平的

This transformation from 3D to 2D is exactly what your computer is doing


just with a lot more math… and less chopsticks.


There are several types of 3D Projection.


What you're seeing right now is an Orthographic Projection

你现在看到的,叫 正交投影

where, for example, the parallel sides in the cube appear as parallel in the projection.


In the real 3D world through, parallel lines converge as they get further from the viewer


like a road going to the horizon.


This type of 3D projection is called Perspective Projection .

这叫 透视投射

It's the same process, just with different math.


Sometimes you want perspective and sometimes you don't --


the choice is up to the developer.


Simple shapes, like cubes, are easily defined by straight lines.


But for more complex shapes, triangles are better


-- what are called polygons in 3D graphics.

在3D图形学中 \N 我们叫三角形"多边形"(Polygons)

Look at this beautiful teapot made out of polygons.

看看这个多边形组成的 漂亮茶壶

A collection of polygons like this is a mesh

一堆多边形的集合叫 网格

The denser the mesh, the smoother the curves and the finer the details.


But, that also increases the polygon count, which means more work for the computer


Game designers have to carefully balance model fidelity vs. polygon count,

游戏设计者要平衡角色的真实度 \N 和多边形数量

because if the count goes too high

如果数量太多 \N 帧率会下降到肉眼可感知,用户会觉得卡

the framerate of an animation drops below what users perceive as smooth.

如果数量太多 \N 帧率会下降到肉眼可感知,用户会觉得卡

For this reason, there are algorithms for simplifying meshes.


The reason triangles are used,

之所以三角形更常用 \N 而不是用正方形,或其它更复杂的图形

and not squares, or polygons, or some other more complex shape

之所以三角形更常用 \N 而不是用正方形,或其它更复杂的图形

is simplicity:


three points in space unambiguously define a plane.

空间中 三点定义一个平面

If you give me three points in a 3D space, I can draw a plane through it


there is only one.. single.. answer.


This isn't guaranteed to be true for shapes with four or more points.


Also two points aren't enough to define a plane, only a line,


so three is the perfect and minimal number. Triangles for the win!


Wireframe rendering is cool and all - sorta retro - but of course 3D graphics can also be filled.

线框渲染 虽然很酷,但3D图像需要填充

The classic algorithm for doing this is called Scanline Rendering,

填充图形的经典算法叫 扫描线渲染 (Scanline Rendering) \N 于1967年诞生在犹他州大学

first developed in 1967 at the University of Utah

填充图形的经典算法叫 扫描线渲染 (Scanline Rendering) \N 于1967年诞生在犹他州大学

For a simple example, let's consider just one polygon.


Our job here is to figure out how this polygon translates to filled pixels on a computer screen

我们要思考 \N 这个多边形如何转成一块填满像素的区域

so let's first overlay a grid of pixels to fill


The scanline algorithm starts by reading the three points that make up the polygon

扫描线算法 先读多边形的3个点

and finding the lowest and highest Y values. It will only consider rows between these two points.


Then, the algorithm works down one row at a time.


In each row, it calculates where a line running through


the center of a row - intersects with the side of the polygon.


Because polygons are triangles, if you intersect one line, you have to intersect with another.

因为是三角形,如果相交一条边, 必然相交另一条

It's guaranteed!

因为是三角形,如果相交一条边, 必然相交另一条

The job of the scanline algorithm is to fill in the pixels between the two intersections.

扫描线算法 会填满2个相交点之间的像素

Let's see how this works.


On the first row we look at we intersect here and here.

第一行 相交于这里和这里

The algorithm then colors in all pixels between those two intersections.


And this just continues, row by row, which is why it's called Scan... Line... Rendering.

然后下一行,再下一行,所以叫 扫描..线..渲染

When we hit the bottom of the polygon, we're done.


The rate at which a computer fills in polygons is called the fillrate.

填充的速度叫 fillrate(填充速率)

Admittedly, this is a pretty ugly filled polygon. It has what are known as "Jaggies" rough edges.

当然 这样的三角形比较丑,边缘满是锯齿

This effect is less pronounced when using smaller pixels.

当像素较小时 就不那么明显

But nonetheless, you see these in games all the time, especially on lower powered platforms.

但尽管如此 \N 你肯定在游戏里见过这种效果,特别是低配电脑

One method to soften this effect is Antialiasing.

一种减轻锯齿的方法叫\N 抗锯齿(Antialiasing)

Instead of filling pixels in a polygon with the same color,


we can adjust the color based on how much the polygon cuts through each pixel


If a pixel is entirely inside of a polygon,it gets fully colored.


But if the polygon only grazes a pixel, it'll get a lighter shade.


This feathering of the edges is much more pleasant to the eyes.

这种边缘羽化的效果 看着更舒服些

Antialiasing is used all over the place, including in 2D graphics, like fonts and icons.

抗锯齿 被广泛使用,比如字体和图标

If you lean in real close to your monitor..


Closer, Closer.


You'll see all the fonts in your browser are Antialiased. So smooth!


In a 3D scene, there are polygons that are part objects in the back, near the front,and just about everywhere.


Only some are visible,


because some objects are hidden behind other objects in the scene


-- what's called occlusion .

这叫 遮挡

The most straightforward way to handle this is to use a sort algorithm,


and arrange all the polygons in the scene from farthest to nearest, then render them in that order.


This is called the Painter's Algorithm , because painters also have to start with the background

这叫 画家算法 因为画家也是先画背景

and then increasingly work up to foreground elements.


Consider this example scene with three overlapping polygons.


To make things easier to follow, we're going to color the polygons differently.


Also for simplicity, we'll assume these polygons are all parallel to the screen


but in a real program, like a game,

但在实际应用中, 比如游戏里\N多边形可能是倾斜的

the polygons can be tilted in 3D space.

但在实际应用中, 比如游戏里\N多边形可能是倾斜的

Our three polygons, A B and C… are at distance 20, 12 and 14.


The first thing the Painter's Algorithm does is sort all the polygons, from farthest to nearest.


Now that they're in order, we can use scanline rendering to fill each polygon, one at a time.

现在有序了,我们可以用 扫描线算法 填充多边形,一次填一个

We start with Polygon A, the farthest one away.


Then we repeat the process for the next farthest polygon, in this case, C.


And then we repeat this again, for Polygon B.

然后是 B

Now we're all done, and you can see the ordering is correct. The polygons that are closer, are in front!


An alternative method for handling occlusion is called Z-Buffering .

还有一种方法叫 深度缓冲

It achieves the same output as before, but with a different algorithm.


Let's go back to our previous example, before it was sorted.


That's because this algorithm doesn't need to sort any polygons, which makes it faster.


In short, Z-buffering keeps track of the closest distance

简而言之,Z-buffering 算法会记录

to a polygon for every pixel in the scene.


It does this by maintaining a Z-Buffer, which is just a matrix of values that sits in memory.


At first, every pixel is initialized to infinity.


Then Z-buffering starts with the first polygon in its list. In this case, that's A.

然后 Z-buffering 从列表里第一个多边形开始处理,也就是A

It follows the same logic as the scanline algorithm, but instead of coloring in pixels,


it checks the distance of the polygon versus what's recorded in its Z-Buffer.

而是把多边形的距离\N和 Z-Buffer 里的距离进行对比

It records the lower of the two values.


For our Polygon A, with a distance of 20, it wins against infinity every time.


When it's done with Polygon A, it moves on to the next polygon in its list, and the same thing happens.


Now, because we didn't sort the polygons,


it's not always the case that later polygons overwrite high values.


In the case of Polygon C,


only some of the values in the Z-buffer get new minimum distances.


This completed Z-buffer is used in conjunction with a fancier version of scanline rendering


that not only tests for line intersection,


but also does a look up to see if that pixel will even be visible in the final scene.


If it's not, the algorithm skips it and moves on.


An interesting problem arises when two polygons have the same distance,

当两个多边形距离相同时 \N 会出现一个有趣问题

like if Polygon A and B are both at a distance of 20. Which one do you draw on top?

比如多边形 A 和 B 距离都是 20, 哪个画上面?

Polygons are constantly being shuffled around in memory and changing their access order.


Plus, rounding errors are inherent in floating point computations.


So, which one gets drawn on top is often unpredictable.

所以哪一个画在上面, 往往是不可预测的

The result is a flickering effect called Z-Fighting, which if you've played 3D games no doubt encountered.

导致出现 Z-fighting 效果 \N 如果你玩过3D游戏,肯定见过

Speaking of glitches, another common optimization in 3D graphics is called Back-Face Culling.

说起 故障,3D游戏中有个优化叫 背面剔除

If you think about it, a triangle has two sides, a front and a back.


With something like the head of an avatar, or the ground in a game,


you should only ever see one side -- the side facing outwards.


So to save processing time, the back-side of polygons are often ignored in the rendering pipeline


which cuts the number of polygon faces to consider in half.


This is great, except when there's a bug that lets you get inside of those objects,and look outwards.

这很好,但有个bug是 如果进入模型内部往外看

Then the avatar head or ground becomes invisible.


Moving on. We need to talk about lighting -- also known as shading

继续,我们讲灯光,也叫 明暗处理

because if it's a 3D scene, the lighting should vary over the surface of objects.

因为3D场景中, 物体表面应该有明暗变化

Let's go back to our teapot mesh.


With scanline rendering coloring in all the polygons, our teapot looks like this.


Not very 3D.

没什么 3D 感

So, let's add some lighting to enhance the realism!


As an example, we'll pick 3 polygons from different parts of our teapot.


Unlike our previous examples, we're now going to consider how these polygons are oriented in 3D space


they're no longer parallel to the screen, but rather tilted in different 3D directions.


The direction they face is called the Surface Normal ,

他们面对的方向叫 " 表面法线 "

and we can visualize that direction with a little 3D arrow that's perpendicular to the polygon's surface.


Now let's add a light source.


Each polygon is going to be illuminated a different amount. Some will appear brighter

每个多边形被照亮的程度不同 有的更亮

because their angle causes more light to be reflected towards the viewer.


For example, the bottom-most polygon is tilted downwards,


away from the light source, which means it's going to be dark.


In a similar way, the rightmost polygon is slightly facing away from the light,


so it will be partially illuminated.


And finally, there's the upper-left polygon.


Its angle means that it will reflect light from the light source towards our view.

因为它面对的角度 意味着会把光线反射到我们这里

So, it'll appear bright.


If we do this for every polygon, our teapot looks like this which is much more realistic!


This approach is called Flat Shading, and it's the most basic lighting algorithm.

这叫 平面着色,是最基本的照明算法

Unfortunately, it also makes all those polygon boundaries really noticeable


and the mesh doesn't look smooth.


For this reason, more advanced lighting algorithms were developed,


such as Gouraud Shading and Phong Shading .

比如 高洛德着色 和 冯氏着色

Instead of coloring in polygons using just one colour,


they vary the colour across the surface in clever ways,


which results in much nicer output.


We also need to talk about textures ,

我们还要说下" 纹理 "

which in graphics refers to the look of a surface,rather than its feel.


Like with lighting, there are many algorithms with all sorts of fancy effects.

就像照明算法一样,\N 纹理也有多种算法,来做各种花哨效果

The simplest is texture mapping .

最简单的是 纹理映射

To visualize this process,let's go back to our single polygon.


When we're filling this in, using scanline rendering,


we can look up what color to use at every pixel according to a texture image saved in memory.

可以看看内存内的纹理图像 决定像素用什么颜色

To do this, we need a mapping between the polygon's coordinates and the texture's coordinates.

为了做到这点,\N 需要把多边形坐标和纹理坐标对应起来

Let's jump to the first pixel that scanline rendering needs to fill in.


The texturing algorithm will consult the texture in memory,


take the average color from the corresponding region, and fill the polygon accordingly.


This process repeats for all pixels in the polygon, and that's how we get textures.


If you combine all the techniques we've talked about this episode, you get a wonderfully funky little teapot.

如果结合这集提到的所有技巧 \N 会得到一个精美的小茶壶

And this teapot can sit in an even bigger scene, comprised of millions of polygons.

这个茶壶可以放进更大的场景里 \N 场景由上百万个多边形组成

Rendering a scene like this takes a fair amount of computation.


But importantly, it's the same type of calculations being performed

但重要的是,再大的场景,过程都是一样的 \N 一遍又一遍,处理所有多边形

over and over and over again for many millions of polygons –

但重要的是,再大的场景,过程都是一样的 \N 一遍又一遍,处理所有多边形

scanline filling, antialiasing, lighting, and texturing.

扫描线填充, 抗锯齿, 光照, 纹理化

However there are a couple of ways to make this much faster!


First off, we can speed things up by having special hardware

首先,我们可以为这种特定运算 \N 做专门的硬件来加快速度,让运算快如闪电

with extra bells and whistles just for these specific types of computations, making them lightning fast.

首先,我们可以为这种特定运算 \N 做专门的硬件来加快速度,让运算快如闪电

And secondly,we can divide up a 3D scene into many smaller parts,


and then render all the pieces in parallel,rather than sequentially.


CPU's aren't designed for this, so they aren't particularly fast.


So, computer engineers created special processors just for graphics


– a GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit.

叫 GPU "图形处理单元"

These can be found on graphics cards inside of your computer, along with RAM reserved for graphics.

GPU 在显卡上,周围有专用的 RAM

This is where all the meshes and textures live,


allowing them to be accessed super fast by many different cores of the GPU all at once.

让 GPU 的多个核心可以高速访问

A modern graphics card, like a GeForce GTX 1080 TI,

现代显卡,如 GeForce GTX 1080 TI

contains 3584 processing cores, offering massive parallelization.


It can process hundreds of millions of polygons every second!


Ok, that concludes our whistle stop tour of 3D graphics.


Next week, we switch topics entirely.


I'll ping you then.

我到时会 ping 你~

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