





通过apache的访问日志 发现是python进行的登录

解决为 urllib添加头部信息

import urllib.request as urequest = u.Request("") #将网页地址添加到request实例(变量)request.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 \(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0") #为该实例添加头部信息response = u.urlopen(request) #通过urlopen打开实例(网页地址 和 头部信息)html = response.read()print(html) #访问页面

验证linux apache的日志

vim /var/log/httpd/access_log 查看信息记录是否还有python信息


import urllib.request as urequest = u.Request("\u24020836931378817798fm170s6BA8218A7B2128178FA0A49F010080E2w.jpg") #图片地址request.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 \(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0")response = u.urlopen(request)html = response.read() #读取的图片的2进制数据#print(html)with open("c:\\users\\allen\\desktop\\爬虫.jpg","wb") as f:



import urllib.request as uurl = ""def get_html(urladdr):


request = u.Request(urladdr)

request.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 \ (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0")

response = u.urlopen(request)

html = response.read()

return htmldef get_imglist():

"我的功能是将所有图片信息地址 做成一个大的列表"

passdef get_imgs():

"我的功能是下载图片列表中的所有 图片信息 并保存图片"

passhtml = get_html(url)print(html)



"." 匹配单个任意字符

>>> import re>>> re.findall(".ood","I say Good not food")['Good', 'food']>>> re.findall(".ood","I say Good not food @ood")['Good', 'food', '@ood']>>> re.findall(".ood","I say Good not food ood")['Good', 'food', ' ood']>>> re.findall(".ood","I say Good not food \nood")['Good', 'food']>>>

[] 单个字符逐一匹配

>>> re.findall("[fn]ood","I say Good not food nood") #ood以f或者n链接 的字符串['food', 'nood']>>> re.findall("[^fn]ood","I say Good not food nood")#ood不是以f或者n链接的字符串 取反['Good']>>> re.findall("^[Gfn]ood","Good not food nood") #以G f n 开头的和ood链接的字符串匹配['Good']>>> re.findall("^[Gfn]ood","I say Good not food nood")[]>>>

\d 匹配单个0-9

>>> re.findall("\d","How old are you? I am 36")['3', '6']>>> re.findall("\d\d","How old are you? I am 36")['36']>>>

\w 匹配0-9a-zA-Z_ 该范围内的单个字符

>>> re.findall("\w","How old are you? I am 36")['H', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'l', 'd', 'a', 'r', 'e', 'y', 'o', 'u', 'I', 'a', 'm', '3', '6']>>> re.findall("\w\w\w","How old are you? I am 36")['How', 'old', 'are', 'you']>>> re.findall("\w\w","How old are you? I_am 36")['Ho', 'ol', 'ar', 'yo', 'I_', 'am', '36']>>>

\s 匹配空白字符以及空格

>>> re.findall("\s","\tHow old are you?\r\n")['\t', ' ', ' ', ' ', '\r', '\n']>>>



>>> re.findall("allen","I am allen")['allen']>>> re.findall("allen","I am allenallen")['allen', 'allen']>>>

逐字匹配 | 分割不同的字符串

>>> re.findall("food|nood","I say Good not food nood")['food', 'nood']>>> re.findall("not|nood","I say Good not food nood")['not', 'nood']>>>

*表示左邻第一个字符 出现0次到无穷次

>>> re.findall("go*gle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['google', 'ggle', 'goooogle', 'gogle']>>>

+表示左邻第一个字符 出现1次到无穷次

>>> re.findall("go+gle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['google', 'goooogle', 'gogle']>>>

?表示左邻第一个字符 出现0次或1次

>>> re.findall("go?gle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['ggle', 'gogle']


>>> re.findall("gogle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['google']>>> re.findall("gogle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['gogle']>>> re.findall("gogle","I like google not ggle goooogle and gogle")['google', 'goooogle', 'gogle']>>>


import urllib.request as uimport reurl = "" #结尾添加左斜杠def get_html(urladdr):


request = u.Request(urladdr)

request.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 \ (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0")

response = u.urlopen(request)

html = response.read()

return htmldef get_imglist(url,html):

"我的功能是将所有图片信息地址 做成一个大的列表"

imglist = [] #存储图片地址的一个容器列表

bytsimglist = re.findall(b"style/\w\.jpg",html)

for i in bytsimglist: #因为图片地址不全而且是2进制字符串 因此 要进行拼接处理

imgaddr = url+str(i,encoding='utf8') #拼接并且转换为字符串

imglist.append(imgaddr) #将地址放入列表中

return imglist

def get_imgs(imglist):

"我的功能是下载图片列表中的所有 图片信息 并保存图片"

num = 0 #为了图片名称进行自增

for imgurl in imglist:

num += 1

data = get_html(imgurl)

with open("%s.jpg" %num,"wb") as f: #图片名字会从1.jpg开始一直到54.jpg

f.write(data)html = get_html(url)#print(html)imglist = get_imglist(url,html)#print(len(imglist))get_imgs(imglist)

布卡漫画网站 资源爬取

import urllib.request as u

import re

#url = "http://www.buka.cn/view/223172/65537.html"

#url = "http://www.buka.cn/view/223578/65537.html"

#url = "http://www.buka.cn/view/221784/65540.html"

url = "http://www.buka.cn/view/219792/65742.html"

def get_html(urladdr):


request = u.Request(urladdr)

request.add_header("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 \

(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0")

response = u.urlopen(request)

html = response.read()

return html

def get_imglist(url,html):

"我的功能是将所有图片信息地址 做成一个大的列表"

imglist = [] #存储图片地址的一个容器列表

bytsimglist = re.findall(b"http://i-cdn.ibuka.cn/pics/\d+/\d+/\w+.jpg",html)


for i in bytsimglist:


return imglist

def get_imgs(imglist):

"我的功能是下载图片列表中的所有 图片信息 并保存图片"

num = 0 #为了图片名称进行自增

for imgurl in imglist:

num += 1

data = get_html(imgurl)

with open("%s.jpg" %num,"wb") as f: #图片名字会从1.jpg开始一直到54.jpg


html = get_html(url)


imglist = get_imglist(url,html)




^表示已什么开头 $以什么结尾

>>> re.findall('^I say',"I say Good not food")['I say']>>> re.findall('not food$',"I say Good not food")['not food']>>> re.findall('not Good$',"I say Good not food")[]>>>

\b 指定单词边界 _不属于特殊符号

>>> re.findall("allen","allen.com allen_123 allen.com")['allen', 'allen', 'allen']>>> re.findall("\ballen\b","allen.com allen_123 allen.com")[]>>> re.findall("\\ballen\\b","allen.com allen_123 allen.com")['allen', 'allen']>>>


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