#38 WARNING(SPCODD-38): Terminating character ‘=’ not found on line 7434.
ERROR(SPCODD-47): Packaging can not complete because the file C:\USERS\BAOTONG.ZHANG\D\1-PROJECT\2-SWIFT\004-FSP_POWER_TEST\003-SCH\allegro/pstxnet.dat could not be loaded. There might be syntax errors in this file. Ensure that the syntax is correct before proceeding.
Reference Designator: U16. Error at line 7434 in file C:\USERS\BAOTONG.ZHANG\D\1-PROJECT\2-SWIFT\004-FSP_POWER_TEST\003-SCH\allegro/pstxnet.dat. Could not create new pin inst: QH’:; NODE_NAME U17 14 @FSP_NETWORK_TEST.01-MCU(SCH_1).
Schematic Instance: @fsp_network_test.\01-mcu(sch_1):ins17291216@bt.\sn74hc595dr.normal(chips) (MODULE: FSP_NETWORK_TEST; PART: SN74HC595DR). Check the symbol for consistency of pin definition.

ERROR(SPCODD-383): Error at line 7434 in file C:\USERS\BAOTONG.ZHANG\D\1-PROJECT\2-SWIFT\004-FSP_POWER_TEST\003-SCH\allegro/pstxnet.dat. Error loading the net list file

#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36026): Unable to read logical netlist data.



如图所示 出现类似非法字符 ,删除或者更改非法字符**


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