介绍 (Introduction)

In a previous article, Functions vs stored procedures in SQL Server, we compared Functions vs stored procedures across various attributes. In this article, we will continue the discussion. We will talk also about Table-valued functions and compare performance with stored procedures with table valued functions and scalar functions.

在上一篇文章SQL Server中的功能与存储过程中 ,我们比较了各种属性中的功能与存储过程。 在本文中,我们将继续讨论。 我们还将讨论表值函数,并比较具有表值函数和标量函数的存储过程的性能。

We will include the following topics:


  1. Manipulating stored procedure results and Table valued functions 处理存储过程结果和表值函数
  2. Comparing performance of stored procedures and Table valued functions with a where clause 使用where子句比较存储过程和表值函数的性能
  3. Are the scalar functions the devil’s sons? 标量功能是魔鬼的儿子吗?

入门 (Getting started)

1.处理存储过程结果和表值函数 (1. Manipulating stored procedure results and Table valued functions)

To store data retrieved from a stored procedure in a table when we invoke it, it is necessary to create the table first and then insert the data from the stored procedure to the table.


Let’s take a look to an example. First, we will create a stored procedure that returns a select statement:

让我们来看一个例子。 首先,我们将创建一个存储过程,该存储过程返回一个select语句:

create procedure tablexample

This is a procedure named tableexample and it returns select information of the table Person.Address included in the Adventureworks databases mentioned in the requirements.


After creating the stored procedure, you need to create a table where you will store the data:


CREATE TABLE [Person].[Address2]([AddressID] [int] NOT NULL,[AddressLine1] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL,[AddressLine2] [nvarchar](60) NULL,[City] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULLCONSTRAINT [PK_Address_AddressID2] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
([AddressID] ASC

Finally, you can do an insert into table and invoke the stored procedure:


insert into Person.Address2
exec tablexample

As you can see, it is possible to invoke a stored procedure and retrieve the data using insert into.

如您所见,可以调用存储过程并使用insert into检索数据。

If we try to do an insert into from a stored procedure to create automatically the table we will have the following result:


exec tablexample into

When we try to insert into a table the result of the stored procedure invocation, we have the following message:


Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 170
Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘into’.

关键字“ into”附近的语法不正确。

Let’s create a table valued function and compare it with the stored procedure:


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.functiontable( )
[Person].[Address] )

This function named functiontable returns the information from a Person.Address table. To invoke a table valued function, we can do a select like this:

此名为functiontable的函数从Person.Address表返回信息。 要调用表值函数,我们可以执行如下选择:

select *from dbo.functiontable()

The table valued function can be used like a view. You can filters the columns that you want to see:

表值函数可以像视图一样使用。 您可以过滤要查看的列:

select AddressIDfrom dbo.functiontable()

You can also add filters:


select AddressID from dbo.functiontable()where AddressID=502

If you want to store the functions results, you do not need to create a table. You can use the select into clause to store the results in a new table:

如果要存储函数结果,则无需创建表。 您可以使用select into子句将结果存储在新表中:

select * into mytablefrom dbo.functiontable()

As you can see, you do not need to create a table as we did with the stored procedures. If you go to the Object Explorer in SSMS, you will be able to see that the table mytable was created successfully:

如您所见,您不需要像存储过程那样创建表。 如果转到SSMS中的“对象资源管理器”,将可以看到表mytable已成功创建:

2.使用where子句比较存储过程和表值函数的性能 (2. Comparing performance of stored procedures and Table valued functions with a where clause)

Some developers claim that stored procedures are faster than Table valued functions. Is that true?

一些开发人员声称存储过程比表值函数快。 真的吗?

We will create a table with a million rows for this test:


with randowvaluesas(select 1 id, CAST(RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))*100 as int) randomnumberunion  allselect id + 1, CAST(RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))*100 as int)  randomnumberfrom randowvalueswhere id < 1000000)select *into mylargetablefrom randowvaluesOPTION(MAXRECURSION 0)

The code creates a table named mylargetable with a million rows with values from 1 to 100.


We will create a function that returns the values according to a filter specified by a parameter:


CREATE FUNCTION dbo.functionlargetable(@rand int)
select randomnumber
from mylargetable
where randomnumber=@rand)

This function named functionlargetable will show randomnumbers equal to the parameter specified.


Before running the query, enable the Actual Execution option in SSMS:


The following query will show random numbers equal to 59:


select randomnumber from dbo.functionlargetable(59)

The Actual Execution plan will show how the query was executed (which indexes were used, cost of the sentences, etc.):


We will compare the execution plan of the function to a stored procedure:


CREATE PROCEDURE storedwithlargetable
@rand int
select randomnumber
from mylargetable
where randomnumber=@rand

The procedure is showing the random numbers equal to a parameter.


We will invoke the stored procedure:


exec storedwithlargetable 61

If we check the actual plan, we will have the following:


As you can see, the execution plan is the same. However, it is always a good practice to check the execution time.

如您所见,执行计划是相同的。 但是,检查执行时间始终是一个好习惯。

To check more detailed information about execution time run these sentences:



We run the functions and stored procedure cleaning the buffer using these sentences:



Here you have the table of results of the function invocation time:


CPU Parse time (ms) Elapsed Parse time (ms) Execution CPU time (ms) Execution (ms) Total (ms)
16 90 313 1325 1744
16 43 390 1053 1502
0 47 328 1884 2259
0 133 344 1814 2291
0 273 391 1500 2164
Average: 1992
CPU解析时间(毫秒) 解析时间(毫秒) 执行CPU时间(毫秒) 执行时间(毫秒) 总计(毫秒)
16 90 313 1325 1744
16 43 390 1053 1502
0 47 328 1884年 2259
0 133 344 1814年 2291
0 273 391 1500 2164

In addition, here you have the execution time of the stored procedure:


CPU Parse time (ms) Elapsed Parse time (ms) Execution CPU time (ms) Execution (ms) Total (ms)
0 143 1300 1818 3261
1 0 250 1481 1731
0 0 328 1231 1559
0 0 328 1542 1870
16 276 313 1525 2130
Average: 2110
CPU解析时间(毫秒) 解析时间(毫秒) 执行CPU时间(毫秒) 执行时间(毫秒) 总计(毫秒)
0 143 1300 1818年 3261
1个 0 250 1481 1731
0 0 328 1231 1559
0 0 328 1542 1870年
16 276 313 1525 2130

As you can see, the average time is 1992 ms for the function and 2110 ms for the stored procedures. The performance is almost the same. So, it is safe to use Table-valued UDFs in this case.

如您所见,该函数的平均时间为1992毫秒,存储过程的平均时间为2110毫秒。 性能几乎相同。 因此,在这种情况下使用表值UDF是安全的。

3.标量函数是否有害? (3. Are the scalar functions evil?)

Some say scalar functions are the spawn of the devil

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