
Cabin, the mobile app for Kubernetes

Cabin is a Mobile application for Kubernetes. It is loaded with features as shown in the screenshots and the screencast. It is a mobile native version of the Kubernetes dashboard with intuitive finger actions to manipulate Kubernetes resources. For example you can delete pods with a single left swipe. You can also add, delete labels, scale deployments with a finger scroll, access logs of your pods, run simple exec commands in containers, trigger rolling-updates by changing the image of your deployments, etc...

Currently still in dev is support for Helm charts. You can view Charts repositories and launch charts.

GKE users will enjoy the ability to create clusters directly from their phone and also add pre-existing GKE clusters to the application to view existing resources.

Cabin is made with React Native. For development purposes you can run the application using both iOS and Android simulators.

We would love your help to make it even cooler !


Click on each picture to enlarge.

Add Clusters

Create Cluster on GKE

Pods View

Charts View

Deployment Scaling

Pod Logs

Edit Labels

Search by Label


Namespace Chooser

Resource Listing Toggle

Set Image

Service Types

Open Service in Browser

Access Web Apps


It is full of neat features, check out the screencast below by clicking on the image:

Run Locally Using Simulators

To develop and test the application you need to setup your local environment, then run the simulator. First, install react-native-cli then run the packager in one terminal. Then in another terminal launch the simulator with the react-native command. See below for more details.

First, install React Native CLI tools with:

npm install -g react-native-cli

⚠️ Follow the Getting Started guide to make sure you have everything ready to run a react-native app.

Run the packager (for both iOS and Android)

Now install yarn. On OSX simply do brew install yarn.

Use yarn to install node dependencies:

yarn install

In one terminal session, run the packager:

yarn start

Now depending on your target platform, run the simulator using the appropriate react-native command:


Install the iOS dependencies:

gem install cocoapods
cd iOS/ && pod install

Note: You may have to remove an existing Podfile.lock file.

Run the app on iOS:

react-native run-ios

You may run into Xcode setup issues like xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer


Run the app on Android:

react-native run-android

Get Cabin

Install Cabin for iOS or Android on the application stores:

  • iTunes
  • Play store


Check our contributing guidelines and send your pull requests.


If you face any issues with Cabin, please create an issue

Note that to preserve as much history as possible we imported a good number of issues from our private repo and the cabin-issues repository.

Code of Conduct

Cabin abides by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct


Cabin is brought to you thanks to Bitnami. Cabin was developed by Skippbox and joined the Bitnami portfolio of Kubernetes products after Skippbox's acquisition.


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