
With the current rise of cryptocurrencies, blockchain is creating a buzz in the technology world. This technology has attracted so much attention mainly because of its ability to guarantee security, enforce decentralization, and quicken processes to several industries—especially to the financial industry.

随着当前加密货币的兴起,区块链正在技术界引起轰动。 这项技术之所以吸引了如此多的关注,主要是因为它具有保证安全,强制分权以及加快多个行业(尤其是金融行业)流程的能力。

Essentially, a blockchain is a public database that irreversibly documents and authenticates the possession and transmission of digital assets. Digital currencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are based on this concept. Blockchain is an exciting technology that you can use to transform the capabilities of your applications.

本质上,区块链是一个公共数据库,不可逆地记录和认证数字资产的拥有和传输。 比特币和以太坊等数字货币都基于此概念。 区块链是一项令人兴奋的技术,可用于转换应用程序的功能。

Of late, we’ve been seeing governments, organizations, and individuals using the blockchain technology to create their own cryptocurrencies—and avoid being left behind. Notably, when Facebook proposed its own cryptocurrency, called Libra, the announcement stirred many waters across the world.

最近,我们一直在看到政府,组织和个人使用区块链技术来创建自己的加密货币,并避免被抛在后面。 值得注意的是,当Facebook提出自己的名为Libra的加密货币时,这一公告激起了全世界的许多热潮。

What if you could also follow suit and create your own version of a cryptocurrency?


I thought about this and decided to develop an algorithm that creates a crypto.


I decided to call the cryptocurrency fccCoin.


In this tutorial, I’m going to illustrate the step-by-step process I used to build the digital currency (I used the object-oriented concepts of the Python programming language).


Here is the basic blueprint of the blockchain algorithm for creating the fccCoin:


class Block:def __init__():#first block classpassdef calculate_hash():#calculates the cryptographic hash of every blockclass BlockChain:def __init__(self):# constructor methodpassdef construct_genesis(self):# constructs the initial blockpassdef construct_block(self, proof_no, prev_hash):# constructs a new block and adds it to the chainpass@staticmethoddef check_validity():# checks whether the blockchain is validpassdef new_data(self, sender, recipient, quantity):# adds a new transaction to the data of the transactionspass@staticmethoddef construct_proof_of_work(prev_proof):# protects the blockchain from attackpass@propertydef last_block(self):# returns the last block in the chainreturn self.chain[-1]

Now, let me explain what is taking place…


1.建立第一个Block类 (1. Building the first Block class)

A blockchain comprises of several blocks that are joined to each other (that sounds familiar, right?).


The chaining of blocks takes place such that if one block is tampered with, the rest of the chain becomes invalid.


In applying the above concept, I created the following initial block class:


import hashlib
import timeclass Block:def __init__(self, index, proof_no, prev_hash, data, timestamp=None):self.index = indexself.proof_no = proof_noself.prev_hash = = dataself.timestamp = timestamp or time.time()@propertydef calculate_hash(self):block_of_string = "{}{}{}{}{}".format(self.index, self.proof_no,self.prev_hash,,self.timestamp)return hashlib.sha256(block_of_string.encode()).hexdigest()def __repr__(self):return "{} - {} - {} - {} - {}".format(self.index, self.proof_no,self.prev_hash,,self.timestamp)

As you can see from the code above, I defined the __init__() function, which will be executed when the Block class is being initiated, just like in any other Python class.

从上面的代码中可以看到,我定义了__init __()函数,该函数将在启动Block类时执行,就像在其他任何Python类中一样。

I provided the following parameters to the initiation function:


  • self—this refers to the instance of the Block class, making it possible to access the methods and attributes associated with the class;


  • index—this keeps track of the position of the block within the blockchain;

    索引 —跟踪区块链在区块链中的位置;

  • proof_no—this is the number produced during the creation of a new block (called mining);


  • prev_hash—this refers to the hash of the previous block within the chain;

    prev_hash —指链中上一个块的哈希;

  • data—this gives a record of all transactions completed, such as the quantity bought;

    数据 -提供所有已完成交易的记录,例如购买数量;

  • timestamp—this places a timestamp for the transactions.

    时间戳记 -为事务放置时间戳记。

The second method in the class, calculate_hash, will generate the hash of the blocks using the above values. The SHA-256 module is imported into the project to assist in obtaining the hashes of the blocks.

类中的第二个方法calculate_hash将使用上述值生成块的哈希。 SHA-256模块被导入到项目中,以帮助获得块的哈希值。

After the values have been inputted into the cryptographic hash algorithm, the function will return a 256-bit string representing the contents of the block.


This is how security is achieved in blockchains—every block will have a hash and that hash will rely on the hash of the previous block.


As such, if someone tries to compromise any block in the chain, the other blocks will have invalid hashes, leading to disruption of the entire blockchain network.


Ultimately, a block will look like this:


{"index": 2,"proof": 21,"prev_hash": "6e27587e8a27d6fe376d4fd9b4edc96c8890346579e5cbf558252b24a8257823","transactions": [{'sender': '0', 'recipient': 'Quincy Larson', 'quantity': 1}],"timestamp": 1521646442.4096143

2.建立区块链类 (2. Building the Blockchain class)

The main idea of a blockchain, just as the name implies, involves “chaining” several blocks to one another.


Therefore, I’m going to construct a Blockchain class that will be useful in managing the workings of the whole chain. This is where most of the action is going to take place.

因此,我将构建一个对管理整个链的工作很有用的Blockchain类。 这是大多数动作将要发生的地方。

The Blockchain class will have various helper methods for completing various tasks in the blockchain.


Let me explain the role of each of the methods in the class.


一个。 构造方法
(a. Constructor method)

This method ensures the blockchain is instantiated.


class BlockChain:def __init__(self):self.chain = []self.current_data = []self.nodes = set()self.construct_genesis()

Here are the roles of its attributes:


  • self.chain—this variable keeps all blocks;


  • self.current_data—this variable keeps all the completed transactions in the block;

    self.current_data —此变量将所有已完成的事务保留在该块中;

  • self.construct_genesis()—this method will take care of constructing the initial block.

    self.construct_genesis() -此方法将负责构造初始块。

b。 构建创世块
(b. Constructing the genesis block)

The blockchain requires a construct_genesis method to build the initial block in the chain. In the blockchain convention, this block is special because it symbolizes the start of the blockchain.

区块链需要一个construct_genesis方法来构建链中的初始块。 在区块链惯例中,此块是特殊的,因为它象征着区块链的开始。

In this case, let’s construct it by simply passing some default values to the construct_block method.


I gave both proof_no and prev_hash a value of zero, although you can provide any value you want.


def construct_genesis(self):self.construct_block(proof_no=0, prev_hash=0)def construct_block(self, proof_no, prev_hash):block = Block(index=len(self.chain),proof_no=proof_no,prev_hash=prev_hash,data=self.current_data)self.current_data = []self.chain.append(block)return block

C。 建造新的街区 (
c. Constructing new blocks)

The construct_block method is used for creating new blocks in the blockchain.


Here is what is taking place with the various attributes of this method:


  • index—this represents the length of the blockchain;

    索引 -代表区块链的长度;

  • proof_nor & prev_hash—the caller method passes them;

    proof_nor&prev_hash —调用者方法传递它们;

  • data—this contains a record of all the transactions that are not included in any block on the node;

    数据 -包含节点上任何块中未包含的所有事务的记录;

  • self.current_data—this is used to reset the transaction list on the node. If a block has been constructed and the transactions allocated to it, the list is reset to ensure that future transactions are added into this list. And, this process will take place continuously;

    self.current_data-用于重置节点上的事务列表。 如果已经构造了一个块并将事务分配给该块,则会重置该列表以确保将来的事务被添加到该列表中。 并且,该过程将连续进行;

  • self.chain.append()—this method joins newly constructed blocks to the chain;


  • return—lastly, a constructed block object is returned.

    return —最后, 返回一个构造的块对象。

    return—lastly, a constructed block object is returned.

    return-最后, 返回一个构造的块对象。

d。 检查有效性 (d. Checking validity)

The check_validity method is important in assessing the integrity of the blockchain and ensuring anomalies are absent.


As mentioned earlier, hashes are essential for the security of the blockchain as even the slightest change in the object will lead to the generation of a completely new hash.


Therefore, this check_validity method uses if statements to check whether the hash of every block is correct.


It also verifies if every block points to the right previous block, through comparing the value of their hashes. If everything is correct, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

它还通过比较哈希值来验证每个块是否指向正确的前一个块。 如果一切正确,则返回true;否则,返回true。 否则,它返回false。

def check_validity(block, prev_block):if prev_block.index + 1 != block.index:return Falseelif prev_block.calculate_hash != block.prev_hash:return Falseelif not BlockChain.verifying_proof(block.proof_no, prev_block.proof_no):return Falseelif block.timestamp <= prev_block.timestamp:return Falsereturn True

e。 添加交易数据 (e. Adding data of transactions)

The new_data method is used for adding the data of transactions to a block. It’s a very simple method: it accepts three parameters (sender’s details, receiver’s details, and quantity) and append the transaction data to self.current_data list.

new_data方法用于将事务数据添加到块中。 这是一个非常简单的方法:它接受三个参数(发送者的详细信息,接收者的详细信息和数量),并将交易数据附加到self.current_data列表中。

Anytime a new block is created, this list is allocated to that block and reset once more as explained in the construct_block method.


Once the transaction data has been added to the list, the index of the next block to be created is returned.


This index is calculated by adding 1 to the index of the current block (which is the last in the blockchain). The data will assist a user in submitting the transaction in future.

该索引是通过将当前块的索引(即区块链中的最后一个)的索引加1来计算的。 数据将帮助用户将来提交交易。

def new_data(self, sender, recipient, quantity):self.current_data.append({'sender': sender,'recipient': recipient,'quantity': quantity})return True

F。 添加工作证明 (
f. Adding proof of work)

Proof of work is a concept that prevents the blockchain from abuse. Simply, its objective is to identify a number that solves a problem after a certain amount of computing work is done.

工作量证明是防止区块链滥用的概念。 简而言之,其目的是在完成一定数量的计算工作后,确定一个可以解决问题的编号。

If the difficulty level of identifying the number is high, it discourages spamming and tampering with the blockchain.


In this case, we’ll use a simple algorithm that discourages people from mining blocks or creating blocks easily.


def proof_of_work(last_proof):'''this simple algorithm identifies a number f' such that hash(ff') contain 4 leading zeroesf is the previous f'f' is the new proof'''proof_no = 0while BlockChain.verifying_proof(proof_no, last_proof) is False:proof_no += 1return proof_no@staticmethod
def verifying_proof(last_proof, proof):#verifying the proof: does hash(last_proof, proof) contain 4 leading zeroes?guess = f'{last_proof}{proof}'.encode()guess_hash = hashlib.sha256(guess).hexdigest()return guess_hash[:4] == "0000"

G。 获取最后一块 (g. Getting the last block)

Lastly, the latest_block method is a helper method that assists in obtaining the last block in the blockchain. Remember that the last block is actually the current block in the chain.

最后, latest_block方法是一种帮助程序方法,可帮助获取区块链中的最后一个块。 请记住,最后一个块实际上是链中的当前块。

@propertydef latest_block(self):return self.chain[-1]

让我们总结一切 (Let’s sum everything together)

Here is the entire code for creating the fccCoin cryptocurrency.


You can also get the code on this GitHub repository.


import hashlib
import timeclass Block:def __init__(self, index, proof_no, prev_hash, data, timestamp=None):self.index = indexself.proof_no = proof_noself.prev_hash = = dataself.timestamp = timestamp or time.time()@propertydef calculate_hash(self):block_of_string = "{}{}{}{}{}".format(self.index, self.proof_no,self.prev_hash,,self.timestamp)return hashlib.sha256(block_of_string.encode()).hexdigest()def __repr__(self):return "{} - {} - {} - {} - {}".format(self.index, self.proof_no,self.prev_hash,,self.timestamp)class BlockChain:def __init__(self):self.chain = []self.current_data = []self.nodes = set()self.construct_genesis()def construct_genesis(self):self.construct_block(proof_no=0, prev_hash=0)def construct_block(self, proof_no, prev_hash):block = Block(index=len(self.chain),proof_no=proof_no,prev_hash=prev_hash,data=self.current_data)self.current_data = []self.chain.append(block)return block@staticmethoddef check_validity(block, prev_block):if prev_block.index + 1 != block.index:return Falseelif prev_block.calculate_hash != block.prev_hash:return Falseelif not BlockChain.verifying_proof(block.proof_no,prev_block.proof_no):return Falseelif block.timestamp <= prev_block.timestamp:return Falsereturn Truedef new_data(self, sender, recipient, quantity):self.current_data.append({'sender': sender,'recipient': recipient,'quantity': quantity})return True@staticmethoddef proof_of_work(last_proof):'''this simple algorithm identifies a number f' such that hash(ff') contain 4 leading zeroesf is the previous f'f' is the new proof'''proof_no = 0while BlockChain.verifying_proof(proof_no, last_proof) is False:proof_no += 1return proof_no@staticmethoddef verifying_proof(last_proof, proof):#verifying the proof: does hash(last_proof, proof) contain 4 leading zeroes?guess = f'{last_proof}{proof}'.encode()guess_hash = hashlib.sha256(guess).hexdigest()return guess_hash[:4] == "0000"@propertydef latest_block(self):return self.chain[-1]def block_mining(self, details_miner):self.new_data(sender="0",  #it implies that this node has created a new blockreceiver=details_miner,quantity=1,  #creating a new block (or identifying the proof number) is awarded with 1)last_block = self.latest_blocklast_proof_no = last_block.proof_noproof_no = self.proof_of_work(last_proof_no)last_hash = last_block.calculate_hashblock = self.construct_block(proof_no, last_hash)return vars(block)def create_node(self, address):self.nodes.add(address)return True@staticmethoddef obtain_block_object(block_data):#obtains block object from the block datareturn Block(block_data['index'],block_data['proof_no'],block_data['prev_hash'],block_data['data'],timestamp=block_data['timestamp'])

Now, let’s test our code to see if it works.


blockchain = BlockChain()print("***Mining fccCoin about to start***")
print(blockchain.chain)last_block = blockchain.latest_block
last_proof_no = last_block.proof_no
proof_no = blockchain.proof_of_work(last_proof_no)blockchain.new_data(sender="0",  #it implies that this node has created a new blockrecipient="Quincy Larson",  #let's send Quincy some coins!quantity=1,  #creating a new block (or identifying the proof number) is awarded with 1
)last_hash = last_block.calculate_hash
block = blockchain.construct_block(proof_no, last_hash)print("***Mining fccCoin has been successful***")

It worked!


Here is the output of the mining process:


***Mining fccCoin about to start***
[0 - 0 - 0 - [] - 1566930640.2707076]
***Mining fccCoin has been successful***
[0 - 0 - 0 - [] - 1566930640.2707076, 1 - 88914 - a8d45cb77cddeac750a9439d629f394da442672e56edfe05827b5e41f4ba0138 - [{'sender': '0', 'recipient': 'Quincy Larson', 'quantity': 1}] - 1566930640.5363243]

结论 (

There you have it!


That’s how you could create your own blockchain using Python.


Let me say that this tutorial just demonstrates the basic concepts for getting your feet wet in the innovative blockchain technology.


If this coin were deployed as-is, it could not meet the present market demands for a stable, secure, and easy-to-use cryptocurrency.

如果按原样部署此代币 ,它将无法满足当前市场对稳定,安全且易于使用的加密货币的需求。

Therefore, it can still be improved by adding additional features to enhance its capabilities for mining and sending financial transactions.


Nonetheless, it’s a good starting point if you decide to make your name known in the amazing world of cryptos.


If you have any comments or questions, please post them below.


Happy (crypto) coding!





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