
There are now 22 jobs remaining (current phase=A1): 2 running, 7 ready to run and 13 waiting.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 2 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.
Assigned: file XLIFFLoader.class on worker 2 for product xdo username XDO.
Completed: file XLIFFImporter.class on worker 1 for product fnd username APPLSYS.

FAILED: file XLIFFLoader.class on worker 2 for product xdo username XDO.
ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:
FAILED: file XLIFFLoader.class on worker 2.
ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.




Execute the following commands:

= To reload XML
adjava -ms128m -mx256m -nojit oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD -DB_USERNAME <apps_un> -DB_PASSWORD <apps_pw> -JDBC_CONNECTION "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=YES)(FAILOVER=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =tcp)(HOST=<your hostname with domain>)(PORT=<your port>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<your sid>)))" -LOB_TYPE DATA_TEMPLATE -APPS_SHORT_NAME OFA -LOB_CODE FADTXD -LANGUAGE 00 -XDO_FILE_TYPE XML-DATA-TEMPLATE -FILE_NAME $FA_TOP/patch/115/publisher/defs/FADTXD.xml

= To reload RTF
adjava -ms128m -mx256m -nojit oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD -DB_USERNAME <apps_un> -DB_PASSWORD <apps_pw> -JDBC_CONNECTION "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(LOAD_BALANCE=YES)(FAILOVER=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =tcp)(HOST=<your hostname with domain>)(PORT=<your port>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<your sid>)))" -LOB_TYPE TEMPLATE_SOURCE -APPS_SHORT_NAME OFA -LOB_CODE FADTXD -LANGUAGE en -TERRITORY US -XDO_FILE_TYPE RTF -TRANSLATE Y -FILE_NAME $FA_TOP/patch/115/publisher/templates/US/FADTXD.rtf

Note:  Please change:

<apps_un> with your apps user ;

<apps_pw> with your apps password ;

<your hostname with domain> with hostname and domain like: test1.oracle.com ;

<your port> with your port number ; (ORACLE EBS 此默认端口:1521)

<your sid> with your SID .


在Ap节点上,执行以上。 然后重启Worker OK

BTW:your hostname with domain   是DB节点的。

自己搞成了AP节点的。死活不行。 后来更改为AP节点的。OK 问题解决。


(附加)如何执行上面的XML, RTF命令:

Command To reload XML
Command To reload RTF

[applmgr@ebs12 ~] # source /home/applmgr/.bash_profile  或 source .app    [执行环境变量]
[applmgr@ebs12 ~] # adjava -ms128m -mx256m -nojit oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD ... [回车  命令自行完成]



[applmgr@ebs12 ~] # adctrl [是另開一個視窗除錯.要完成除錯後,確定一下有沒有完成.]

Is this the correct APPL_TOP[Yes]? ..................................................... 按Enter
Filename [adctrl.log]:............................................................................. 按Enter
Enter the ORACLE username of ApplicationObject Library[APPLSYS] .... 按Enter
Enter the ORACLE password of ApplicationObject Library[APPS] .... 按Enter
[2]   Tell workertorestart a failed job
Enter the worker number(s)/range(s) or 'all'for all workers,
or press [Return] to go back to the menu :  2 [FAILED: file XLIFFLoader.class on worker 2.](選你錯誤的那一項)
---------- Return ----------------- 
[1]   Show worker status
2 Run       AutoPatch R120    XLIFFLoader.class       Fixed, restart
---------- Return ----------------- 
[7]  Exit
$ exit




[applmgr@ebs12 ~] # cd $APPL_TOP/admin/VIS/log

[applmgr@ebs12 log] # ls | grep -ef  adwork*

[applmgr@ebs12 log] # cat adwork002.log > /home/applmgr/adwork002.txt [错误的Worker,日志内容较长,导出txt查看]



# cat adwork002.log


ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

ORA-06512: at "APPS.JDR_MDS_INTERNAL", line 1928

ORA-06512: at line 1

# chown -R applmgr:applmgr /d01/stage12 (中文包在此文件路径里面)[将路径操作归属者赋予applmgr]

#chmod -R 777 /d01/stage12  [applmgr具有可读可写权限]

1.Logon as sysadmin
2.License Manager => License => Product
3.License Component Application => Select All
4.Shut Down Ap Service.
   and Change Ap User.
   Run Adadmin.
5.Generate Applications Files menu
6.Generate message files
7.Generate form files

EBS R12.1安装中文补丁包BUG:FAILED: file XLIFFLoader.class on worker [X]相关推荐

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