1. Instances of the torch.Tensor class


2. Tensor attributes

torch.Tensor 有以下属性:




Tensors contain data of a uniform type (dtype).

Tensor computations between tensors depend on the dtype and the device.

(1) tensor之间计算时需要dtype一致

(2) tensor之间计算时需要device一致

3. Creating tensors using data

These are the primary ways of creating tensor objects (instances of the torch.Tensor class), with data (array-like) in PyTorch








torch.Tensor() 大写T:constructor of the torch.Tensor class

torch.tensor() 小写t:factory function that constructs torch.Tensor objects and returns them to the caller

torch.as_tensor():factory function

torch.from_numpy():factory function



Share/Copt Data.png

torch.from_numpy()函数仅接受numpy.ndarrays,而torch.as_tensor()函数则接受包括其他PyTorch tensors在内的各种数组对象。

4. Best options for creating tensors in PyTorch


torch.tensor() call is the sort of go-to call

torch.as_tensor() should be employed when tuning our code for performance.

Some things to keep in mind about memory sharing (it works where it can)

Since numpy.ndarray objects are allocated on the CPU, the as_tensor() function must copy the data from the CPU to the GPU when a GPU is being used.


The memory sharing of as_tensor() doesn’t work with built-in Python data structures like lists.


The as_tensor() call requires developer knowledge of the sharing feature. This is necessary so we don’t inadvertently make an unwanted change in the underlying data without realizing the change impacts multiple objects.

The as_tensor() performance improvement will be greater if there are a lot of back and forth operations between numpy.ndarray objects and tensor objects. However, if there is just a single load operation, there shouldn’t be much impact from a performance perspective.

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