
Computer-aided design (CAD)

??? Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of a wide range of computer-based tools that assist engineers, architects and other design professionals in their design activities. It is the main geometry authoring tool within the Product Lifecycle Management process and involves both software and sometimes special-purpose hardware. Current packages range from 2D vector based drafting systems to 3D parametric surface and solid design modellers.

??? CAD is sometimes translated as "computer-assisted", "computer-aided drafting", or a similar phrase. Related acronyms are CADD, which stands for "computer-aided design and drafting", CAID for Computer-aided Industrial Design and CAAD, for "computer-aided architectural design". All these terms are essentially synonymous, but there are some subtle differences in meaning and application. Contents

??? Introduction

??? CAD is used to design and develop products, these can be goods used by end consumers or intermediate goods used in other products. CAD is also extensively used in the design of tools and machinery used in the manufacture of components. CAD is used throughout the engineering process from conceptual design and layout, through detailed engineering and analysis of components to definition of manufacturing methods.

??? Fields of use AEC Architecture Engineering and Construction MCAD Mechanical Automotive Aerospace Consumer Goods Machinery Ship Building ECAD Electronic and Electrical Manufacturing process planning

??? Architecture

??? The software package may produce its results in several formats, but typically provides a graphically-based result which is then able to be used to create concept sketches for assessment and approval, and eventually working drawings. An example would be a structural design package used to assess the integrity of a steel-framed building by performing all the calculations necessary to determine the size and strength of the components, and the effect of


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