晚上打开MOS的页面,发现居然多出了陌生的Get Started栏目,该栏目包含了引导用户在My Oracle Support上如何注册,以及观看使用教学视频等信息:  帮助界面由Adobe flash驱动,似乎Oracle爱上了使用flash:不仅仅是此次推出的Get Started,之前在各个教学Note中也都加入了flash驱动的视频;好吧这些flash看上去还挺酷,也可以说是改善用户体验的一个重要环节,不过加载时间实在令人恼火!  下文是blog.oracle.com上对My Oracle Support中视频小插图(Video Vignettes)的介绍:

Video Vignettes for My Oracle Support: Featuring user-driven innovations

My Oracle Support: Featuring user-driven innovations My Oracle Support is here and with it come new tools to help you find answers faster, more easily log and track SRs, and maintain highly available systems using healthchecks and patch recommendations designed specifically for your running environment. Learn what's new and start saving time today. You can also use the Feedback link inside of My Oracle Support. There are plenty of video previews available. There are also leader lead classes, and even sessions in other languages. Those posted here are only in English right now. Most are closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Highlights Overview of My Oracle Support (with an emphasis on migration of Sun customers) This 6 minute video is of a live demo. It provides just the basics for a first time user of My Oracle Support. It has an emphasis on those who are coming from Sun support. Registering for My Oracle Support (including Sun customers) This 8 minute video is of a live demo. Although registration doesn't require much explanation, it goes into "Support Identifiers" which is how you gain access to features and services. It has an emphasis on those who are coming from Sun support. Registration and Account Administration (with an emphasis on migration of Sun customers) This 15 minute video is of a live demo. Learn how registration works for My Oracle Support with an emphasis on how the administrator at your organization handles setting and approving access for others in your organization. It has a focus on understanding Support Identifiers, getting approval to access, and administration of permissions. We also include getting access with Sun contracts and serial numbers. Introduction to the new Certify Search This 4 minute video is of a live demo - no PowerPoint slides! We are rebuilding Certify to make it MUCH easier to find and understand certifications. This video is available PRIOR to shipping this feature, to encourage some discourse and feedback. Let us know your comments! Certifications Searching - Advanced Uses This 6 minute video is a live demo - no PowerPoint slides! Although there is not much to talk about in advanced training, we think some tips and tricks might be helpful, so here they are. Again this feature is not yet available, but we want to get customers some time to provide feedback to help in the process. Upgrade Planner This 8 minute video of the real software contains no PowerPoint slides. It covers the forthcoming feature to help customers plan an upgrade from one software release to another. Let us know what you think! Upgrade Planner - Advanced Uses This 10 minute video of the real software contains no PowerPoint slides. It covers upgrades which would require merge patches, patches which need to be requested and more details on how to access the upgrade planner and some tips and tricks. Let us know what you think! Most Popular These videos address frequently asked questions and are among our most watched. How do I Install configuration manager Learn the most efficient way to install Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) in your environment to receive the full value from your support experience. Accurate as of Oct 2010. Why use configuration manager? Learn which features require users to download, install and use Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM), and whether these use cases are right for you. Creating a Service Request Review methods for creating a Service Request, the features of each step, and what to expect if you save drafts or file the Service Request (does not cover Sun "Hardware" quests, this will be covered in another session). Dashboard Customization Key ways to customize your experience by creating a tailored view of your Oracle support data. This video is applicable for customers with and without Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) in use. PowerView Tailor your searches so you see only results relevant to your environment. Power View is especially useful for customers with large numbers of Support Identifiers and collectors. Searching Tips and tricks for getting the most out of Knowledge searching, refining searches, and advanced searches. Useful for all users. Mostly accurate, could use a refresh (Oct, 2010) Product Overview Explains My Oracle Support features available with and without Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM). (This one is much longer) Reporting Learn about the Inventory report and its many features. This demo is for customers using Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM).

本文转自maclean_007 51CTO博客,原文链接:


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