工作英语: Meetings



Sarah is having a meeting with her colleague Alex

Sarah: Right then Alex, let's get down to business. On the agenda today for our public relations meeting are the research project, the launch of the website, the timeline for press releases, and the Executor of the Year award. Are you quite happy with those points?

Alex: Yeah that's fine .. if you could go through them in order that'd be great.

The beginning of another meeting

Sean: Ok everybody thanks for coming. Let's keep this meeting fairly brief really just a couple of things on the agenda. First of all as you can see the news on the book re-launch and secondly the office move and finally we'll have a little bit of time for any other business.

F Obviously I'd introduce myself and welcome everybody to the meeting.

M I guess I'd say " hope everyone has got the agenda for today and if anybody can raise anything they've got at the end…

F You start with the agenda that you're going to cover so an opening paragraph to summarise what the meeting is going to be about.

M Here we are, let's get things started and move things forward which tends to be a good starting point with most meetings.

Key words

let's get down to business.

On the agenda today

Thanks for coming

Let's keep this meeting fairly brief


Sean: First of all the book re-launch. This is going to happen at the beginning of next month. It is important that we get this right and there has been quite a few…

John: sh… Sean can I just ask you, Sorry to hold the meeting up, Can I ask you about those dates because I thought that this was going to be published the month after next and I understand that everybody has got their dates but I do feel quite strongly that we're bringing this out too soon.

Sean: Well, any other thoughts before I comment on that?

Carrie: I don't think we have got any choice at all about it, if the radio programmes are going out at the beginning of next month we've got to launch the book at the same time if we're going to have any sales impact.

F1:… the next matter under discussion is the press release time line … I think the next press release to go out is the sound of silence in meetings. Can you give me an update on that?

F2: Yeah we sent that out the end of last week, and selling it in today, it's embargoed until tomorrow, we've had a couple of enquiries from the radio…

F1: sorry to interrupt but did you say it had gone out today?

F2: Yes.

F1: … right…

F2: and ..we've had a couple of inquiries as I said . So hopefully that'll take off tomorrow.

Key words

Actually, could I just ask you...

Sorry to hold the meeting up

Sorry to interrupt but...

Any other thoughts?

Express your feelings(表达感受)

Sean: The office move as you know , I just wanted to see what kind of feed back you have got

Tim: Yeah Sean I'm sorry but I really strongly disagree with the new floor plan. I think it is divisive to separate the secretaries and the assistants out from the editors and Managers. I'd be much happier if we could be located in teams.

Carrie: I think actually Sean is right, I have been chatting to some of the secretaries and they're quite keen to be all sitting in the same area and speaking as an editor I think I'd like to be with other editors so, I think Sean's floor plan is right.

Key words and sentences

I really strongly disagree

I'm sorry but I don't agree

I think Sean is right
我认为Sean 是对的

I quite agree

speaking as an editor

How to end that meeting(结束会议)

Sean: OK Any other business?

Bill: Yes, I would like to say something , an illustrator came in last week and, I think she is very good and, it would be wise to put her on our books.

Sean. … uh…

Bill: I would like to be able to show her drawings and portfolios in the next couple of days. If that's all right.

All: .. that sounds good…

Sean: ….yes , of course…..to seeing those. Right I think that 's probably about it but anybody got anything else that they desperately want to raise before we wrap up?

All: Nope

Sean OK , We'll be having another meeting but there are a couple of conflicts in the diary so I think the best thing is if I email the date of the next meeting.

Key sentences

Any other business.

Right, I think that 's probably about it

It's time to wrap up

conflicts in the diary


Mary: John, hi. Sit down, make yourself comfortable. John, tell me, you're already an office manager in a medium-sized finance company, why do you want to come and work here?

John: Well, I don't know how much you know but the company have been having some problems. quite a few staff have been laid off actually

Mary: … right…

John: … and although my job isn't immediately under threat, you just can't tell I'm not sure what the future will hold and, in any case, I felt that it was time to start moving up the career ladder. And I feel I want a little bit more responsibility. And that combined with the state of the company, convinced me that it's time to move on, really.

So let us suppose you had moved up the ladder in our pharmaceutical company, what would be your priorities in approaching your job.

The first would be to make sure that I had the support of the people working underneath me. The second would be to make sure my immediate boss also understands the role that I was trying to play within the company and third, would be to make sure that the customers were satisfied.

F: … there's always the classic one of why do you want to come and work for this company?

M : I guess "give an example of when you've been innovative, give an example of when you've been faced with a big challenge.

F I often ask the person what their strengths are . And I also ask them to tell me about the things that they would like to change about themselves.


Mary: John, What are your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace?

John: What I'd bring to the job are very, very good organisational skills. I'm strongly motivated, I'm highly committed, very much a self-starter. I feel that my people skills are fairly well developed and I firmly believe that the combination of my people skills and my organisational ability is the right combination of skills to do this job really well.

Christopher: If you were assessing yourself on your own strengths and weaknesses, how would you summarise them?

Interviewee: Well I would look at it that I'm self motivated. I can also work with a group of people. I know that I can motivate them in a manner that is good for the company.

M ..classic answers that I would give? Well, classic answers are always I'm a great worker, I'm a team player, team players want they want to hear.

F ..I'd say I was a good team player, a self-starter, self motivated

F ..I believe that I have strong communication skills, organisationally I do well.

M .. I think that enthusiasm is always the thing that you want to get across first of all. It's really very much using active language as opposed to passive language.

Key words

strongly motivated

self motivated

a self-starter

highly committed

team player

people skills

combination of skills

organisational ability


Mary: Right well that's pretty much all I want to ask at the moment. Do you have any questions for me?

John: I'd just like to know what the time scale is? When do you expect to be able to let us know?

Key words and sentences

pretty much

I'd just like to know

I'd just like to know what the time scale is.

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