M001: MongoDB Basics Chapter 3: Deeper Dive on the MongoDB Query Language学习记录


操作系统:windows 10 家庭中文版
Mongodb :Mongodb 3.4



Comparison Operators(比较运算符)

Using the $in operator, filter the video.movieDetails collection to determine how many movies list either “Ethan Coen” or “Joel Coen” among their writers. Your filter should match all movies that list either of the Coen brothers as writers regardless of how many other writers are also listed. Select the number of movies matching this filter from the choices below.

Check all answers that apply:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 0
  • 3
  • 7
  • 12
  • 16


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve loaded movieDetails into the video database and assuming you are connected to your Atlas sandbox cluster, you can issue the following commands.

use videodb.movieDetails.find({writers: {$in: ["Ethan Coen", "Joel Coen"]}}).count()

In Compass, navigate to the video.movieDetails collection in your Atlas sandbox cluster. Then apply the following filter in either the Schema view or Documents view.

{writers: {$in: ["Ethan Coen", "Joel Coen"]}}




db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gt: 90}})


db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gt: 90}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gt: 90, $lt: 120}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gte: 90, $lte: 120}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gte: 180}, "tomato.meter": 100}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({rated: {$ne: "UNRATED"}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, rated: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({rated: {$in: ["G", "PG"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, rated: 1})


db.movieDetails.find({rated: {$in: ["G", "PG", "PG-13"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, rated: 1}).pretty()


db.movieDetails.find({rated: {$in: ["R", "PG-13"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, rated: 1}).pretty()

Element Operators(元素操作符)

Connect to our class Atlas cluster from the mongo shell or Compass and answer the following question. How many documents in the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection do NOT contain the key atmosphericPressureChange.

Choose the best answer:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 1
  • 2679
  • 10345
  • 33989
  • 40668


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve connected to the M001 class Atlas cluster, you can issue the following commands to find this value.

use 100YWeatherSmalldb.data.find({atmosphericPressureChange: {$exists: false}}).count()

In Compass, navigate to the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection and then apply the following filter in either the Schema or Documents view.

{atmosphericPressureChange: {$exists: false}}




db.moviesDetails.find({mpaaRating: {$exists: true}})


db.moviesDetails.find({mpaaRating: {$exists: false}})


db.movieDetails.find({mpaaRating: null})




db.movies.find({viewerRating: {$type: "int"}}).pretty()


db.movies.find({viewerRating: {$type: "double"}}).pretty()

Logical Operators(逻辑运算符)

Connect to our class Atlas cluster from the mongo shell or Compass and view the ships.shipwrecks collection. In this collection, watlev describes the water level at the shipwreck site and depth describes how far below sea level the ship rests. How many documents in the ships.shipwrecks collection match either of the following criteria: watlev equal to “always dry” or depth equal to 0.

Choose the best answer:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 501
  • 1644
  • 2000
  • 2331
  • 3105


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve connected to the M001 class Atlas cluster, you can issue the following commands to find this value.

use shipsdb.shipwrecks.find({$or: [{depth: 0}, {watlev: "always dry"}]}).count()

In Compass, navigate to the ships.shipwrecks collection and then apply the following filter in either the Schema or Documents view.

{$or: [{depth: 0}, {watlev: "always dry"}]}




db.movieDetails.find({$or: [{"tomato.meter": {$gt: 95}},                               {"metacritic": {$gt: 88}}]},{_id: 0, title: 1, "tomato.meter": 1, "metacritic": 1})


db.movieDetails.find({$and: [{"tomato.meter": {$gt: 95}},                               {"metacritic": {$gt: 88}}]},{_id: 0, title: 1, "tomato.meter": 1, "metacritic": 1})


db.movieDetails.find({"tomato.meter": {$gt: 95},                               "metacritic": {$gt: 88}},{_id: 0, title: 1, "tomato.meter": 1, "metacritic": 1})


db.movieDetails.find({$and: [{"metacritic": {$ne: null}},{"metacritic": {$exists: true}}]},{_id: 0, title: 1, "metacritic": 1})


db.movieDetails.find({$and: [{"metacritic": null},{"metacritic": {$exists: true}}]},{_id: 0, title: 1, "metacritic": 1})

Array Operators(数组运算符): $all


Connect to our class Atlas cluster from the mongo shell or Compass and view the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection. The sections field in this collection identifies supplementary readings available in a given document by a three-character code. How many documents list: “AG1”, “MD1”, and “OA1” among the codes in their sections array. Your count should include all documents that include these three codes regardless of what other codes are also listed.

Choose the best answer:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 2000
  • 9803
  • 10200
  • 15442
  • 17348


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve connected to the M001 class Atlas cluster, you can issue the following commands to find this value.

use 100YWeatherSmalldb.data.find({sections: {$all: ["AG1", "MD1", "OA1"]}}).count()

In Compass, navigate to the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection and then apply the following filter in either the Schema or Documents view.

{sections: {$all: ["AG1", "MD1", "OA1"]}}



genres中含有”Comedy”, “Crime”, “Drama”,显示title,genres,以pretty格式:

db.movieDetails.find({genres: {$all: ["Comedy", "Crime", "Drama"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, genres: 1}).pretty()

Array Operators(数组运算符): $size

Connect to our class Atlas cluster from the mongo shell or Compass and view the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection. How many documents in this collection contain exactly two elements in the sections array field?

Choose the best answer:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 114
  • 670
  • 2656
  • 10700
  • 25678


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve connected to the M001 class Atlas cluster, you can issue the following commands to find this value.

use 100YWeatherSmalldb.data.find({sections: {$size: 2}}).count()

In Compass, navigate to the 100YWeatherSmall.data collection and then apply the following filter in either the Schema or Documents view.

{sections: {$size: 2}}




db.movieDetails.find({countries: {$size: 1}}).pretty()

Array Operators: $elemMatch



In the M001 class Atlas cluster you will find a database added just for this week of the course. It is called results. Within this database you will find two collections: surveys and scores. Documents in the results.surveys collection have the following schema.

{_id: ObjectId(“5964e8e5f0df64e7bc2d7373”),
results: [{product: “abc”, score: 10}, {product: “xyz”, score: 9}]}

The field called results that has an array as its value. This array contains survey results for products and lists the product name and the survey score for each product.

How many documents in the results.surveys collection contain a score of 7 for the product, “abc”?

Choose the best answer:

Attempts Remaining:Correct Answer

  • 35
  • 124
  • 172
  • 220
  • 301


In the mongo shell, assuming you’ve connected to the M001 class Atlas cluster, you can issue the following commands to find this value.

use resultsdb.surveys.find({results: {$elemMatch: {product: "abc", score: 7}}}).count()

Note that it is incorrect to use the following query.

db.surveys.find({"results.product": "abc", "results.score": 7})

because in addition to correct results, this will return the document.

{"_id": 4, "results": [{"product": "abc", "score": 8}, {"product": "xyz", "score": 7}]}

This document does contain an entry for “abc” and a score of 7 in the results array, but the 7 is the score of the “xyz” product, not “abc”.

In Compass, navigate to the results.surveys collection and then apply the following filter in either the Schema or Documents view.

{results: {$elemMatch: {product: "abc", score: 7}}}




> use my_test
switched to db my_test> db.m00103.find().pretty()
{"_id" : ObjectId("5ad6c660e9de5b56a3e0f564"),"boxOffice" : [{"country" : "USA","revenue" : 228.4},{"country" : "Australia","revenue" : 19.6},{"country" : "UK","revenue" : 33.9},{"country" : "Germany","revenue" : 16.2},{"country" : "France","revenue" : 19.8}]


> db.m00103.find({"boxOffice.country": "Germany", "boxOffice.revenue": {$gt: 17}}).pretty()
{"_id" : ObjectId("5ad6c660e9de5b56a3e0f564"),"boxOffice" : [{"country" : "USA","revenue" : 228.4},{"country" : "Australia","revenue" : 19.6},{"country" : "UK","revenue" : 33.9},{"country" : "Germany","revenue" : 16.2},{"country" : "France","revenue" : 19.8}]


> db.m00103.find({"boxOffice.country": "Germany", "boxOffice.revenue": {$gt: 228}}).pretty()
{"_id" : ObjectId("5ad6c660e9de5b56a3e0f564"),"boxOffice" : [{"country" : "USA","revenue" : 228.4},{"country" : "Australia","revenue" : 19.6},{"country" : "UK","revenue" : 33.9},{"country" : "Germany","revenue" : 16.2},{"country" : "France","revenue" : 19.8}]



> db.m00103.find({boxOffice: {$elemMatch: {"country": "Germany", "revenue": {$gt: 17}}}}).pretty()
> db.m00103.find({boxOffice: {$elemMatch: {"country": "Germany", "revenue": {$gt: 16}}}}).pretty()
{"_id" : ObjectId("5ad6c660e9de5b56a3e0f564"),"boxOffice" : [{"country" : "USA","revenue" : 228.4},{"country" : "Australia","revenue" : 19.6},{"country" : "UK","revenue" : 33.9},{"country" : "Germany","revenue" : 16.2},{"country" : "France","revenue" : 19.8}]


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