
ServiceNow provides you with a robust suite of business and IT applications, built on a single cloud platform that automate service delivery. Click on a demo below to see some of our highlighted applications at work, and to get started using them!

Incident Management

Diagnose and repair issues rapidly with all the information they need at your fingertips.

Problem Management

Prevent incidents from happening, and minimizing the impact of incidents that can't be prevented.

Change Management

Built on the same platform with the CMDB, Discovery, and release management, these processes all work together to create a closed-loop change management system.

Resource Management

Create resource plans, request staffing for projects and assign people to specific tasks.

HR Service Automation

Streamline HR service delivery by offering a self-service catalog to users, and out-of-the-box request and fulfill process automation.

Password Reset

Reduce the overall volume of IT service requests by enabling end-users to reset their own passwords using self-service and automation.

Performance Analytics

Easy-to-use, cloud-based BI application designed for reporting and analyzing performance in the ServiceNow enterprise IT cloud.

Vendor Performance Management

Assessment tools to evaluate, score and rank vendors across a variety of categories such as compliance, product reliability and user satisfaction.

Cloud Provisioning

Automation and self-service to provision public or private clouds in minutes and to optimize their usage through the entire cloud lifecycle.

Configuration Automation

Easily automates the configuration of your data center infrastructure, based on your CMDB, leveraging your already established change processes.

Configuration Management (CMDB)

Maintain Current and Accurate Data to make better decisions, and provide better business services.

Project Management

Versatile, scalable approach to managing projects and resources across the enterprise.

Asset Management

Track the financial, contractual, and inventory details of hardware, software, virtual, and non-IT assets.

Contract Management

Create various types of contracts, such as leases, warranties, maintenance, and service.

Software Asset Management

Track, evaluate and manage software licenses and usage seamlessly with the rest of your ITSM and governance processes.

IT Governance, Risk and Compliance

Proactively menage process controls by aligning corporate policies to evaluate risks, manage control procedures, manage audit controls, manage evidence/exceptions and assign corrective actions.



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