参考:entity component system vs entity component
参考:Entity Component System FAQ
参考:EC vs ECS for Roguelikes


  • 什么是ECS
  • 什么是EC
  • ECS和EC有何区别
  • Unity里用的是不是ECS?
  • UE4里用的是不是ECS?


我学习写游戏引擎的时候,学过这一部分的内容,相关知识参考:Entity Component System | Game Engine series

Entity-Component-System (ECS) is a software architectural pattern mostly used on video game development for the storage of game world objects. An ECS follows the pattern of “entities” with “components” of data.
An ECS follows the principle of composition over inheritance, meaning that every entity is defined not by a “type”, but by the components that are associated with it. The design of how components relate to entities depend upon the Entity Component System being used.


class Entity
{float[3] m_Position;
};class Box : public Enitty {};class Scene
{std::vector<Entity> m_Entities;


class Entity
{float[3] m_Position;
};class Box : public Enitty {};class Scene
{std::vector<Entity> m_Entities;
};class BoxWithAudio : public Box {};
class BoxWithAnimator : public Box {};


class Box : public Enitty {};
class BoxWithAudio : public Box {};
class BoxWithAnimator : public Box {};
// 出现了multiple inheritance
class BoxWithAnimatorAndAudio : public BoxWithAnimator, public BoxWithAudio {};

这里很容易就出现了一个类继承于两个类的情况,而BoxWithAnimatorBoxWithAudio 又同时继承于Box,所以这是个菱形继承。Box类才添加了两个功能就会造成这么复杂的类设计,所以说这种写法,很容易造成类混乱,更何况其他的很多语言里根本不支持多重继承。


class Entity
{std::vector<Component> m_Components;float[3] m_Position;
};class Scene
{std::vector<Entity> m_Entities;
};class BoxComponent : public Component {};
class AudioComponent : public Component {};
class AnimatorComponent : public Component {};// 创建Entity
Entity boxWithAnimatorAndAudio;
boxWithAnimatorAndAudio.AddComponent(new BoxComponent());
boxWithAnimatorAndAudio.AddComponent(new AudioComponent());
boxWithAnimatorAndAudio.AddComponent(new AnimatorComponent());



// 遍历Scene里的entities
for(Entity& e: m_Entities)
{if(e.GetMeshComponent() ! = null){PrepareToDrawMesh(e.GetMeshComponent().mesh, e.GetPosition());}
}// 批处理一起绘制Mesh

上面的代码,最大的问题是,没有Cache Friendly,由于Mesh是存在每个Entity里的,它们的内存必然是散布于计算机各个位置的,那么计算机必然经常会产生缺页情况。没有遵循计算机的局部访问性的代码,效率是很差的。

为了解决这个问题,更好的思路产生了,这里变成了data-oriented programming,Scene里相同Component的数据,应该是连续存储的,大概思路如下:

class Scene
{std::vector<Entity> m_Entities;// 真正的数据连续的存在于Scene的Data里std::vector<MeshComponent> m_MeshComponents;std::vector<AudioComponent> m_AudioComponents;std::vector<AnimatorComponent> m_AnimatorComponents;
};// Entity本质就是一个UniqueId, 加上对一堆Component位置的记录
class Entity
{uint32_t m_UniqueId;uint32_t m_AnimatorId;// 代表Entity对应的Animator在Scene里m_AnimatorComponents的iduint32_t m_AudioId;float[3] m_Position;
};class BoxComponent : public Component {};
class AudioComponent : public Component {};
class AnimatorComponent : public Component {};


// 遍历Scene里的entities
for(int i = 0; i < m_MeshComponents.count; i++)
{// 遍历Scene里的Entity数组, 找到包含当前遍历的MeshComponent的Entityconst Entity& entity = FindEntityWhoseMeshIdEquals(i);if(entity ! = null){...// 需要的话, 可以根据entity取得一些别的Component数据PrepareToDrawMesh(m_MeshComponents[i], entity.GetPosition());}
}// 批处理一起绘制Mesh

一般来说, 一个Entity只会有一个某种类型的Component, 比如Animator、Audio组件等,所以前面的Entity里都是用单个uint32_t记录Component在对应数组里的id,但ScriptComponent一般可以有多个挂在一个Entity上,不过思路是一样的。


Mesh | Transform | Mesh | Transform

Mesh并不是直接连续的,可能是Mesh | Transform 两两一组,分布于Memory里。


EC frameworks, as typically found in game engines, are similar to ECS in that they allow for the creation of entities and the composition of components. However, in an EC framework, components are classes that contain both data and behavior, and behavior is executed directly on the component.






Unity and Unreal are examples of popular game engines with an EC (entity-component) architecture. Annoyingly, these architectures are sometimes called Entity-Component Systems, which are easily confused with Entity-Component-System Architectures (talked about in the next section)

Unreal like Unity is a EC (notice missing the “S”) Entity-Component based Game Engine, the difference with the well-known ECS pattern is that logic is still present in components in UE4, I think it is actually possible use a full ECS approach with UE4 (even if not natively supported), the main problem would be for networked code, for which at some point you’ll need to pass from an Actor, but apart that you can treat certain Actors as components (pure data) and certain actors as systems (pure logic) without too much issues in UE4. However be aware that I saw no major experimentations with UE4 and ECS pattern so there could be some subtle issue that you will it along the way if you decide to do ECS with UE4.




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