任务名字:Referring Image Segmentation (RIS)

keywordsone-stage RIS、graph、relation reasoning


vision-and-language approaches based on their designing principles,

(1)multimodal fusion and representation learning

(2)language-conditioned visual rea- soning

two-stage RIS:

优:explicit object instances and their relation-ships to conduct visual reasoning

缺:slow inference speed 、has poor generalization、the relational and spatial priors in images are lost when conducting reasoning over feature vectors of those object instances.

one-stage RIS:

优:fast inference speed、contextual representations

缺:no ex-plicit object-level information、inferior in handling complex visual scenes and expressions because they lack sufficient visual reasoning capability


图像encoder:DeepLab ResNet101

language encoder: GloVe word embedding wt of each word l_t  + position encoding


Bottom-Up Shift:

(1)Analysis of Reasoning Steps


使用language graph(directed acyclic graph):A node and a directed edge of the graph respectively correspond to a noun phrase and the linguistic relationship

(2)Stepwise Inference逐步推理:

the reasoning from bottom to up






(3)Pairwise Relational Shift

Bidirectional Attentive Refinement:




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