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Come cross a problem in wsl2 to use vscode.

未能保存“settings.json”: 无法写入文件/code/.vscode/settings.json(NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied


In official documentation, I found this:


cd /etc
sudo vim wsl.conf


# Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched
[automount]# Set to true will automount fixed drives (C:/ or D:/) with DrvFs under the root directory set above. Set to false means drives won't be mounted automatically, but need to be mounted manually or with fstab.
enabled = true# Sets the directory where fixed drives will be automatically mounted. This example changes the mount location, so your C-drive would be /c, rather than the default /mnt/c.
root = /# DrvFs-specific options can be specified.
options = "metadata,uid=1003,gid=1003,umask=077,fmask=11,case=off"# Sets the `/etc/fstab` file to be processed when a WSL distribution is launched.
mountFsTab = true# Network host settings that enable the DNS server used by WSL 2. This example changes the hostname, sets generateHosts to false, preventing WSL from the default behavior of auto-generating /etc/hosts, and sets generateResolvConf to false, preventing WSL from auto-generating /etc/resolv.conf, so that you can create your own (ie. nameserver
hostname = DemoHost
generateHosts = false
generateResolvConf = false# Set whether WSL supports interop process like launching Windows apps and adding path variables. Setting these to false will block the launch of Windows processes and block adding $PATH environment variables.
enabled = false
appendWindowsPath = false# Set the user when launching a distribution with WSL.
default = DemoUser# Set a command to run when a new WSL instance launches. This example starts the Docker container service.
command = service docker start


PS E:\shizheng_coding\software_design_venkat\reference_text_books\book_code_functional_prog_Java_venkat> wsl
<3>init: (278) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:336: getpwnam(DemoUser) failed 0
<3>init: (278) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:517: chdir(/e/shizheng_coding/software_design_venkat/reference_text_books/book_code_functional_prog_Java_venkat) failed 13


# Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched
[automount]# Set to true will automount fixed drives (C:/ or D:/) with DrvFs under the root directory set above. Set to false means drives won't be mounted automatically, but need to be mounted manually or with fstab.
enabled = true# DrvFs-specific options can be specified.
options = "metadata,umask=22,fmask=11"# Sets the `/etc/fstab` file to be processed when a WSL distribution is launched.
mountFsTab = true

这里的核心点是 all newly created files will use umask 22 (chmod 775) and fmask 11 (chmod 644),意思是所有新创建的文件都可以有775的权限,可读可写。

然后我把之前permission denied的文件:.vscode/settings.json 删掉了

 sudo rm -r .vscode/







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