原创 2016年02月01日 17:49:34
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    *                  2016-1


    相信抓包是程序员,运维工程师,架构师,都必不可少的一项技能。但是能够深入掌握好这门技艺的人,确实需要有开发,网络,运维,架构等"跨界”背景才能比较好的发挥抓包神技的威力。本文是纯干货,重点不在于理论,更注重实战技能,尤其注重对抓包数据的分析。本文中的命令追求的是使用最简单,最普及的Linux系统自带工具包实现各种抓包分析,具有尽可能广泛的移植性和可用性。文中给出的命令均在Centos 6.3,tcpdump 4.1版本下测试可用;其他平台及环境,可能需要你自己微调部分命令及脚本才可以运行。文中多数命令及脚本都严重依赖于tcpdump命令输出文本数据格式,微调代码时应格外注意这一点。注意,本文中的命令适用于一般的基于tcp连接的,请求响应模型的网络服务,但不适用于使用pipeline模式的网络服务。如果想理解本文命令思路的话,需要你熟悉tcp/ip协议,网络osi模型,常见网络通讯协议,socket编程,linux脚本编程,awk脚本编程,数据挖掘思维方式等知识,不足者请自行脑补。理解本文的思路后,还可以在这些命令基础上有许多种灵活搭配和变种,请自行研究。不想费脑细胞的,运气好的话,很多命令都可以直接使用。尽管这里讲的是Linux抓包,但如果使用流行的wireshark在Windows上抓包后保存成tcpdump格式文件,然后上传到Linux系统上照样可以使用本文中的命令进行分析。




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. tcpdump -i any -nn tcp > 123.pkg.head.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.head.txt | awk 'NF>5 && $2=="IP" {print $3,"[out]"; print substr($5,1,length($5)-1), "[in]"}' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{buf[NR]=$0;sum+=$1} END{for(i=1;i<=NR;i++) print buf[i], sum}' | awk '{printf("%s %s %s %.2f %%\n",$1, $2, $3, 100*$1/$4)}' | sort -nr -k 4 | less
    2. 示例:
    3. 2359 [in] 23.59 %
    4. 2057 [out] 20.57 %
    5. 331 [in] 3.31 %
    6. 253 [out] 2.53 %
    7. 190 [out] 1.90 %
    8. 154 [in] 1.54 %
    9. 106 [out] 1.06 %


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.head.txt | awk 'BEGIN{header_len=0x36;inp=0;inb=0;inbb=0;outp=0;outb=0;outbb=0;start="";end=""} function getBodyLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c)return a[2];else return 0;} NF>5 && $2=="IP" {len=header_len + getBodyLen();print $3,"[out]", len; print substr($5,1,length($5)-1), "[in]", len; }' | sort | awk 'BEGIN{ipport="";dir="";bc=0} {if($1!=ipport || $2!=dir){if(bc>0)print ipport,dir,bc;ipport=$1;dir=$2;bc=$3;}else{bc+=$3;}} END{if(bc>0)print ipport,dir,bc;}' | awk '{buf[NR]=$0;sum+=$3} END{for(i=1;i<=NR;i++) print buf[i], sum}' | awk '{printf("%s %s %s %.2f %%\n",$1, $2, $3, 100*$3/$4)}' | sort -nr -k 4 | less
    2. 示例:
    3. [out] 2559403 42.46 %
    4. [in] 417277 6.92 %
    5. [in] 306507 5.08 %
    6. [in] 271432 4.50 %
    7. [in] 170901 2.84 %
    8. [in] 151630 2.52 %
    9. [in] 151322 2.51 %
    10. [in] 138038 2.29 %
    11. [in] 131700 2.18 %
    12. [out] 121366 2.01 %


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.head.txt | awk 'BEGIN{ipportRegex="";header_len=0x36;inp=0;inb=0;inbb=0;outp=0;outb=0;outbb=0;start="";end=""} function getBodyLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c)return a[2];else return 0;} $3~ipportRegex{outp++;bl=getBodyLen();outb+=header_len+bl;outbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} $5~ipportRegex{inp++;bl=getBodyLen();inb+=header_len+bl;inbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} function timeSub(s,e){split(substr(s,1,8),sA1,":");s1=sA1[1]*3600+sA1[2]*60+sA1[3];us1=substr(s,10);split(substr(e,1,8),sA2,":");s2=sA2[1]*3600+sA2[2]*60+sA2[3];us2=substr(e,10);return s2*1000000+us2-s1*1000000-us1;} END{second=timeSub(start,end)/1000000;if(second<1) second=1; printf("total time: %.1f seconds\n", second);printf("[In]  pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", inp,inp/second,inb,inb/second/1024,inbb,inbb/second/1024,100*inbb/inb);printf("[Out] pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", outp,outp/second,outb,outb/second/1024,outbb,outbb/second/1024,100*outbb/outb);}'
    2. cat 123.pkg.head.txt | awk 'BEGIN{ipportRegex="";header_len=0x36;inp=0;inb=0;inbb=0;outp=0;outb=0;outbb=0;start="";end=""} function getBodyLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c)return a[2];else return 0;} $3~ipportRegex{outp++;bl=getBodyLen();outb+=header_len+bl;outbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} $5~ipportRegex{inp++;bl=getBodyLen();inb+=header_len+bl;inbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} function timeSub(s,e){split(substr(s,1,8),sA1,":");s1=sA1[1]*3600+sA1[2]*60+sA1[3];us1=substr(s,10);split(substr(e,1,8),sA2,":");s2=sA2[1]*3600+sA2[2]*60+sA2[3];us2=substr(e,10);return s2*1000000+us2-s1*1000000-us1;} END{second=timeSub(start,end)/1000000;if(second<1) second=1; printf("total time: %.1f seconds\n", second);printf("[In]  pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", inp,inp/second,inb,inb/second/1024,inbb,inbb/second/1024,100*inbb/inb);printf("[Out] pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", outp,outp/second,outb,outb/second/1024,outbb,outbb/second/1024,100*outbb/outb);}'
    3. cat 123.pkg.head.txt | awk 'BEGIN{ipportRegex="10.";header_len=0x36;inp=0;inb=0;inbb=0;outp=0;outb=0;outbb=0;start="";end=""} function getBodyLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c)return a[2];else return 0;} $3~ipportRegex{outp++;bl=getBodyLen();outb+=header_len+bl;outbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} $5~ipportRegex{inp++;bl=getBodyLen();inb+=header_len+bl;inbb+=bl;if(""==start)start=$1;end=$1;} function timeSub(s,e){split(substr(s,1,8),sA1,":");s1=sA1[1]*3600+sA1[2]*60+sA1[3];us1=substr(s,10);split(substr(e,1,8),sA2,":");s2=sA2[1]*3600+sA2[2]*60+sA2[3];us2=substr(e,10);return s2*1000000+us2-s1*1000000-us1;} END{second=timeSub(start,end)/1000000;if(second<1) second=1; printf("total time: %.1f seconds\n", second);printf("[In]  pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", inp,inp/second,inb,inb/second/1024,inbb,inbb/second/1024,100*inbb/inb);printf("[Out] pkg count: %s, pkg rate: %.2f pkg/s, bytes count: %s, bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, body bytes: %s, body bytes rate: %.2f KB/s, payload percent: %.1f%%\n", outp,outp/second,outb,outb/second/1024,outbb,outbb/second/1024,100*outbb/outb);}'
    4. 示例:
    5. total time: 45.7 seconds
    6. [In]  pkg count: 2359, pkg rate: 51.59 pkg/s, bytes count: 306507, bytes rate: 6.55 KB/s, body bytes: 179121, body bytes rate: 3.83 KB/s, payload percent: 58.4%
    7. [Out] pkg count: 2057, pkg rate: 44.99 pkg/s, bytes count: 2559403, bytes rate: 54.66 KB/s, body bytes: 2448325, body bytes rate: 52.29 KB/s, payload percent: 95.7%




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. tcpdump -nn port 80 > 123.pkg.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. tcpdump port 80 -w 123.pkg -s 120
    2. tcpdump port 80 -w 123.pkg -s 0
    3. tcpdump -r 123.pkg -XXnn > 123.pkg.txt
    4. 示例:
    5. 11:12:01.894222 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3862499245:3862499262, ack 627056474, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856730], length 17
    6. 0x0000:  0000 0c07 ace9 0022 195d 2445 0800 4500  .......".]$E..E.
    7. 0x0010:  0045 cb3b 4000 4006 12ac 0a40 0c0e 0a46  .E.;@.@....@...F
    8. 0x0020:  3c38 e865 05f1 e639 0fad 2560 1f5a 8018  <8.e...9..%`.Z..
    9. 0x0030:  01f5 5d03 0000 0101 080a adce a3cb 2beb  ..]...........+.
    10. 0x0040:  8a9a 0011 0000 0600 0000 0000 0305 0001  ................
    11. 0x0050:  0301 0a                                  ...
    12. 11:12:01.894226 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3903163064:3903163580, ack 4171729186, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856729], length 516
    13. 0x0000:  0000 0c07 ace9 0022 195d 2445 0800 4500  .......".]$E..E.
    14. 0x0010:  0238 f2e9 4000 4006 e90a 0a40 0c0e 0a46  .8..@.@....@...F
    15. 0x0020:  3c38 e87a 05f1 e8a5 8ab8 f8a7 8922 8018  <8.z........."..
    16. 0x0030:  01f5 5ef6 0000 0101 080a adce a3cb 2beb  ..^...........+.
    17. 0x0040:  8a99 0204 0000 0600 0000 0000 1169 0001  .............i..




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.txt | awk 'substr($1,1,3)!="0x0"' > 123.pkg.head.txt
    2. 示例:
    3. 11:12:01.894222 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3862499245:3862499262, ack 627056474, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856730], length 17
    4. 11:12:01.894226 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3903163064:3903163580, ack 4171729186, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856729], length 516
    5. 11:12:01.894228 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3897659932:3897660175, ack 3171500152, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856729], length 243
    6. 11:12:01.894231 IP > Flags [P.], seq 3898476274:3898476788, ack 1748466768, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 2916000715 ecr 736856730], length 514


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.txt | awk 'BEGIN {start="11:13:49.0";end="11:13:49.9";flag=0} {if(substr($1,1,3)=="0x0"){if(1==flag){print $0}}else{cur=substr($1,1,length(start));if(cur>=start && cur<=end){print $0;flag=1}else{flag=0}}}' > new123.pkg.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat new123.pkg.txt | awk 'BEGIN {ip="";port="54365";flag=0} {if(substr($1,1,3)=="0x0"){if(1==flag){print $0}}else if($0~ip"."port){print $0;flag=1;}else{flag=0;}}' > newnew123.pkg.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat newnew123.pkg.txt | awk 'BEGIN{keyword="id_10bc3c9";buf="";found=0} {if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){if($0~keyword) found=1;buf=buf"\n"$0}else{if(1==found){print buf;found=0;}if($0~keyword) found=1;buf=$0}} END{if(1==found) print buf}' > tmp.pkg.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat newnew123.pkg.txt | awk 'BEGIN{keyword="746573745f646176615f3131393638403136332e636f6d";bin="";buf=""} {if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){for(i=2;i<NF;i++) bin=bin""$i;buf=buf"\n"$0}else{if(length(bin)>0&&bin~keyword) print buf;buf=$0;bin=""}} END{if(length(bin)>0&&bin~keyword) print buf}' > tmp2.pkg.txt




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.txt | awk 'BEGIN{server="";buf="";client="";dir=server"_detail";system("mkdir "dir" 2>/dev/null")} {if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){buf=buf"\n"$0}else{if(length(client)>0) print buf>>dir"/"client".txt";if($3==server){client=substr($5,1,length($5)-1);}else if($5~server){client=$3}else{client=""} buf=$0}}'


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. dd if=123.pkg.txt bs=100M 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{server="";limit=1000;buf="";client="";count=0;dir=server"_detail";system("mkdir "dir" 2>/dev/null")} {if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){if(length(client)>0) buf=buf"\n"$0}else{if(length(client)>0) print buf>>dir"/"client".txt";if($3==server){client=substr($5,1,length($5)-1)}else if($5~server){client=$3}else{client=""}if(length(client)>0){if("ok"==all_clients[client]){buf=$0}else if(count<limit){count++;all_clients[client]="ok";buf=$0}else{client=""}}}}'




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.txt | /data/speng/tcpdump/parseTcp.awk > interaction.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat 123.pkg.txt | /data/speng/tcpdump/parseTcp.awk 1 > interaction.txt
    2. 示例:
    3. 14:00:53.123517 client connect take(us): 3291 slient_before(us): 72266270 result: ok
    4. 14:00:53.132710 client round-trip 1 slient_before(us): 5902 total take(us): 5927 req_time(us): 76 req_bytes: 1635 server_process(us): 5402 response_time(us): 449 response_bytes: 6587
    5. 14:00:53.263446 client round-trip 2 slient_before(us): 124809 total take(us): 17767 req_time(us): 88 req_bytes: 1620 server_process(us): 17679 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 946
    6. 14:00:53.472286 client round-trip 3 slient_before(us): 191073 total take(us): 9319 req_time(us): 53 req_bytes: 1620 server_process(us): 8517 response_time(us): 749 response_bytes: 10361
    7. 14:00:54.587117 client round-trip 4 slient_before(us): 1105512 total take(us): 13233 req_time(us): 92 req_bytes: 1618 server_process(us): 13113 response_time(us): 28 response_bytes: 2777
    8. 14:01:14.598513 client close take(us): 589 slient_before(us): 19998163 close_bytes: 0 direction: server->client result: full_close


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. ls | xargs -n 10 awk 'BEGIN{f=""} {if(FILENAME!=f){print "newfile",FILENAME;f=FILENAME}if(substr($1,1,2)!="0x") print $0}' | ../parseTcp.awk > ../interaction.txt


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. ls | xargs -n 10 awk -f ../oracleSqlParser.awk --source 'function getLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c) return a[2];else return 0;} BEGIN{f="";h="";b=0;} {if(FILENAME!=f){if(1==b)parserEnd();if(""!=h)print h;print "newfile",FILENAME;f=FILENAME;h="";b=0;}if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){if(1==b)parserWork();}else{if(1==b)parserEnd();b=0;if(""!=h)print h;h=$0;bl=getLen();if(bl>0){parserInit(bl);b=1;}}} END{if(1==b)parserEnd();if(""!=h)print h;}' | ../parseTcp.awk > ../interaction.txt
    2. ls | xargs -n 10 awk -f ../httpParser.awk --source 'function getLen(){if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;t_c=split($7,a,/[()]/);if(3==t_c) return a[2];else return 0;} BEGIN{f="";h="";b=0;} {if(FILENAME!=f){if(1==b)parserEnd();if(""!=h)print h;print "newfile",FILENAME;f=FILENAME;h="";b=0;}if(substr($1,1,2)=="0x"){if(1==b)parserWork();}else{if(1==b)parserEnd();b=0;if(""!=h)print h;h=$0;bl=getLen();if(bl>0){parserInit(bl);b=1;}}} END{if(1==b)parserEnd();if(""!=h)print h;}' | ../parseTcp.awk > ../interaction.txt
    3. 示例:
    4. sql:
    5. 11:12:29.422380 client connect take(us): 567 slient_before(us): 0 result: ok
    6. 11:12:29.423124 client round-trip 1 slient_before(us): 177 total take(us): 54042 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 211 server_process(us): 54042 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 8
    7. 11:12:29.478165 client round-trip 2 slient_before(us): 999 total take(us): 2021 req_time(us): 1409 req_bytes: 363 server_process(us): 612 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 127
    8. 11:12:29.480257 client round-trip 3 slient_before(us): 71 total take(us): 1420 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 33 server_process(us): 1420 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 188
    9. 11:12:29.481825 client round-trip 4 slient_before(us): 148 total take(us): 1036 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 779 server_process(us): 1036 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 834
    10. 11:12:29.483414 client round-trip 5 slient_before(us): 553 total take(us): 3983 req_time(us): 810 req_bytes: 184 server_process(us): 3173 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 73
    11. 11:12:29.487836 client round-trip 6 slient_before(us): 439 total take(us): 4891 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 574 server_process(us): 4891 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 1180
    12. 11:12:29.492988 client round-trip 7 slient_before(us): 261 total take(us): 3220 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 505 server_process(us): 3220 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 358
    13. 11:12:29.496568 client round-trip 8 slient_before(us): 360 total take(us): 2276 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 245 server_process(us): 2276 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 393 req_appflag: select.usrid,mailadd,mailflg,mobile,verifyflg,user_seq_id,is_oauth_type,lastlogin,pwd_strict.from.tab_users.where.mailadd.=:1--con_id_52d2c4
    14. 11:12:29.499283 client round-trip 9 slient_before(us): 439 total take(us): 704 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 17 server_process(us): 704 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 208
    15. 11:12:29.500267 client round-trip 10 slient_before(us): 280 total take(us): 766 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 245 server_process(us): 766 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 393 req_appflag: select.usrid,mailadd,mailflg,mobile,verifyflg,user_seq_id,is_oauth_type,lastlogin,pwd_strict.from.tab_users.where.mailadd.=:1--con_id_52d2c4
    16. 11:12:29.501945 client round-trip 11 slient_before(us): 912 total take(us): 681 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 17 server_process(us): 681 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 208
    17. 11:12:29.503286 client round-trip 12 slient_before(us): 660 total take(us): 4956 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 513 server_process(us): 4956 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 64 req_appflag: update.tab_users.tu.set.tu.lastlogin_third=tu.lastlogin,tu.lastlogin=to_date(:1,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct_time=to_date(:2,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct=:3,tu.auto_login_flag=:4,login_ip=:5.where.mailadd.=:6--con_id_52d2c4
    18. 11:12:29.510362 client round-trip 13 slient_before(us): 2120 total take(us): 3591 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 515 server_process(us): 3591 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 63 req_appflag: update.tab_users.tu.set.tu.lastlogin_third=tu.lastlogin,tu.lastlogin=to_date(:1,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct_time=to_date(:2,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct=:3,tu.auto_login_flag=:4,login_ip=:5.where.mailadd.=:6--con_id_52d2c4
    19. 11:12:29.515085 client round-trip 14 slient_before(us): 1132 total take(us): 3660 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 513 server_process(us): 3660 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 63 req_appflag: update.tab_users.tu.set.tu.lastlogin_third=tu.lastlogin,tu.lastlogin=to_date(:1,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct_time=to_date(:2,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct=:3,tu.auto_login_flag=:4,login_ip=:5.where.mailadd.=:6--con_id_52d2c4
    20. 11:12:29.518969 client round-trip 15 slient_before(us): 224 total take(us): 724 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 245 server_process(us): 724 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 392 req_appflag: select.usrid,mailadd,mailflg,mobile,verifyflg,user_seq_id,is_oauth_type,lastlogin,pwd_strict.from.tab_users.where.mailadd.=:1--con_id_52d2c4
    21. 11:12:29.519737 client round-trip 16 slient_before(us): 44 total take(us): 664 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 17 server_process(us): 664 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 208
    22. 11:12:29.522030 client round-trip 17 slient_before(us): 1629 total take(us): 4037 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 513 server_process(us): 4037 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 63 req_appflag: update.tab_users.tu.set.tu.lastlogin_third=tu.lastlogin,tu.lastlogin=to_date(:1,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct_time=to_date(:2,'yyyy-mm-dd.hh24:mi:ss'),tu.uct=:3,tu.auto_login_flag=:4,login_ip=:5.where.mailadd.=:6--con_id_52d2c4
    23. 11:12:29.526610 client round-trip 18 slient_before(us): 543 total take(us): 709 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 245 server_process(us): 709 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 392 req_appflag: select.usrid,mailadd,mailflg,mobile,verifyflg,user_seq_id,is_oauth_type,lastlogin,pwd_strict.from.tab_users.where.mailadd.=:1--con_id_52d2c4
    24. 11:12:29.527617 client round-trip 19 slient_before(us): 298 total take(us): 1490 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 17 server_process(us): 1490 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 208
    25. http:
    26. 14:00:53.123517 client connect take(us): 3291 slient_before(us): 72266270 result: ok
    27. 14:00:53.132710 client round-trip 1 slient_before(us): 5902 total take(us): 5927 req_time(us): 76 req_bytes: 1635 server_process(us): 5402 response_time(us): 449 response_bytes: 6587 req_appflag: GET./static/api/js/share.js?v=89860593.js?cdnversion=403517 response_appflag: 200.OK
    28. 14:00:53.263446 client round-trip 2 slient_before(us): 124809 total take(us): 17767 req_time(us): 88 req_bytes: 1620 server_process(us): 17679 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 946 req_appflag: GET./static/js/shell_v2.js?cdnversion=403519 response_appflag: 200.OK
    29. 14:00:53.472286 client round-trip 3 slient_before(us): 191073 total take(us): 9319 req_time(us): 53 req_bytes: 1620 server_process(us): 8517 response_time(us): 749 response_bytes: 10361 req_appflag: GET./static/js/bds_s_v2.js?cdnversion=403519 response_appflag: 200.OK
    30. 14:00:54.587117 client round-trip 4 slient_before(us): 1105512 total take(us): 13233 req_time(us): 92 req_bytes: 1618 server_process(us): 13113 response_time(us): 28 response_bytes: 2777 req_appflag: GET./static/js/logger.js?cdnversion=403519 response_appflag: 200.OK
    31. 14:01:14.598513 client close take(us): 589 slient_before(us): 19998163 close_bytes: 0 direction: server->client result: full_close
    32. https:
    33. 16:53:29.658744 client connect take(us): 89 slient_before(us): 0 result: ok
    34. 16:53:29.658857 client round-trip 1 slient_before(us): 24 total take(us): 6865 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 117 server_process(us): 1535 response_time(us): 5330 response_bytes: 5140
    35. 16:53:29.670379 client round-trip 2 slient_before(us): 4657 total take(us): 6071 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 198 server_process(us): 6071 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 59
    36. 16:53:29.676530 client round-trip 3 slient_before(us): 80 total take(us): 983303 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 133 server_process(us): 983303 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 842
    37. 16:53:30.659883 client close take(us): 4412 slient_before(us): 50 close_bytes: 37 direction: server->client result: full_close
    38. 16:54:39.540752 client connect take(us): 91 slient_before(us): 68876457 result: ok
    39. 16:54:39.540866 client round-trip 1 slient_before(us): 23 total take(us): 7459 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 117 server_process(us): 2127 response_time(us): 5332 response_bytes: 5140
    40. 16:54:39.552971 client round-trip 2 slient_before(us): 4646 total take(us): 5452 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 198 server_process(us): 5452 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 59
    41. 16:54:39.558487 client round-trip 3 slient_before(us): 64 total take(us): 965470 req_time(us): 0 req_bytes: 133 server_process(us): 965470 response_time(us): 0 response_bytes: 842
    42. 16:54:40.524004 client close take(us): 115 slient_before(us): 47 close_bytes: 37 direction: server->client result: full_close




    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '{sum+=($10/1000000)} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(seconds), Average = "sum/NR"(seconds)"}'
    2. 示例:
    3. Lines = 678796, Sum = 4234.81(seconds), Average = 0.00623871(seconds)


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '{sum+=($16/1000000)} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(seconds), Average = "sum/NR"(seconds)"}'
    2. 示例:
    3. Lines = 678796, Sum = 1612.32(seconds), Average = 0.00237526(seconds)


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '{sum+=$14} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(bytes), Average = "sum/NR"(bytes)"}'


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '{sum+=$20} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(bytes), Average = "sum/NR"(bytes)"}'


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '$5==1 {start=$1;r1_time=$10} $5==2 {slient=$7;r2_time=$10;print start, r1_time+slient+r2_time}' | awk '{sum+=($2/1000000)} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(seconds), Average = "sum/NR"(seconds)"}'
    2. 示例:
    3. Lines = 284861, Sum = 12216.7(seconds), Average = 0.0428866(seconds)


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep round-trip | awk '$5==1 {start=$1;r1_time=$10} $5==2 {slient=$7;r2_time=$10;print start, r1_time+slient+r2_time}' | sort | awk '{print $2,$1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0;count=0;time=""} {if($2!=time){if(count>0) print time,count,sum/count/1000000;sum=$1;count=1;time=$2}else{sum+=$1;count++}} END{if(count>0) print time,count,sum/count/1000000}'



    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep "round-trip 1 " | awk '{print $1,$7}' | sort | awk '{print $2,$1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0;count=0;time=""} {if($2!=time){if(count>0) printf("%s %s %.6f\n", time,count,sum/count/1000000);sum=$1;count=1;time=$2}else{sum+=$1;count++}} END{if(count>0) printf("%s %s %.6f\n", time,count,sum/count/1000000)}'


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. cat interaction.txt | grep select | awk '{sum+=($10/1000000)} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(seconds), Average = "sum/NR"(seconds)"}'
    2. cat interaction.txt | grep update | awk '{sum+=($10/1000000)} END {print "Lines = "NR", Sum = "sum"(seconds), Average = "sum/NR"(seconds)"}'



    [plain] view plain copy
    1. #!/bin/awk -f
    2. BEGIN \
    3. {
    4. if(ARGC<2)
    5. {
    6. printf("Usage:\n");
    7. printf("      ./parseTcp.awk <server ip port> [<print in multi line, 0 or 1, default to 1> [client ip port]]\n");
    8. printf("Example:\n");
    9. printf("      cat ./pkg.txt | ./parseTcp.awk 1\n");
    10. exit;
    11. }
    12. server=ARGV[1];
    13. multi_line=1;
    14. if(ARGC>2)
    15. multi_line=ARGV[2];
    16. default_client="";
    17. if(ARGC>3)
    18. default_client=ARGV[3];
    19. max_close_wait=240000000;
    20. max_connect_wait=max_close_wait;
    21. isn=0;
    22. need_newline=0;
    23. ARGC=1;  # don't delete this line!
    24. }
    25. function checkflag(flag)
    26. {
    27. pkgFlag=$6;
    28. if("Flags"==pkgFlag)
    29. pkgFlag=$7;
    30. if(pkgFlag~flag)
    31. return 1;
    32. else
    33. return 0
    34. }
    35. function getBodyLen()
    36. {
    37. if("length"==$(NF-1)) return $NF;
    38. count=split($7,a,/[()]/);
    39. if(3==count)
    40. return a[2];
    41. else
    42. return 0;
    43. }
    44. function getTcpISN()
    45. {
    46. if("seq"==$8)
    47. return substr($9,1,length($9)-1);
    48. count=split($7,a,":");
    49. if(2==count)
    50. return a[1];
    51. else
    52. return 0;
    53. }
    54. function timeSub(start,end)
    55. {
    56. split(substr(start,1,8),sA1,":");
    57. s1=sA1[1]*3600+sA1[2]*60+sA1[3];
    58. us1=substr(start,10);
    59. split(substr(end,1,8),sA2,":");
    60. s2=sA2[1]*3600+sA2[2]*60+sA2[3];
    61. us2=substr(end,10);
    62. return s2*1000000+us2-s1*1000000-us1;
    63. }
    64. function printConnectInfo()
    65. {
    66. if(1==connect_reset)
    67. connect_result="reset_by_server";
    68. else if(1==connect_timeout)
    69. connect_result="timeout";
    70. else
    71. connect_result="ok";
    72. printf("%s client %s_%s connect take(us): %s slient_before(us): %s result: %s",connect_start, client, isn, timeSub(connect_start,$1), slient_time, connect_result);
    73. need_newline=1;
    74. if("ok"!=connect_result)
    75. {
    76. printf("\n");
    77. need_newline=0;
    78. }
    79. }
    80. function printRoundInfo()
    81. {
    82. if(1==multi_line){printf("\n")}else{printf(" || ")}
    83. printf("%s client %s_%s round-trip %d slient_before(us): %s total take(us): %s req_time(us): %s req_bytes: %s server_process(us): %s response_time(us): %s response_bytes: %s",req_start, client, isn, round, slient_time, timeSub(req_start,response_end), timeSub(req_start,req_end), req_len, server_process, timeSub(response_start,response_end), response_len);
    84. if(""!=req_appflag)
    85. printf(" req_appflag: %s",req_appflag);
    86. if(""!=response_appflag)
    87. printf(" response_appflag: %s",response_appflag);
    88. need_newline=1;
    89. }
    90. function printCloseInfo()
    91. {
    92. if(1==server_close)
    93. direction="server->client";
    94. else
    95. direction="client->server";
    96. if(1==close_timeout)
    97. close_result="close_timeout";
    98. else if(2==client_close || 2==server_close)
    99. close_result="full_close";
    100. else
    101. close_result="half_close";
    102. if(1==multi_line){printf("\n")}else{printf(" || ")}
    103. printf("%s client %s_%s close take(us): %s slient_before(us): %s close_bytes: %s direction: %s result: %s\n", close_start, client, isn, timeSub(close_start,close_end), close_slient_time, close_bytes, direction, close_result);
    104. need_newline=0;
    105. }
    106. function printResetInfo()
    107. {
    108. if(1==multi_line){printf("\n")}else{printf(" || ")};
    109. if($3==server)
    110. resetPeer="server";
    111. else
    112. resetPeer="client";
    113. printf("%s client %s_%s reset connect by %s\n", $1, client, isn, resetPeer);
    114. need_newline=0;
    115. }
    116. function onNewConnect()
    117. {
    118. client=$3;
    119. isn=getTcpISN();
    120. slient_time=timeSub(slient_start,$1);
    121. connect_start=$1;
    122. connect_timeout=0;
    123. connect_reset=0;
    124. prepareClose();
    125. }
    126. function onFirstRoundTrip()
    127. {
    128. req_start="";
    129. round=0;
    130. }
    131. function onNewRequest()
    132. {
    133. req_start=$1;
    134. req_end=$1;
    135. req_len=bodyLen;
    136. round++;
    137. slient_time=timeSub(slient_start,$1);
    138. process_start=$1;
    139. req_appflag=last_appflag;
    140. }
    141. function mergeRequest()
    142. {
    143. req_end=$1;
    144. req_len+=bodyLen;
    145. process_start=$1;
    146. if(""!=last_appflag)
    147. req_appflag=last_appflag;
    148. }
    149. function onNewResponse()
    150. {
    151. response_start=$1;
    152. response_end=$1;
    153. response_len=bodyLen;
    154. server_process=timeSub(req_end,$1);
    155. slient_start=$1;
    156. response_appflag=last_appflag;
    157. }
    158. function mergeResponse()
    159. {
    160. response_end=$1;
    161. response_len+=bodyLen;
    162. slient_start=$1;
    163. if(""!=last_appflag)
    164. response_appflag=last_appflag;
    165. }
    166. function prepareClose()
    167. {
    168. close_start="";
    169. close_end="";
    170. close_bytes=0;
    171. close_timeout=0;
    172. client_close=0;
    173. server_close=0;
    174. close_slient_time=0;
    175. }
    176. function checkCloseState()
    177. {
    178. if(""==close_start)
    179. {
    180. if(1==checkflag("F") && ($3==client || $5==client":"))
    181. {
    182. close_start=$1;
    183. close_end=$1;
    184. if($3==server)
    185. server_close=1;
    186. else
    187. client_close=1;
    188. close_slient_time=timeSub(slient_start,$1);
    189. close_bytes+=bodyLen;
    190. return 1;
    191. }
    192. else
    193. return 0;
    194. }
    195. if(timeSub(close_start,$1)>=max_close_wait)
    196. {
    197. close_end=$1;
    198. close_timeout=1;
    199. return 3;
    200. }
    201. if($3==client || $5==client":")
    202. {
    203. close_bytes+=bodyLen;
    204. close_end=$1;
    205. if(1==checkflag("F"))
    206. {
    207. if($3==server && 1==client_close)
    208. {
    209. server_close=2;
    210. return 2;
    211. }
    212. else if($3==client && 1==server_close)
    213. {
    214. client_close=2;
    215. return 2;
    216. }
    217. }
    218. }
    219. return 1;
    220. }
    221. {
    222. last_appflag="";
    223. if("app_flag"==$1)
    224. {
    225. last_appflag=substr($0,length($1) + length(FS) + 1);
    226. getline;
    227. }
    228. if("newfile"==$1)
    229. {
    230. if("response"==state)
    231. printRoundInfo();
    232. if(""!=close_start)
    233. printCloseInfo();
    234. if(1==need_newline)
    235. printf("\n");
    236. need_newline=0;
    237. isn=0;
    238. slient_start="";
    239. state="";
    240. next
    241. }
    242. if(""==slient_start)
    243. slient_start=$1;
    244. if($3!=server && $5!=server":")
    245. next;
    246. if(""!=default_client && $3!=default_client && $5!=default_client":")
    247. next;
    248. bodyLen=getBodyLen();
    249. if(""==state)
    250. {
    251. if($5!=server":")
    252. next;
    253. if(1==checkflag("S"))
    254. state="listen";
    255. else if(bodyLen>0)
    256. {
    257. client=$3;
    258. onFirstRoundTrip();
    259. prepareClose();
    260. state="request";
    261. }
    262. else
    263. next;
    264. }
    265. if("listen"==state)
    266. {
    267. if($5==server":" && 1==checkflag("S"))
    268. {
    269. onNewConnect();
    270. slient_start=$1;
    271. state="syn_recv";
    272. }
    273. }
    274. else if("syn_recv"==state)
    275. {
    276. if(timeSub(connect_start,$1)>=max_connect_wait)
    277. {
    278. connect_timeout=1;
    279. printConnectInfo();
    280. slient_start=$1;
    281. state="listen";
    282. }
    283. else if($5==client":")
    284. {
    285. if(1==checkflag("S"))
    286. state="syn_ack";
    287. else if(1==checkflag("R"))
    288. {
    289. connect_reset=1;
    290. printConnectInfo();
    291. slient_start=$1;
    292. state="listen";
    293. }
    294. }
    295. else if($5==server":" && 1==checkflag("S"))
    296. {
    297. onNewConnect();
    298. slient_start=$1;
    299. state="syn_recv";
    300. }
    301. }
    302. else if("syn_ack"==state)
    303. {
    304. if(timeSub(connect_start,$1)>=max_connect_wait)
    305. {
    306. connect_timeout=1;
    307. printConnectInfo();
    308. slient_start=$1;
    309. state="";
    310. }
    311. else if(0==checkflag("R") && 0==checkflag("S") && $3==client)
    312. {
    313. printConnectInfo();
    314. onFirstRoundTrip();
    315. slient_start=$1;
    316. state="request";
    317. }
    318. else if(1==checkflag("R") && ($3==client || $5==client":"))
    319. {
    320. connect_reset=1;
    321. printConnectInfo();
    322. slient_start=$1;
    323. state="listen";
    324. }
    325. }
    326. else if("request"==state)
    327. {
    328. if(bodyLen>0)
    329. {
    330. if($3==client)
    331. {
    332. if(""==req_start)
    333. onNewRequest();
    334. else
    335. mergeRequest();
    336. if(checkCloseState()>1)
    337. {
    338. printCloseInfo();
    339. close_start="";
    340. state="listen";
    341. }
    342. slient_start=$1;
    343. }
    344. else if($5==client":")
    345. {
    346. onNewResponse();
    347. if(checkCloseState()>1)
    348. {
    349. printRoundInfo();
    350. printCloseInfo();
    351. close_start="";
    352. state="listen";
    353. }
    354. else
    355. state="response";
    356. slient_start=$1;
    357. }
    358. }
    359. else if(checkCloseState()>1)
    360. {
    361. printCloseInfo();
    362. close_start="";
    363. slient_start=$1;
    364. state="listen";
    365. }
    366. else if(1==checkflag("R") && ($3==client || $5==client":"))
    367. {
    368. printResetInfo();
    369. slient_start=$1;
    370. state="listen";
    371. }
    372. }
    373. else if("response"==state)
    374. {
    375. if(bodyLen>0)
    376. {
    377. if($5==client":")
    378. {
    379. mergeResponse();
    380. if(checkCloseState()>1)
    381. {
    382. printRoundInfo();
    383. printCloseInfo();
    384. close_start="";
    385. state="listen";
    386. }
    387. slient_start=$1;
    388. }
    389. else if($3==client)
    390. {
    391. printRoundInfo();
    392. if(checkCloseState()>1)
    393. {
    394. printCloseInfo();
    395. close_start="";
    396. state="listen";
    397. }
    398. else
    399. {
    400. onNewRequest();
    401. state="request";
    402. }
    403. slient_start=$1;
    404. }
    405. }
    406. else if(checkCloseState()>1)
    407. {
    408. printRoundInfo();
    409. printCloseInfo();
    410. close_start="";
    411. slient_start=$1;
    412. state="listen";
    413. }
    414. else if(1==checkflag("R") && ($3==client || $5==client":"))
    415. {
    416. printRoundInfo();
    417. printResetInfo();
    418. slient_start=$1;
    419. state="listen";
    420. }
    421. }
    422. }
    423. END { \
    424. if("response"==state)
    425. printRoundInfo();
    426. if(""!=close_start)
    427. printCloseInfo();
    428. if(1==need_newline)
    429. printf("\n");
    430. }


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. function getHeaderBinLen()
    2. {
    3. #check min length of (Ethernet + IP + TCP) packet header
    4. if(length(bin) < 108)
    5. return 0;
    6. if("08004" == substr(bin,25,5))
    7. ethernetHeaderLen=28;
    8. else if("08004" == substr(bin,29,5))
    9. ethernetHeaderLen=32;
    10. else
    11. {
    12. #unknown ethernet frame packet
    13. return -1;
    14. }
    15. ipHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+2,1);
    16. tcpHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+ipHeaderLen+25,1);
    17. return ethernetHeaderLen + ipHeaderLen + tcpHeaderLen;
    18. }
    19. function parserInit(pkgBodyLen)
    20. {
    21. maxLen=100;
    22. bin="";
    23. text="";
    24. pkgHeaderBinLen=0;
    25. ignore=0;
    26. }
    27. function parserWork()
    28. {
    29. if(1 == ignore)
    30. return;
    31. for(field=2; field < NF; field++)
    32. bin=bin""$field;
    33. text=text""$NF;
    34. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    35. {
    36. pkgHeaderBinLen=getHeaderBinLen();
    37. #print "pkgHeaderBinLen:", pkgHeaderBinLen
    38. if(-1 == pkgHeaderBinLen)
    39. ignore=1;
    40. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    41. return;
    42. }
    43. if(length(text) >= pkgHeaderBinLen/2 + maxLen)
    44. {
    45. print "app_flag", substr(text,pkgHeaderBinLen/2+1, maxLen);
    46. ignore=1;
    47. return;
    48. }
    49. }
    50. function parserEnd()
    51. {
    52. if(1 == ignore)
    53. return;
    54. print "app_flag", substr(text,pkgHeaderBinLen/2+1);
    55. }


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. function getHeaderBinLen()
    2. {
    3. #check min length of (Ethernet + IP + TCP) packet header
    4. if(length(bin) < 108)
    5. return 0;
    6. if("08004" == substr(bin,25,5))
    7. ethernetHeaderLen=28;
    8. else if("08004" == substr(bin,29,5))
    9. ethernetHeaderLen=32;
    10. else
    11. {
    12. #unknown ethernet frame packet
    13. return -1;
    14. }
    15. ipHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+2,1);
    16. tcpHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+ipHeaderLen+25,1);
    17. return ethernetHeaderLen + ipHeaderLen + tcpHeaderLen;
    18. }
    19. function parserInit(pkgBodyLen)
    20. {
    21. maxline=1;
    22. bin="";
    23. text="";
    24. pkgHeaderBinLen=0;
    25. lineEndBin="0a";
    26. newLineStartInBodyBin0=0;
    27. lineCount=0;
    28. output="";
    29. if(pkgBodyLen < 2)
    30. ignore=1;
    31. else
    32. ignore=0;
    33. }
    34. function parserWork()
    35. {
    36. if(1 == ignore)
    37. return;
    38. for(field=2; field < NF; field++)
    39. bin=bin""$field;
    40. text=text""$NF;
    41. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    42. {
    43. pkgHeaderBinLen=getHeaderBinLen();
    44. #print "pkgHeaderBinLen:", pkgHeaderBinLen
    45. if(-1 == pkgHeaderBinLen)
    46. ignore=1;
    47. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    48. return;
    49. }
    50. while(1)
    51. {
    52. pkgBodyBin=substr(bin,pkgHeaderBinLen+newLineStartInBodyBin0+1);
    53. #print "debug:pkgBodyBin", pkgBodyBin;
    54. lineEndPos=index(pkgBodyBin,lineEndBin);
    55. if(0 == lineEndPos)
    56. return;
    57. output=output""substr(text,(pkgHeaderBinLen+newLineStartInBodyBin0)/2+1,lineEndPos/2+1);
    58. #print "debug:output", output;
    59. lineCount++;
    60. if(lineCount >= maxline)
    61. {
    62. print "app_flag", output;
    63. ignore=1;
    64. return;
    65. }
    66. newLineStartInBodyBin0+=lineEndPos+1;
    67. }
    68. }
    69. function parserEnd()
    70. {
    71. if(1 == ignore)
    72. return;
    73. output=output""substr(text,(pkgHeaderBinLen+newLineStartInBodyBin0)/2+1);
    74. print "app_flag", output;
    75. }


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. function getHeaderBinLen()
    2. {
    3. #check min length of (Ethernet + IP + TCP) packet header
    4. if(length(bin) < 108)
    5. return 0;
    6. if("08004" == substr(bin,25,5))
    7. ethernetHeaderLen=28;
    8. else if("08004" == substr(bin,29,5))
    9. ethernetHeaderLen=32;
    10. else
    11. {
    12. #unknown ethernet frame packet
    13. return -1;
    14. }
    15. ipHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+2,1);
    16. tcpHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+ipHeaderLen+25,1);
    17. return ethernetHeaderLen + ipHeaderLen + tcpHeaderLen;
    18. }
    19. function parserInit(pkgBodyLen)
    20. {
    21. bin="";
    22. text="";
    23. pkgHeaderBinLen=0;
    24. sqlStartInBodyBin0=100;
    25. slqEndBin="01010";
    26. sql="";
    27. foundSqlStart=0;
    28. if(pkgBodyLen < sqlStartInBodyBin0/2 + 6)
    29. ignore=1;
    30. else
    31. ignore=0;
    32. }
    33. function parserWork()
    34. {
    35. if(1 == ignore)
    36. return;
    37. for(field=2; field < NF; field++)
    38. bin=bin""$field;
    39. text=text""$NF;
    40. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    41. {
    42. pkgHeaderBinLen=getHeaderBinLen();
    43. #print "pkgHeaderBinLen:", pkgHeaderBinLen
    44. if(-1 == pkgHeaderBinLen)
    45. ignore=1;
    46. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    47. return;
    48. }
    49. if(0 == foundSqlStart)
    50. {
    51. if(length(text) >= (pkgHeaderBinLen+sqlStartInBodyBin0)/2 + 6)
    52. {
    53. sqlCmd=substr(text,(pkgHeaderBinLen+sqlStartInBodyBin0)/2 + 1,6);
    54. if("select" == sqlCmd || "update" == sqlCmd || "delete" == sqlCmd || "create" == sqlCmd)
    55. foundSqlStart=1;
    56. else
    57. ignore=1;
    58. }
    59. }
    60. else
    61. {
    62. tmpBin=substr(bin,pkgHeaderBinLen+sqlStartInBodyBin0);
    63. sqlEndPos=index(tmpBin,slqEndBin);
    64. if(sqlEndPos>0)
    65. {
    66. sql=substr(text,(pkgHeaderBinLen+sqlStartInBodyBin0)/2 + 1,(sqlEndPos - 1)/2);
    67. print "app_flag",sql;
    68. ignore=1;
    69. }
    70. }
    71. }
    72. function parserEnd()
    73. {
    74. if(1 == ignore)
    75. return;
    76. if(1 == foundSqlStart)
    77. {
    78. sql=substr(text,(pkgHeaderBinLen+sqlStartInBodyBin0)/2 + 1);
    79. print "app_flag",sql;
    80. }
    81. }


    [plain] view plain copy
    1. function getHeaderBinLen()
    2. {
    3. #check min length of (Ethernet + IP + TCP) packet header
    4. if(length(bin) < 108)
    5. return 0;
    6. if("08004" == substr(bin,25,5))
    7. ethernetHeaderLen=28;
    8. else if("08004" == substr(bin,29,5))
    9. ethernetHeaderLen=32;
    10. else
    11. {
    12. #unknown ethernet frame packet
    13. return -1;
    14. }
    15. ipHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+2,1);
    16. tcpHeaderLen = 8 * substr(bin,ethernetHeaderLen+ipHeaderLen+25,1);
    17. return ethernetHeaderLen + ipHeaderLen + tcpHeaderLen;
    18. }
    19. function parserInit(pkgBodyLen)
    20. {
    21. bin="";
    22. text="";
    23. pkgHeaderBinLen=0;
    24. lineEndBin="0d0a";
    25. spaceBin="20";
    26. maybeHttpReq="";
    27. maybeHttpResponse=0;
    28. if(pkgBodyLen < 16)
    29. ignore=1;
    30. else
    31. ignore=0;
    32. }
    33. function parserWork()
    34. {
    35. if(1 == ignore)
    36. return;
    37. for(field=2; field < NF; field++)
    38. bin=bin""$field;
    39. text=text""$NF;
    40. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    41. {
    42. pkgHeaderBinLen=getHeaderBinLen();
    43. #print "pkgHeaderBinLen:", pkgHeaderBinLen
    44. if(-1 == pkgHeaderBinLen)
    45. ignore=1;
    46. if(pkgHeaderBinLen <= 0)
    47. return;
    48. }
    49. if("" == maybeHttpReq && 0 == maybeHttpResponse)
    50. {
    51. if(length(text) >= pkgHeaderBinLen/2 + 9)
    52. {
    53. tmp_count=split(substr(text,pkgHeaderBinLen/2+1,9),words,".");
    54. if(tmp_count <= 1)
    55. {
    56. ignore = 1;
    57. return;
    58. }
    59. if("GET" == words[1] || "POST" == words[1] || "PUT" == words[1] || "DELETE" == words[1] || "OPTIONS" == words[1] || "HEAD" == words[1])
    60. maybeHttpReq = words[1];
    61. else if(words[1] ~ /^HTTP\//)
    62. maybeHttpResponse = 1;
    63. else
    64. {
    65. ignore = 1;
    66. return;
    67. }
    68. }
    69. else
    70. return;
    71. }
    72. pkgBodyBin=substr(bin,pkgHeaderBinLen+1);
    73. lineEndPos=index(pkgBodyBin,lineEndBin);
    74. if(0 == lineEndPos)
    75. return;
    76. firstLineBin=substr(pkgBodyBin,1,lineEndPos - 1);
    77. firstLineText=substr(text,pkgHeaderBinLen/2+1,lineEndPos/2);
    78. #print "debug:pkgBodyBin", pkgBodyBin;
    79. #print "debug:firstLineBin", firstLineBin;
    80. #print "debug:firstLineText", firstLineText;
    81. if("" != maybeHttpReq)
    82. {
    83. if(3 == split(firstLineBin, a1, spaceBin) && 2 == split(firstLineText, a2, ".HTTP/"))
    84. print "app_flag", a2[1];
    85. ignore = 1;
    86. }
    87. else if(1 == maybeHttpResponse)
    88. {
    89. if(split(firstLineBin, a1, spaceBin) >= 3 && split(firstLineText, a2, ".") >= 4 && a2[3] + 0 >= 100)
    90. print "app_flag", substr(firstLineText, length(a1[1])/2 + 2);
    91. ignore = 1;
    92. }
    93. }
    94. function parserEnd()
    95. {
    96. if(1 == ignore)
    97. return;
    98. if("" != maybeHttpReq)
    99. print "app_flag", substr(text,pkgHeaderBinLen/2+1);
    100. }



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