

ERROR in D:/Project/项目名称/node_modules/element-ui/types/index.d.ts(1,15):
1:15 Cannot find module './element-ui' or its corresponding type declarations.> 1 | export * from './element-ui'|               ^2 | 3 | import * as ElementUI from './element-ui'4 | export default ElementUI
ERROR in D:/Project/项目名称/node_modules/element-ui/types/index.d.ts(3,28):
3:28 Cannot find module './element-ui' or its corresponding type declarations.1 | export * from './element-ui'2 | > 3 | import * as ElementUI from './element-ui'|                            ^4 | export default ElementUI5 | 


在tsconfig.json文件,compilerOptions里加入 “skipLibCheck”: true,

【异常】解决 Cannot find module ‘./element-ui‘ or its corresponding type declarations.相关推荐

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