
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

After years of looking at the same grid of icons, it’s time to finally customize your iPhone to your heart’s content. Add some cool-looking custom widgets, and replace your apps with custom icons, just for a good measure.

经过多年观察相同的图标网格,是时候终于根据您的内心需求定制iPhone了。 添加一些看起来很酷的自定义小部件,并用自定义图标替换您的应用,这只是一个很好的选择。

Starting in iOS 14, Apple brought support for third-party widgets on the home screen. And while Apple won’t let you change app icons as Android does, you can use the Shortcuts app to create, well, shortcuts for apps using custom icons. In fact, this feature works for all iPhones running iOS 12 and higher.

从iOS 14开始,Apple在主屏幕上提供了对第三方小部件的支持。 尽管Apple不允许您像Android一样更改应用程序图标,但是您可以使用Shortcuts应用程序为使用自定义图标的应用程序创建快捷方式。 实际上,此功能适用于所有运行iOS 12或更高版本的iPhone。

Combine these two and you get some really impressive results. Just search for “#ios14homescreen” on Twitter to see some inspiring home screen setups. Everything from a Harry Potter theme, to Animal Crossing theme has been tried out. And not to mention, a retro iOS 6 theme.

将这两者结合起来,您将获得令人印象深刻的结果。 只需在Twitter上搜索“ #ios14homescreen ”,即可查看一些启发性的主屏幕设置。 从哈利波特主题到动物穿越主题的所有东西都已经试用。 更不用说复古的iOS 6主题了。

The beauty of this system is that you don’t need to go that far. Just add some widgets and change a couple of app icons, if you like.

该系统的优点在于您不需要走那么远。 如果愿意,只需添加一些小部件并更改几个应用程序图标即可。

创建自己的自定义小部件 (Create Your Own Customized Widgets)

Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

What we’re looking at here is a rethinking of how the iOS home screen works. After all, it’s changing for the first time in 13 years. You can use widgets to build that foundation, and add icons around the widgets.

我们在这里看到的是对iOS主屏幕工作方式的重新思考。 毕竟,这是13年以来的第一次变化。 您可以使用小部件建立该基础,并在小部件周围添加图标。

Many third-party apps, especially productivity apps, have their own widgets. After upgrading to iOS 14 or higher, go to the widgets page to see new widgets for apps that you already use.

许多第三方应用程序,尤其是生产力应用程序,都有自己的小部件。 升级到iOS 14或更高版本后,请转到小部件页面以查看已使用的应用程序的新小部件。

Press and hold in an empty part of the iPhone home screen and select the “+” button. Here, you’ll see all of the apps that support widgets.

按住iPhone主屏幕的空白部分,然后选择“ +”按钮。 在这里,您将看到所有支持小部件的应用程序。

Next, you should download apps for creating customized widgets. While you’ll find many apps on the App Store to do this, we would recommend you try Widgetsmith and Widgeridoo. Once you download the apps, read our step-by-step guide for creating custom widgets.

接下来,您应该下载用于创建自定义窗口小部件的应用程序。 虽然您可以在App Store上找到许多应用程序来执行此操作,但我们建议您尝试使用Widgetsmith和Widgeridoo 。 下载应用程序后,请阅读我们有关创建自定义窗口小部件的分步指南。

Widgetsmith is great for creating simple, template-based widgets. You can add calendar, reminders, weather, battery, date, and photo widgets to the iPhone home screen (in small, medium, and large sizes).

Widgetsmith非常适合创建基于模板的简单窗口小部件。 您可以将日历,提醒,天气,电池,日期和照片小部件添加到iPhone主屏幕(小,中和大尺寸)。

Pick a widget, a style, and customize attributes like the background color, font, tint color, borders, and more.


Power users will appreciate the complexity of the Widgeridoo app. It’s a block-based widget builder. Using Widgeridoo, you can have different data or information in different blocks, all in the same widget.

高级用户将欣赏Widgeridoo应用程序的复杂性。 这是一个基于块的小部件构建器。 使用Widgeridoo,您可以在同一块小部件中的不同块中拥有不同的数据或信息。

For example, you can create a single widget that shows you the battery percentage, step count, distance traveled, the date, and more.


While Widgeridoo is quite extensible, it’s a bit tricky to use. So, we would suggest you get started by customizing one of the prebuilt widgets. Widgeridoo lets you preview the widgets for free, but to add widgets to the home screen, you’ll have to pay for the $3.99 in-app purchase.

尽管Widgeridoo相当可扩展,但使用起来有些棘手。 因此,我们建议您通过自定义预构建的小部件之一来开始使用。 Widgeridoo允许您免费预览小部件,但要将小部件添加到主屏幕,则需要支付3.99美元的应用内购买费用。

创建自定义应用程序图标 (Create Custom App Icons)

Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Once you have the widgets nailed down, it’s time to customize those app icons. To do this, all you need is an image file (square and around 512 x 512 resolution) and the Shortcuts app.

固定好小部件后,就可以自定义这些应用程序图标了。 为此,您只需要一个图像文件(正方形,分辨率约为512 x 512)和“快捷方式”应用即可。

Because this is not an official method, there is one downside. When you tap on a custom app icon, it will first launch the Shortcuts app, for a second, then it will open the app. Yes, it is an annoyance, but it might just be worth it.

因为这不是官方方法,所以存在一个缺点。 当您点击自定义应用程序图标时,它将首先启动“快捷方式”应用程序,等待一秒钟,然后将其打开。 是的,这很烦人,但这也许值得。

You can do this in two ways. You can either create the app icon image yourself (using any image you find online), or you can download premade icon sets (individual icons from Google Images, Iconscout, or Iconfinder).

您可以通过两种方式执行此操作。 您可以自己创建应用程序图标图像(使用您在网上找到的任何图像),也可以下载预制图标集(来自Google Images, Iconscout或Iconfinder的单个图标)。

Next, transfer them to your iPhone. You can add them to the Photos app or the Files app.

接下来,将它们传输到您的iPhone。 您可以将它们添加到“照片”应用程序或“文件”应用程序。

Now comes the hard part. But, don’t worry, it’s going to be worth it! As we mentioned at the top of the article, you’ll have to use the Shortcuts app to create shortcuts with custom images and names to open particular apps.

现在是困难的部分。 但是,不用担心,这将是值得的! 正如我们在文章顶部提到的那样,您必须使用“快捷方式”应用程序创建带有自定义图像和名称的快捷方式才能打开特定的应用程序。

It’s quite simple to do. Create a new shortcut, and use the “Open App” action from the “Scripting” section to select an app.

这很简单。 创建一个新的快捷方式,然后使用“脚本”部分中的“打开应用程序”操作来选择一个应用程序。

Then, add the shortcut to your iPhone’s home screen. In this step, tap the shortcut icon to select your custom icon.

然后,将快捷方式添加到iPhone的主屏幕。 在此步骤中,点击快捷方式图标以选择您的自定义图标。

Once the app icon is added to your home screen, switch it out by moving the original app to the App Library. You can repeat this process to create more custom app icons. To speed up the process, tap and hold a shortcut, and select the “Duplicate” option.

将应用程序图标添加到主屏幕后,通过将原始应用程序移至“应用程序库”将其关闭。 您可以重复此过程以创建更多自定义应用程序图标。 要加快此过程,请点击并按住一个快捷方式,然后选择“重复”选项。

For detailed steps, read our guide on how to use custom app icons on iPhone.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/691863/how-to-customize-your-iphone-home-screen-with-widgets-and-icons/



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