1. A very long time ago, I made the mistake of confessing to one sister that I had wet my pants while standing in our headmistress'sof-flee, and then blamed her dog.


2. I don't know abou t o t hers, bu t I myself have discussed t he repor t and i t s con t en t on t he Senior Forum of China's Sof t ware Indus t ry Developmen t during t his year's Science and Technology Exhibi t ion Show in Beijing, as well as in Zhejiang and Shanghai.


3. Further, Sof扖ell is designed for high-speed assembly and filling, for the ultimate in production efficiency.


4. To test the hypothesis that hip fracture would be associated with worse survival than breast cancer, the investigators compared survival after an incident hip fracture and a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer in a longitudinal cohort of 9704 women enrolled in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures.

为了检验股骨骨折的存活率比乳癌低,研究者比较一群收纳于SOF (the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures)试验中的9,704位妇女意外股骨骨折与侵袭性乳癌诊断后存活率,所有的收纳对象年龄都高于65岁,平均后续追踪时间为12.4 ± 2.9年,且95%病患有完整后续追踪资料。

5. It`sof my business, but I think her dress is a bit too loud.


6. A better management of the civil service system sof...


7. We have received your remittance in sof our claim.


8. What is the difference to SOF?


9. She's a doctor.|- Of what, Sof?


10. We were not recruiting from a pool of any and all teachers interested in applying to SOF.


11. The Sefirot, according to this book, are powers inhering in God, and are related to the En-Sof as, for instance, the limbs are to the human body.

该sefirot ,根据这本书,是权力inhering在上帝的,是关系到恩特种部队作为,比如,四肢是人体。

12. Hence, it is not correct to say that God creates, but that He irradiates; for as the sun irradiates warmth and light without diminishing its bulk, so the En-Sof irradiates the elements of the universe without diminishing His power.


13. The doctrine of the En-Sof is the starting-point of all cabalistic speculation.


14. 911查询·英语单词

14. The parameters which the rotate speed change, working resistance and depth are included synthetically control the hydraulic hitch in tractor. The tractor is working at best state. The performance sof tractor are best expect interferers.


15. With theories listed above and the sof tware, according to the engineering design of No. ShengShen 7, No. LinShen 2, No. MiaoShen 1, No. ChaoShen 5, No. SongShen 101, the evaluation and forecast of lengthwise vibration and fatigue intensity of the drillstrings in which are carried out.


16. This articIe, written on its deveIopment, studies its software and hardware features, details its objeCt-oriented anddigital images processing techniques used in sof=tware designs.


17. The In t el PRO/1000 T IP S t orage Adap t er incorpora t es In t el XScale t echnology and new performance-enhancing sof t ware t o offload t he hos t processor of TCP/IP and iSCSI t asks, significan t ly increasing t hroughpu t in SANs.

英特尔PRO/1000 T IP存储适配器采用了英特尔Xscale技术和新型性能增强型软件,可卸载主处理器的TCP/IP和iSCSI任务,从而显著提高SANs的吞吐量。

18. In this cases, there are three achilles tendon exposure accompanied sof tissue defect for trauma, one chronic ulcer of anterior tibial area, one chronic ulcer of lateral mallelous. Results All flaps wered surrived in five patients.


19. Methods Five cases soft tissue defect of lower third ofleg were repaired with reversed island flap pedicled with nutrient vessels of sural nerve. In this cases, there are three achilles tendon exposure accompanied sof tissue defect for trauma, one chronic ulcer of anterior tibial area, one chronic ulcer of lateral mallelous.


20. SOF

20. Code could be easily modified to handle other media objects DVDs, CDs, sof



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