最近又开始重新拿起以前做东西——试着将Linux内核移植在Virtex-II Pro的开发板上,不过用了很新的内核2.6.29和2.6.33的版本。


# Target Board:  Xilinx XUP Virtex-II Pro Development System Rev C

# Family:    virtex2p

# Device:    xc2vp30

# Package:   ff896

# Speed Grade:  -7

# Processor: ppc405_0

# Processor clock frequency: 200.00 MHz

# Bus clock frequency: 100.00 MHz

# On Chip Memory :  32 KB

# Total Off Chip Memory : 256 MB

# – DDR_SDRAM = 256 MB

图1. Base System的组成


device Tree(dts file)

/* Device Tree Generator version: 1.3


* (C) Copyright 2007-2008 Xilinx, Inc.

* (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Michal Simek


* Michal SIMEK


* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of

* the License, or (at your option) any later version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


* GNU General Public License for more details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,

* MA 02111-1307 USA


* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.

* Version: Xilinx EDK 10.1.03 EDK_K_SP3.6


* XPS project directory: Linux_port_UART16550




#address-cells = <1>;

#size-cells = <1>;

compatible = "xlnx,virtex405", "xlnx,virtex";

model = "testing";

DDR_SDRAM: memory@0 {

device_type = "memory";

reg = < 0x0 0x10000000 >;

} ;

aliases {

ethernet0 = &Ethernet_MAC;

serial0 = &RS232_Uart_1;

} ;

chosen {

bootargs = "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/ram";

linux,stdout-path = "/plb@0/serial@83e00000";

} ;

cpus {

#address-cells = <1>;

#cpus = <0x1>;

#size-cells = <0>;

ppc405_0: cpu@0 {

clock-frequency = <200000000>;

compatible = "PowerPC,405", "ibm,ppc405";

d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;

d-cache-size = <0x4000>;

dcr-access-method = "native";

dcr-controller ;

device_type = "cpu";

i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;

i-cache-size = <0x4000>;

model = "PowerPC,405";

reg = <0>;

timebase-frequency = <200000000>;

xlnx,dcr-resync = <0x0>;

xlnx,deterministic-mult = <0x0>;

xlnx,disable-operand-forwarding = <0x1>;

xlnx,fastest-plb-clock = "DPLB0";

xlnx,generate-plb-timespecs = <0x1>;

xlnx,mmu-enable = <0x1>;

} ;

} ;

plb0: plb@0 {

#address-cells = <1>;

#size-cells = <1>;

compatible = "xlnx,plb-v46-1.03.a", "xlnx,plb-v46-1.00.a", "simple-bus";

ranges ;

DDR_SDRAM: mpmc@84800000 {

#address-cells = <1>;

#size-cells = <1>;

compatible = "xlnx,mpmc-4.03.a";

reg = < 0x84800000 0x10000 >;

} ;

DIPSWs_4Bit: gpio@81420000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";

reg = < 0x81420000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,all-inputs = <0x1>;

xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,gpio-width = <0x4>;

xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;

xlnx,is-bidir = <0x1>;

xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;

xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;

xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;

xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;

} ;

Ethernet_MAC: ethernet@81000000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-2.00.b", "xlnx,xps-ethernetlite-1.00.a";

device_type = "network";

interrupt-parent = ;

interrupts = < 1 0 >;

local-mac-address = [ 00 0a 35 8e 08 00 ];

reg = < 0x81000000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,duplex = <0x1>;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,rx-ping-pong = <0x1>;

xlnx,tx-ping-pong = <0x1>;

} ;

LEDs_4Bit: gpio@81400000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";

reg = < 0x81400000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,all-inputs = <0x0>;

xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,gpio-width = <0x4>;

xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;

xlnx,is-bidir = <0x0>;

xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;

xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;

xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;

xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;

} ;

PushButtons_5Bit: gpio@81440000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-gpio-1.00.a";

reg = < 0x81440000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,all-inputs = <0x1>;

xlnx,all-inputs-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default = <0x0>;

xlnx,dout-default-2 = <0x0>;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,gpio-width = <0x5>;

xlnx,interrupt-present = <0x0>;

xlnx,is-bidir = <0x1>;

xlnx,is-bidir-2 = <0x1>;

xlnx,is-dual = <0x0>;

xlnx,tri-default = <0xffffffff>;

xlnx,tri-default-2 = <0xffffffff>;

} ;

RS232_Uart_1: serial@83e00000 {

clock-frequency = <100000000>;

compatible = "xlnx,xps-uart16550-2.00.b", "xlnx,xps-uart16550-2.00.a", "ns16550";

current-speed = <9600>;

device_type = "serial";

interrupt-parent = ;

interrupts = < 2 2 >;

reg = < 0x83e00000 0x10000 >;

reg-offset = <0x1003>;

reg-shift = <2>;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,has-external-rclk = <0x0>;

xlnx,has-external-xin = <0x0>;

xlnx,is-a-16550 = <0x1>;

} ;

SysACE_CompactFlash: sysace@83600000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-sysace-1.00.a";

interrupt-parent = ;

interrupts = < 0 2 >;

reg = < 0x83600000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

xlnx,mem-width = <0x10>;

} ;

xps_bram_if_cntlr_1: xps-bram-if-cntlr@ffff8000 {

compatible = "xlnx,xps-bram-if-cntlr-1.00.a";

reg = < 0xffff8000 0x8000 >;

xlnx,family = "virtex2p";

} ;

xps_intc_0: interrupt-controller@81800000 {

#interrupt-cells = <0x2>;

compatible = "xlnx,xps-intc-1.00.a";

interrupt-controller ;

reg = < 0x81800000 0x10000 >;

xlnx,kind-of-intr = <0x2>;

xlnx,num-intr-inputs = <0x3>;

} ;

} ;

ppc405_0_dplb1: plb@1 {

#address-cells = <1>;

#size-cells = <1>;

compatible = "xlnx,plb-v46-1.03.a", "xlnx,plb-v46-1.00.a", "simple-bus";

ranges ;

} ;





XMD%dow simpleImage.initrd.virtex-yao.elf


zImage starting: loaded at 0x00400000 (sp: 0x00857fb0)

Allocating 0x345810 bytes for kernel ...

gunzipping (0x00000000

Attached initrd image at 0x00591000-0x008560b7

initrd head: 0x1f8b0808

Linux/PowerPC load: console=ttyS0 ip=on root=/dev/ram

Finalizing device tree... flat tree at 0x864300


图2. arch/powerpc/boot/main.c 部分代码


1. Linux Operating System Software Debugging Techniques with Xilinx Embedded Development Platforms

2. Debugging Kernel Boot Problems  from Xilinx Open Source Wiki

3."Finalizing device tree… flat tree at 0x5a4300" —- Linux booting problem on custom board. (virtex4fx140)

from Xilinx Forums

4. Tutorials for Running Linux on Xilinx FPGAs

5.Linux kernel git from Xilinx and device trees

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