
  • Okio是什么
  • 输入流Source
  • 输出流sink
  • 输入 写入到 输出
  • 内存拷贝策略
  • Segment 池
  • 随机读写
  • 题外话





   File src = new File("hello.txt");File dest = new File("hellocopied.txt");BufferedSource bufferedSource = null;try {bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(src));BufferedSink bufferedSink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(dest));bufferedSink.writeAll(bufferedSource);bufferedSink.close();} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}


 bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(src));


  /** Returns a source that reads from {@code file}. */public static Source source(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("file == null");return source(new FileInputStream(file));}


private static Source source(final InputStream in, final Timeout timeout) {...省略return new Source() {@Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {...省略try {timeout.throwIfReached();Segment tail = sink.writableSegment(1);int maxToCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, Segment.SIZE - tail.limit);int bytesRead = in.read(tail.data, tail.limit, maxToCopy);if (bytesRead == -1) return -1;tail.limit += bytesRead;sink.size += bytesRead;return bytesRead;} catch (AssertionError e) {if (isAndroidGetsocknameError(e)) throw new IOException(e);throw e;}}@Override public void close() throws IOException {in.close();}  ...省略};}


     Segment tail = sink.writableSegment(1);int maxToCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, Segment.SIZE - tail.limit);int bytesRead = in.read(tail.data, tail.limit, maxToCopy);


  Segment writableSegment(int minimumCapacity) {if (minimumCapacity < 1 || minimumCapacity > Segment.SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException();//第一种情况if (head == null) {head = SegmentPool.take(); // Acquire a first segment.return head.next = head.prev = head;}Segment tail = head.prev;//第二种情况if (tail.limit + minimumCapacity > Segment.SIZE || !tail.owner) {tail = tail.push(SegmentPool.take()); // Append a new empty segment to fill up.}//第三种情况直接返回return tail;}

segmentPool其实也不复杂,就是segment组成的链表,每个segment的pos == limit = 0,整个segment被置空;调用take()从链表中获取头结点,recycle()回收插入到链表头部。




   tail.limit += bytesRead;sink.size += bytesRead;return bytesRead;

如上图所示,limit代表着可读数据截止点,因为刚刚向segment中写入了bytesRead 的数据,所以tail这个segment的limit也会向后移动bytesRead长度,所以需要做加法。sink是个buffer对象,里面是个segment的链表,刚刚链表的尾部tail新增了bytesRead这多的数据,那么sink的总大小size也会相应的增加bytesRead。

   bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(src));


  public static BufferedSource buffer(Source source) {return new RealBufferedSource(source);}


final class RealBufferedSource implements BufferedSource {public final Buffer buffer = new Buffer();public final Source source;boolean closed;RealBufferedSource(Source source) {if (source == null) throw new NullPointerException("source == null");this.source = source;}



  BufferedSink bufferedSink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(dest));


  /** Returns a sink that writes to {@code file}. */public static Sink sink(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("file == null");return sink(new FileOutputStream(file));}


private static Sink sink(final OutputStream out, final Timeout timeout) {...省略return new Sink() {@Override public void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) throws IOException {checkOffsetAndCount(source.size, 0, byteCount);while (byteCount > 0) {timeout.throwIfReached();Segment head = source.head;int toCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, head.limit - head.pos);out.write(head.data, head.pos, toCopy);head.pos += toCopy;byteCount -= toCopy;source.size -= toCopy;if (head.pos == head.limit) {source.head = head.pop();SegmentPool.recycle(head);}}}@Override public void flush() throws IOException {out.flush();}@Override public void close() throws IOException {out.close();}...省略};}


    Segment head = source.head;int toCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount, head.limit - head.pos);out.write(head.data, head.pos, toCopy);

从source中取出头部segment,然后从头部数据中读取toCopy 长度的数据写入到out输出流中,这个out输出流我们知道,就是从外面作为参数的FIleoutputStream输出流(这个java原生的写入读出操作也就是从流中for循环一个字节一个字节的读出写入数据到对应的数据容器中,然后结束)。

    head.pos += toCopy;byteCount -= toCopy;source.size -= toCopy;if (head.pos == head.limit) {source.head = head.pop();SegmentPool.recycle(head);}



public static BufferedSink buffer(Sink sink) {return new RealBufferedSink(sink);
}final class RealBufferedSink implements BufferedSink {public final Buffer buffer = new Buffer();public final Sink sink;boolean closed;RealBufferedSink(Sink sink) {if (sink == null) throw new NullPointerException("sink == null");this.sink = sink;}

sink对象作为RealBufferedSink 成员变量,内部创建一个空的Buffer对象作为数据容器。

输入 写入到 输出


    bufferedSink.writeAll(bufferedSource);class BufferedSink {...省略long writeAll(Source source) throws IOException;...省略}


  @Override public long writeAll(Source source) throws IOException {if (source == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("source == null");long totalBytesRead = 0;for (long readCount; (readCount = source.read(buffer, Segment.SIZE)) != -1; ) {totalBytesRead += readCount;emitCompleteSegments();}return totalBytesRead;}

我们再进去看下source.read(buffer, Segment.SIZE))怎么实现的,我们知道realBufferSource实现了source的接口,所以这句话是realBufferSource的实现:

  @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) throws IOException {...省略if (buffer.size == 0) {long read = source.read(buffer, Segment.SIZE);if (read == -1) return -1;}long toRead = Math.min(byteCount, buffer.size);return buffer.read(sink, toRead);}


  @Override public long read(Buffer sink, long byteCount) {...省略if (size == 0) return -1L;if (byteCount > size) byteCount = size;sink.write(this, byteCount);return byteCount;}

首先就是大小为0的话,没有数据直接返回。有数据的情况下,参数byteCount大于buffer的大小size的话,那么只能读取size大小的数据,接下来sink.write(this, byteCount);就是sink的buffer从this的buffer中读取byteCount大小的数据了(Bufer实现了source和sink的接口方法,所以读写功能的函数都有)。进去看看怎么实现的(下面有很大一块注释舍不得删除,翻译过来就能直接理解okio的复用操作,很详细):

  @Override public void write(Buffer source, long byteCount) {// Move bytes from the head of the source buffer to the tail of this buffer// while balancing two conflicting goals: don't waste CPU and don't waste// memory.////// Don't waste CPU (ie. don't copy data around).//// Copying large amounts of data is expensive. Instead, we prefer to// reassign entire segments from one buffer to the other.////// Don't waste memory.//// As an invariant, adjacent pairs of segments in a buffer should be at// least 50% full, except for the head segment and the tail segment.//// The head segment cannot maintain the invariant because the application is// consuming bytes from this segment, decreasing its level.//// The tail segment cannot maintain the invariant because the application is// producing bytes, which may require new nearly-empty tail segments to be// appended.////// Moving segments between buffers//// When writing one buffer to another, we prefer to reassign entire segments// over copying bytes into their most compact form. Suppose we have a buffer// with these segment levels [91%, 61%]. If we append a buffer with a// single [72%] segment, that yields [91%, 61%, 72%]. No bytes are copied.//// Or suppose we have a buffer with these segment levels: [100%, 2%], and we// want to append it to a buffer with these segment levels [99%, 3%]. This// operation will yield the following segments: [100%, 2%, 99%, 3%]. That// is, we do not spend time copying bytes around to achieve more efficient// memory use like [100%, 100%, 4%].//// When combining buffers, we will compact adjacent buffers when their// combined level doesn't exceed 100%. For example, when we start with// [100%, 40%] and append [30%, 80%], the result is [100%, 70%, 80%].////// Splitting segments//// Occasionally we write only part of a source buffer to a sink buffer. For// example, given a sink [51%, 91%], we may want to write the first 30% of// a source [92%, 82%] to it. To simplify, we first transform the source to// an equivalent buffer [30%, 62%, 82%] and then move the head segment,// yielding sink [51%, 91%, 30%] and source [62%, 82%]....省略while (byteCount > 0) {// Is a prefix of the source's head segment all that we need to move?if (byteCount < (source.head.limit - source.head.pos)) {Segment tail = head != null ? head.prev : null;if (tail != null && tail.owner&& (byteCount + tail.limit - (tail.shared ? 0 : tail.pos) <= Segment.SIZE)) {// Our existing segments are sufficient. Move bytes from source's head to our tail.source.head.writeTo(tail, (int) byteCount);source.size -= byteCount;size += byteCount;return;} else {// We're going to need another segment. Split the source's head// segment in two, then move the first of those two to this buffer.source.head = source.head.split((int) byteCount);}}// Remove the source's head segment and append it to our tail.Segment segmentToMove = source.head;long movedByteCount = segmentToMove.limit - segmentToMove.pos;source.head = segmentToMove.pop();if (head == null) {head = segmentToMove;head.next = head.prev = head;} else {Segment tail = head.prev;tail = tail.push(segmentToMove);tail.compact();}source.size -= movedByteCount;size += movedByteCount;byteCount -= movedByteCount;}}


每个 Segment 管理了 8k 左右的缓冲区,如果 Segment 过多,负载不高的话(即内存使用率低)会造成内存的浪费,为了解决这个问题,Buffer 里面对于 Segment 做了一些分类, Segment 被分成两种类型:可写和只读,如果可变的话意味着内部的字节可能会用 System.arraycopy 进行写入; 不可变意味着它只读,在 Buffer 间的拷贝只能通过重新 assign 的方式从一个 Buffer 移动到另外一个 Buffer 里。如何确定一个 Segment 是变量还是不可变量呢?它的策略如下:

非头尾节点且 Segment 内部缓冲区利用率到达 50% 以上,或者不是内部缓冲区的 owner,那么这个 Segment 一定是只读的
首先,这个 Segment 一定是内部缓冲区的 owner,如果它是头尾节点且内部缓冲区利用率不足 50%,那么这个 Segment 就是可写的。
基于以上对于 Segment 类别的划分,我们在移动 Segement 上的策略也不太一样,我们可以来解释下注释里的几个例子:

如果要往一个 Buffer 写入数据, 它包含两个 Segment,使用率为 [91%, 61%],为了简单化,直接表示为 [91%, 61%]。这时被写入的buffer为 [72%],那么我们会把这个 Segment 从它原先的链表中移除,直接加入到写入的 Buffer 中。这个过程内存拷贝的操作为0。

例子 2:
往一个 Buffer [100%, 2%] 中写入另一个 Buffer [99%, 3%],那么先使用第一步的操作,使得内存结构为 [100%, 2%, 99%,],这时候如果把 99% 的 Segment 拷贝到 2% 上,会导致其负荷超过 100%,因此 okio 就不在拷贝内存上花费过多的时间,这时候把 [3%] 再移动一下,使得 Segement 序列变成 [100%, 2%, 99%, 3%]

例子 3:
往一个 Buffer [100%, 40%] 中写入另一个 Buffer [30%, 80%],那么会先把 30% 的那部分移动到前面一个 Buffer 中,变成 [100%, 40%, 30%],然后做归集操作的时候,发现 30% 部分的 Segment 可以合并到前面的 40% 中,内存分布会变成 [100%, 70%],再写入 80% 的数据的时候,因为 80% + 70% > 100%,因此不再做归集,最终的内存分布就是 [100%, 70%, 80%]。

例子 4:
如果我们的需要移动的数据少于第一个 Segment 拥有的数据的话,我们首先会做一个分割操作 (split),在头部分出一个新的 Segment,然后再移动到目标 Segment 中,然后做归集操作。

除这几个策略意外,我们的 Segment 里面记录了是否底层共享内存缓存的标志位(shared),和对内存的控制权标志位 (owner)。

final class Segment {final byte[] data;/** The next byte of application data byte to read in this segment. */int pos;/** The first byte of available data ready to be written to. */int limit;/** True if other segments or byte strings use the same byte array. */boolean shared;/** True if this segment owns the byte array and can append to it, extending {@code limit}. */boolean owner;/** Next segment in a linked or circularly-linked list. */Segment next;/** Previous segment in a circularly-linked list. */Segment prev;...

因为我们在进行大内存的拷贝时,是使用浅拷贝的方式,这种拷贝方式并没有拷贝底层的数据,只是新生成一个 Segment 对象,这个 Segment 对象是只读的。目标 如果获得了对该 Segment 的引用,就可以直接读取它内部的数据。

我们可以在源码 (Segment.java) 中找到两个拷贝函数shadowCopy和unshadowCopy,分别是浅拷贝和深拷贝,浅拷贝出来的 Segment ,因为共享了一块内存,所以它是只读的。但是读游标 (pos) 的变化没有影响,可以独立。同时原来的 Segment 会被标记为 shared。

如果是一个只读的 Segment,那么它是不能进行写操作的。
第二条是调用了浅拷贝之后的原 Segment,它是可写的,现在又变成共享的
如果是一个可写的共享 Segment (shared == true && owner == true),那么它可以追加数据,但是不能覆盖游标 pos 以前的数据,具体详情可以看图


如果是一个独立的 Segment (shared == false && owner == true),那么可以对它进行追加数据,同时因为已经有 pos 来指定已读部分,因此已读部分之前的数据可被覆盖。

Segment 池

通过查看源码,我们知道,每个 Segment 在构造的时候,会分配 8k 的内存

  Segment() {this.data = new byte[SIZE];this.owner = true;this.shared = false;}

分配内存的动作非常消耗 CPU,因此,我们应该把已经分配的内存管理起来。SegmentPool这个类是一个灵活的内存池,代码很少,我们可以贴上来看一下。

/*** A collection of unused segments, necessary to avoid GC churn and zero-fill.* This pool is a thread-safe static singleton.*/
final class SegmentPool {/** The maximum number of bytes to pool. */// TODO: Is 64 KiB a good maximum size? Do we ever have that many idle segments?static final long MAX_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64 KiB./** Singly-linked list of segments. */static @Nullable Segment next;/** Total bytes in this pool. */static long byteCount;private SegmentPool() {}static Segment take() {synchronized (SegmentPool.class) {if (next != null) {Segment result = next;next = result.next;result.next = null;byteCount -= Segment.SIZE;return result;}}return new Segment(); // Pool is empty. Don't zero-fill while holding a lock.}static void recycle(Segment segment) {if (segment.next != null || segment.prev != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();if (segment.shared) return; // This segment cannot be recycled.synchronized (SegmentPool.class) {if (byteCount + Segment.SIZE > MAX_SIZE) return; // Pool is full.byteCount += Segment.SIZE;segment.next = next;segment.pos = segment.limit = 0;next = segment;}}

如果池子里面缓存的内存足够大(64KB)就不会继续缓存了,注意,池子里的内存全部都是空闲内存 (idle)


我们花了很大篇幅讲了 okio 的内存和 CPU 优化的策略,之前说了,这是牺牲了随机读写性能来达到目标的,那么随机读写有那些功能呢?我们可以在 Buffer 类中找到答案。
indexOf Buffer

Buffer 类中有几个 indexOf 开头的方法,故名思义,是查询某个字节(或者某段字节)在这个 Buffer 中的索引的。因为使用了 Segment 来管理缓冲区,因此每次的随机读写都要进行内存寻址,重复劳动很多,效率也不是特别高,各位如果有兴趣的话可以自行查阅。



通过调用sink.write(this, byteCount);来完成具体实现,实现原理会根据Source和Sink中Segment的不同状态实现策略会相应不同。有这种几种情况:

(1)Source中需要传递的数据是"满"的情况,也就是8k都是有效数据,这种情况直接从source的buffer中拿到Segment,然后添加到sink的buffer上即可,和java io流相比,省去了中间的一次临时buffer拷贝,从而提高的读写效率:





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