我正在尝试将Outlook附件保存到文件夹中,并且文件名已经存在,将较新的文件保存在不同的名称下,以便不保存现有文件....也许只是给一个扩展名“v2”甚至“v3”如果“v2”存在 .



Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments

Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection

Dim i As Long

Dim lngCount As Long

Dim strFile As String

Dim strFolderpath As String

Dim strDeletedFiles As String

' Get the path to your My Documents folder

strFolderpath = "C:\Users\Owner\my folder is here"

On Error Resume Next

' Instantiate an Outlook Application object.

Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

' Get the collection of selected objects.

Set objSelection = objOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection

' Set the Attachment folder.

strFolderpath = strFolderpath & "\my subfolder is here\"

' Check each selected item for attachments. If attachments exist,

' save them to the strFolderPath folder and strip them from the item.

For Each objMsg In objSelection

' This code only strips attachments from mail items.

' If objMsg.class=olMail Then

' Get the Attachments collection of the item.

Set objAttachments = objMsg.Attachments

lngCount = objAttachments.Count

strDeletedFiles = ""

If lngCount > 0 Then

' We need to use a count down loop for removing items

' from a collection. Otherwise, the loop counter gets

' confused and only every other item is removed.

For i = lngCount To 1 Step -1

' Save attachment before deleting from item.

' Get the file name.

strFile = objAttachments.Item(i).FileName

' Combine with the path to the Temp folder.

strFile = strFolderpath & strFile

' Save the attachment as a file.

objAttachments.Item(i).SaveAsFile strFile

' Delete the attachment.


'write the save as path to a string to add to the message

'check for html and use html tags in link

If objMsg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then

strDeletedFiles = strDeletedFiles & vbCrLf & ""


strDeletedFiles = strDeletedFiles & "
" & "" & strFile & ""

End If

'Use the MsgBox command to troubleshoot. Remove it from the final code.

'MsgBox strDeletedFiles

Next i

' Adds the filename string to the message body and save it

' Check for HTML body

If objMsg.BodyFormat <> olFormatHTML Then

objMsg.Body = vbCrLf & "The file(s) were saved to " & strDeletedFiles & vbCrLf & objMsg.Body


objMsg.HTMLBody = "

" & "The file(s) were saved to " & strDeletedFiles & "

" & objMsg.HTMLBody

End If


End If



Set objAttachments = Nothing

Set objMsg = Nothing

Set objSelection = Nothing

Set objOL = Nothing

End Sub



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