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Topic – to implement a parser to retrieve AT command line and print out (1) the tokens

one by one and (2) the elapse time of each command line (processing).

Please submit the solution in 48 hours.

- The solution could be varied depends on your algorithm. There is no standard solution.

- Please program it in C language.

- The specification is as bellows:

1. Based on the following AT command set and skip the space character, comma(,), a pair of (“ “), then decode each line and print out all the tokens you retrieve.

2. Refer to the following examples which will give you a hint.

3. The length of each token is varied. But the maximum length of token is 15 characters.

For example, the command line AT+CBST=7,0,0

Output should be: token[1] is AT

token[2] is +

token[3] is CBST

token[4] is =

token[5] is 7

token[6] is 0

token[7] is 0

Example 2. the command line ATE1+CBST=7,0,0;D01763266491

Output should be: token[1] is ATE1

token[2] is +

token[3] is CBST

token[4] is =

token[5] is 7

token[6] is 0

token[7] is 0

token[8] is ;

token[9] is D01763266491

Example 3. the command line AT+CPBS= M”6

Output should be: token[1] is AT

token[2] is +

token[3] is CPBS

token[4] is =

token[5] is M

token[6] is ”

token[7] is 6

Note single “ is not ignored.

Example 4. the command line AT+CKPD= ”#12#”

Output should be: token[1] is AT

token[2] is +

token[3] is CKPD

token[4] is =

token[5] is #

token[6] is 12

token[7] is #

Example 5. the command line


This is a test message

Hello world

Output should be: token[1] is AT

token[2] is +

token[3] is CMGW

token[4] is =

token[5] is +

token[6] is 44802333237

token[7] is

token[8] is This

token[9] is is

token[10] is a

token[11] is test

token[12] is message

token[13] is

token[14] is Hello

token[15] is world

Example 6. the command line


This is a test ”message

Hello ”world

Output should be: token[1] is AT

token[2] is +

token[3] is CMGW

token[4] is =

token[5] is +

token[6] is 44802333237

token[7] is

token[8] is This

token[9] is is

token[10] is a

token[11] is test

token[12] is ”

token[13] is message

token[14] is

token[15] is Hello

token[16] is ”

token[17] is world

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