安装:pip install pylsy

from __future__ import print_function
from wcwidth import wcwidthimport timeclass pylsytable(object):def __init__(self, attributes):"""Creates a new PylsyTable object with the given attrs (cols)."""self.StrTable = ""self.Table = []self.AttributesLength = []self.Lines_num = 0if type(attributes) != list:attributes = [attributes]self.Attributes = [u"{0}".format(attr) for attr in attributes]self.Cols_num = len(self.Attributes)for attribute in self.Attributes:col = dict()col[attribute] = []self.Table.append(col)def _print_divide(self):"""Prints all those table line dividers."""for space in self.AttributesLength:self.StrTable += "+ " + "- " * spaceself.StrTable += "+"+"\n"def append_data(self, attribute, values):"""Appends the given value(s) to the attribute (column)."""found = Falseif type(values) != list:values = [values]for col in self.Table:if attribute in col:dict_values = [u"{0}".format(value) for value in values]col[attribute] += dict_valuesfound = Trueif not found:raise KeyError(attribute)def add_data(self, attribute, values):"""Sets the given values for the attribute (column)."""found = Falseif type(values) != list:values = [values]for col in self.Table:if attribute in col:dict_values = [u"{0}".format(value) for value in values]col[attribute] = dict_valuesfound = Trueif not found:raise KeyError(attribute)def _create_table(self):"""Creates a pretty-printed string representation of the table as``self.StrTable``."""self.StrTable = ""self.AttributesLength = []self.Lines_num = 0# Prepare some values..for col in self.Table:# Updates the table line count if necessaryvalues = list(col.values())[0]self.Lines_num = max(self.Lines_num, len(values))# find the length of longest value in current columnkey_length = max([self._disp_width(v) for v in values] or [0])# and also the table headerkey_length = max(key_length, self._disp_width(list(col.keys())[0]))self.AttributesLength.append(key_length)# Do the real thing.self._print_head()self._print_value()def _print_head(self):"""Generates the table header."""self._print_divide()self.StrTable += "| "for colwidth, attr in zip(self.AttributesLength, self.Attributes):self.StrTable += self._pad_string(attr, colwidth * 2)self.StrTable += "| "self.StrTable += '\n'self._print_divide()def _print_value(self):"""Generates the table values."""for line in range(self.Lines_num):for col, length in zip(self.Table, self.AttributesLength):vals = list(col.values())[0]val = vals[line] if len(vals) != 0 and line < len(vals) else ''self.StrTable += "| "self.StrTable += self._pad_string(val, length * 2)self.StrTable += "|"+'\n'self._print_divide()def _disp_width(self, pwcs, n=None):"""A wcswidth that never gives -1. Copying existing code is evil, but..github.com/jquast/wcwidth/blob/07cea7f/wcwidth/wcwidth.py#L182-L204"""# pylint: disable=C0103#         Invalid argument name "n"# TODO: Shall we consider things like ANSI escape seqs here?#       We can implement some ignore-me segment like those wrapped by#       \1 and \2 in readline too.end = len(pwcs) if n is None else nidx = slice(0, end)width = 0for char in pwcs[idx]:width += max(0, wcwidth(char))return widthdef _pad_string(self, str, colwidth):"""Center-pads a string to the given column width using spaces."""width = self._disp_width(str)prefix = (colwidth - 1 - width) // 2suffix = colwidth - prefix - widthreturn ' ' * prefix + str + ' ' * suffixdef __str__(self):"""Returns a pretty-printed string representation of the table."""self._create_table()return self.StrTable# 使用
#table.append_data("name",u"小明")for i in range(15):time.sleep(0.5)id=[str(i)]table.add_data("id",id)print("\r{}".format(table), end='',  flush=True)

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